One of the most frequent complaints of various diseases is dry mouth. It is possible diseases of the digestive system, acute diseases of the abdominal organs, which require surgery, diseases of the nervous and cardiac systems, diabetes, endocrine and metabolic disorders. Diagnosing and correctly identifying this symptom may be one of the main treatment criteria.
Why does dry mouth appear?
The reasons for the appearance of dry mouth are many. The natural moistening of the mucous tissues of the oral cavity with saliva depends on many factors. A strong appearance of dryness in the mouth can be caused either by impaired perception of the presence of saliva in the oral cavity, or its quantitative and qualitative violation of the composition. Main reasons dryness may occur:
- Disturbances in the oral mucosa of trophic processes;
- Significant changes in sensory receptors in the mucosa;
- Mechanical overdrying of the mouth with air;
- Increased osmotic blood pressure;
- Disorders in the body electrolyte balance and water metabolism;
- Violations of humoral and nervous regulation of saliva formation;
- Internal intoxication and the effect on the body of toxic elements from the external environment.
Probable diseasesin which dry mouth occurs:
- Sleep with an open mouth or prolonged action of elevated temperatures, when the usual drying of the mucous membrane appears;
- Diabetes. As a rule, the newly formed dry mouth, which is persistent, is a symptom of this disease. When diabetes is combined with excessive urination for a day, the diagnosis is obvious, even without additional diagnosis;
- Dehydration of the body (insufficient fluid intake, diarrhea, prolonged vomiting);
- The use of drugs (drugs against hypertension, antibiotics, etc.);
- Diseases of the nervous system and brain, when the natural regulation of the formation of saliva is impaired (circulatory disorders, strokes, trigeminal neuritis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's);
- Oral diseases;
- Surgical pathology of internal organs in the abdominal cavity (cholecystitis, appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, perforated ulcer);
- Cigarette abuse;
- Alcohol and other types of intoxication;
- Acute infections and purulent inflammations;
- Diseases of the digestive system (peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, etc.).
Important: The most common cause of persistent dry mouth. among people of middle and young ageWhen there are no probable reasons for it, diabetes is considered. Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to exclude this problem.
When diabetes is not diagnosed, it is possible to carry out a follow-up diagnostic examination by specifying dryness and combining it with other symptoms.
Dry in the morning
There are cases when dry mouth is formed only in the morning. Most often this indicates problems that are associated with local symptoms or are a natural influence on the body of external factors. Dry mouth since morning ends by itself after a certain time after waking up.Since the main reason for its appearance is mechanical overdrying with air at night rest during mouth breathing (problems with nose breathing, snoring). Almost always after the abuse of alcoholic drinks in the morning dryness is formed.
Dry at night
Dry mouth at night needs to be determined in more precise detail, since the reasons for its formation are much more serious, in contrast to the morning. This is possible, as usual overeating at bedtime or drying on the air of the mucous membrane, and diseases of the nervous system. At night at any person reduced saliva production, and during impaired innervation of the salivary glands, this process is disrupted even more. In some cases, constant dryness at night indicates chronic diseases of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.
Other causes of dryness
Only one dryness cannot be considered. It is imperative to pay attention to other signs that sometimes accompany it. Proper determination of the combination of symptoms with dry mouth can help determine the true cause of its formation.
When dryness is accompanied by a general weakness of the organism, one thing can be said: the causes of manifestation are definitely of serious origin. Moreover, this is relevant during their constant progression. These people necessarily need a comprehensive study. Since, ultimately, even the most dangerous diseases can be identified at the initial stage of appearance, which serves as a good reason for their treatment.
Weakness that goes with drynessmaybe with:
- toxicosis of purulent and cancerous origin;
- external intoxication;
- diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system.
Similarly, viral and infectious diseases, diseases of the circulatory system (lymphoma, leukemia, anemia) can also manifest themselves. Cancer patients after surgery or aggressive chemotherapy can also feel weakness, which is combined with dryness.
White tongue
About the language, doctors say that it is a reflection of the abdominal cavity. And in fact, according to the characteristics of the plaque on the tongue, you can learn a lot about the digestive system. As a rule, these pathologies combined with dry mouth. This combination of symptoms may indicate diseases of the intestines, stomach, and esophagus. Such diseases include gastroesophageal reflux disease and reflux esophagitis, gastroduodenitis and gastritis, enterocolitis and colitis, duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer.
