Bitterness and dry mouth - symptoms, causes and control methods

Unpleasant sensations in the mouthBy dry mouth in medicine means a disease - xerostomia, which is a symptom of a large number of various diseases, leading to a significant reduction in salivation. This condition may occur due to various reasons. The feeling of dryness in the oral cavity is the case with atrophy of the salivary glands, various forms of infectious diseases, disorders of the nervous system, pathologies of the stomach and other diseases.

Very often dry mouth may be temporary, especially in the exacerbation of various kinds of chronic diseases or in the use of drugs. But if dry mouth precedes serious pathologies, then at the initial stage it can be felt the itching of the oral mucosa, feeling burning in the tongue and drying of the throat. At the same time, without the correct treatment of the main causes of related symptoms of this kind, the development of mucosal atrophy in the mouth can occur.

Therefore, if a person suffers from constant dryness in the oral cavity, it is imperative to seek medical help from a doctor who will diagnose the true problem and start treatment in a timely manner. At the same time to which specialist you need to go depends on the root of the problem. Firstly need to visit a therapistwhich will determine which department of the medical institution should be treated further, therapeutic, neurological, infectious or gastroenterological, for the correct diagnosis of the disease.

In most cases, the feeling of dryness in the oral cavity is a consequence of various kinds of diseases, which are accompanied by specific symptoms depending on the pathologies. At the same time, doctors distinguish the following group of symptomsconcomitant dry mouth:

  • Feeling of thirststrong thirst and frequent urine;
  • drying of the throat and nose;
  • pain in the throat and difficulty swallowing;
  • lips are surrounded by a pronounced border and the corners of the mouth cracks are formed;
  • speech becomes illegible due to viscosity in the oral cavity;
  • sensation of burning sensation, dryness of the tongue, which turns bright red and begins to itch, is enhanced;
  • taste changes when eating food;
  • a sharp, unpleasant odor appears from the mouth;
  • voice becomes hoarse.

At the same time, in order to understand how to be in such a situation and a sign of which disease is bitterness and dry mouth, you need to find out the main causes of pathology.

Causes of dryness in the mouth

There are a lot of reasons why dry mouth can appear, but today doctors distinguish the following depending on concomitant disease.

  1. Why is dry mouthThe feeling of dry mouth in the morning after a night's sleep, which only worries the patient at night, and with the onset of the day passes by itself, is completely harmless and does not lead to serious consequences. Dryness in the mouth at night may appear when a person breathes through his mouth or snores in his sleep.In this case, the pathology of nasal breathing can be a consequence of the curvature of the nasal septum, inflammation of the polyp, rhinitis caused by allergies, clogged maxillary sinuses, or even the usual cold.
  2. Dry mouth can be a side effect from the use of various medications. This is a fairly common side effect that is caused by a number of drugs, especially if they are used in combination.
  3. Very often, dryness and bitterness in the mouth are symptoms of infectious diseases due to prolonged fever and general intoxication. Also, the drying of the oral cavity can be caused by viral infections that affect the salivary glands, circulatory system and affect salivation, for example, in the case of mumps.
  4. In the case of systemic diseases of the internal organs, especially diabetes, anemia, stroke, hypotension, rheumatoid arthritis and other similar pathologies.
  5. In case of radiation or chemotherapy in diseases associated with cancer problems that also affect salivation.
  6. In the case of surgery and head injuries that violate the integrity of the nervous system or the salivary gland.
  7. With dehydration and pathologies associated with increased sweating, temperature, chills, diarrhea and vomiting, the oral mucosa may also dry out.
  8. For diseases related to dental problems.
  9. Also, dry mouth can be a consequence of excessive smoking.

If dry mouth is constantly felt, this increases the risk of developing pathologiesassociated with gums and other organs of the oral cavity, such as gingivitis, candidiasis, a fungal form of stomatitis, caries, chronic tonsillitis and other diseases of this kind, which are caused by a violation of the basic functions of the salivary glands.

If, in addition to feelings of bitterness and drying in the oral cavity, there are emetic urges, a bloody yellow color is formed on the tongue, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, constantly thirsty and frequent urination - this is a series of serious pathologies that only an experienced doctor can diagnose with a personal examination of the patient. Next, we will try to examine some diseases that cause dryness and bitterness in the mouth.

Dry mouth during pregnancy

Xerostomia, occurring in a pregnant woman, while observing the drinking regimen, is a rare phenomenon, since during pregnancy, salivation, on the contrary, greatly increases. But in some cases dryness and bitterness may occur in the following situations:

  • Dry mouthin hot climates, in the summer, dryness may occur due to increased perspiration, which is the norm;
  • if there is a feeling of dryness in the oral cavity in pregnant women with a metallic taste and sourness, this indicates the presence of a gestational form of diabetes, which is diagnosed by blood tests for glucose;
  • if during pregnancy women urinate becomes more frequent, which can also lead to a feeling of dryness in the mouth due to intense removal of fluid from the body, which does not have time to replenish naturally;
  • Also, dry mouth in pregnant women can occur due to a sharp deficiency of potassium and an excess of magnesium.