If severe pain in the stomach is combined with a white patina on the tongue and dry mouth, then this is an exact symptom of a complex disease. These diseases include stony and simple cholecystitis, appendicitis and various types of complications, intestinal obstruction and perforated gastric ulcer, pancreatic necrosis and pancreatitis. In these cases, there is no need to expect improvement. Treatment must be urgent and may even require surgical intervention.
Bitterness on lips and mouth
In the appearance of bitterness, which is combined with dryness, several mechanisms may be to blame. First, it may be due in violation of the function of the biliary systemand, secondly, in violation of the work of the stomach regarding the evacuation and secretion of hydrochloric acid and gastric juice. In both cases, the delay is acidic foods or bile. The result of this stagnation is the absorption of the products of their decomposition into the blood, which can affect the quantitative and qualitative indicators of saliva.
Bitter substances are also directly deposited on the mucous lips and membranes. Symptoms of the disease can be biliary dyskinesia, chronic and acute cholecystitis, gastritis and gastric ulcer, chronic toxic and viral hepatitis, chronic diseases of the pancreas, which cause a violation of bile.
A combination of nausea and dryness is common. As a rule, the reasons for combining them are food poisoning and intestinal infections. These pathologies can appear, even before the manifestation of a developed clinical picture in the form of vomiting and diarrhea. Also, nausea with dryness often occurs as a result of banal overeating or errors in diet.
Accurately diagnose this combination of symptoms is impossible. Certainly obliged to be evaluated and minor symptoms in the form of digestive disorders and stool, abdominal pain. Surely, only one thing can be determined - the combination of dryness and nausea speaks about problems with the digestive system.
When dizziness is added to dryness, it is always a signal for fear. Since it indicates the disruption of the automatic mechanisms of regulation of blood circulation in the brain and its involvement in the process. It can be either with initial brain diseasewhich is accompanied by dizziness with dryness, or for any other diseases that cause intoxication or dehydration.
In the latter case, the manifestation of an alarming combination of symptoms appears after the direct violation of brain functions, and as a result, the inability to keep the body upright. Moreover, the procedure of normal saliva discharge is disturbed, and this is manifested by dryness. Primary changes in the body, which are not associated with the brain, appear during a decrease in the amount of circulating blood, as a result of which its blood supply decreases. Moreover, those pathological manifestations that occur for secondary brain damage are characteristic.
Frequent urine emission
Frequent urination and dry mouth makes you think about several problems. The first is kidney disease. The chronic processes of inflammation of these organs are directly related to the water balance, determining the amount of urine exiting and the feeling of thirst. The second reason is diabetes.
The mechanism of the combination of signs of frequent urination with dry mouth can be explained as follows. Increased glycemia (elevated blood sugar) leads to high osmotic blood pressure. As a result, the attraction of fluid from the tissues to the vascular system occurs all the time. An increase in the amount of fluid in the blood causes dry mucous membranes and a feeling of thirst, while forcing the kidneys to remove excess fluid from the body.
Dryness during pregnancy
Normal pregnancy is rarely accompanied by severe symptoms. At this time, pregnant women may receive any complaints, but they all have intermittent symptomswithout disturbing general well-being. Periodic dryness during pregnancy is not an exception. But when this symptom gets progressive and protracted course, it is always a signal for anxiety. He can talk about the insufficiency of the water regime and the nutrition of the woman, the exacerbation of a chronic disease.
But it is necessary to worry not so much for such states, as about possible toxicosis. If it appears during the beginning of pregnancy, it is not very scary yet. However, late toxicosis (preeclampsia) constantly causes anxiety for the life of the mother and her child. Therefore, any pregnant woman should know that dry mouth, which is combined with vomiting, nausea, swelling and increased pressure, is the first sign of preeclampsia. Expect a self-improvement of the body is not necessary. Sure to seek help from a doctor.
Since dry mouth can be the first symptom of a rather serious disease, including diabetes, there is no need to ignore it. If you feel this unpleasant feeling almost all the time and at the same time you do not see what reason causes this violation, you should certainly conduct a detailed examination and determine the factor that provoked it.