Dry mouth for diabetes

The feeling of dryness in the mouth, which is accompanied by thirst is the main symptom associated with diabetes. If the patient suffers from constant thirst, frequent urination, a sharp increase in appetite and weight gain, or, conversely, a strong weight loss, and in the oral cavity is dry and there is weakness, skin pustules and cracks in the corners of the mouth - you must immediately undergo an analysis for the presence of glucose in the blood.

Diabetes in the female half of the population can also be supplemented by an itch in the pubic area. In turn, in men the potency is greatly reduced and inflammation appears in the foreskin. The feeling of thirst and dryness in the oral cavity in persons suffering from diabetes mellitus is constantly manifested in contrast to healthy people who feel these symptoms only in the summer heat or after eating salty, sweet or alcohol.

Dry and abdominal pain - intestinal pathology

Causes of abdominal painIn the case of any food poisoning in the event of diarrhea, emetic urge, abdominal pain - the human body loses water, which leads to a feeling of dryness in the mouth. Very often this will occur due to irritable bowel syndrome or dysbiosis.

If digestive disorders and dyspepsia last several months, a gastroenterologist may be diagnosed with intestinal irritability. Disorders in the bowels have a lot of reasons, ranging from taking medication and ending with improper nutrition. In this case, doctors are allocated The following symptoms of bowel disease:

  • pain in the epigastric region during or after meals, which disappear when the intestine is completely empty;
  • diarrhea after a night's sleep or, conversely, constipation;
  • gas formation in the abdomen or swelling;
  • constant heaviness in the stomach;
  • failure in sleep mode, feeling of weakness, lethargy and headaches.

I would like to immediately note that the symptoms are greatly exacerbated by stress, physical exertion or anxiety.

Dryness and bitterness - the main reasons

Bitterness and dry mouth the appearance of a yellow-white plaque on the surface of the tongue, as well as heartburn and flatulence - symptoms that accompany the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and a whole list of other diseases of the human body.

  1. Feeling bitter in the mouthBiliary dyskinesia or problems with the gallbladder.
  2. The feeling of dryness and bitterness in the mouth - the effects of inflammation of the gums, which is accompanied by burning and taste of metal in the mouth.
  3. Different forms of neurosis, psychosis and other neurotic problems also cause dryness and bitterness in the mouth.
  4. If the feeling of dryness and bitterness is accompanied by pain in the area of ​​the right side, it can be cholecystitis or cholelithiasis.
  5. Symptoms of dryness and bitterness can also be a consequence of taking antibiotics.
  6. In case of pathologies associated with the thyroid gland, adrenaline rush increases and, as a result, spasms occur in the bile duct, due to which the tongue is stained with yellow-white bloom, and bitterness and dryness appear in the mouth.
  7. Also in the case of gastritis, which is accompanied by pain in the stomach, heartburn and nausea - bitterness and strong drying are observed in the oral cavity. Moreover, in most cases, the causative agent of the disease is the helicobacter pylori bacteria.

Dry mouth and dizziness

Low blood pressure also accompanied by dry mouth with vertigo. Unfortunately, in recent times quite a few people on our planet have suffered from reduced pressure, not paying any attention to this. But if this is accompanied by weakness and dizziness, as well as pain in the back of the head, these are alarming symptoms that can lead to a hypotonic crisis, shock and other serious health problems.

In patients with pressure, dizziness and dry mouth are often observed, as well as a feeling of weakness and lethargy, especially in the evening. Violation of blood circulation can affect almost all human organs, including the glands responsible for the secretion of saliva. Therefore, the patient may experience headache and a feeling of dryness in the mouth. For this reason, for any pathologies associated with pressure, you must immediately contact a cardiologist who will be prescribed treatment.

How to deal with bitterness and dry mouth?

The first step is to establish the exact cause of dryness and bitterness in the mouth, because without correct diagnosis You can not get rid of the source of the symptom.

  • The way to deal with drynessIf symptoms of dryness are caused by disorders associated with nasal breathing, gastrointestinal tract pathologies, or diabetes mellitus, contact the gastroenterological or endocrinology department of the clinic.
  • Also, this kind of symptoms can be caused by bad habits: smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and junk food from which it is desirable to get rid of.
  • Increase the use of clean water to 2 liters throughout the day.
  • To monitor the humidity in the room, which will also help to deal with the problem.
  • You can use special lip balms.
  • Take regulatory drugs, salivation.
  • When hot pepper is added to the diet, salivation is also activated because it contains capsaicin, which acts on the salivary glands.

If the above measures to combat bitterness and dry mouth do not lead to the desired result, then you can not do without the drug treatment prescribed by an experienced doctor. Generally xerostomia treatment directly depends on the cause of its occurrence. Therefore, it is always important to determine the factor that initiates dryness and bitterness in the mouth.


