Trainer for teeth: indications, benefits and cost

Trainers teethBite correction is a complex task. It should be solved only with the use of bracket-systems or records, the price of which is quite high. However, even after many years of orthodontic treatment, the effect may be unstable. For example, teeth may eventually return to their former position. Accordingly, trainers should be used to fix the result. They help get rid of various minor defects.

Why do you need a trainer for teeth?

Main indications to wear trainer:

  • retention occurring after removing braces;
  • bruxism;
  • problems with diction, as well as nasal breathing and swallowing food;
  • teeth torsion;
  • malocclusion.

Similar products are used for torsion of the teeth. Such a defect occurs in the case when there is not enough space in the dentition, because of which the teeth are shifted by the neighboring ones. The result of this process is often development of caries is observed, since it is very difficult to clean germs and food residues in the interdental spaces.

Recently, the problem of large gaps between the teeth is increasingly common. Get rid of them will help trainers. At the same time, it is important to remember that in childhood, before the change of milk teeth, such intervals are quite normal, therefore, orthodontic treatment is not required.

Trainers for the teeth are usually appointed to correct the bite. This is especially true of its cross-section, when the jaws are not matched. The reason for this anomaly is the displacement of the teeth. Without timely orthodontic treatment, bone loss and the development of gum disease are possible.

In the case when the upper dentition overlaps the lower one, formation of a deep bite. The reason for its formation may be improper development of the jaw, which leads to excessive stress on the lower teeth.

Reverse bite is characterized by protrusion of the lower dentition in front of the upper one. Because of such a defect, the functioning of the upper teeth is disturbed, which leads to their loss.

It is worth noting that the habit of constantly holding various objects in the mouth contributes to the formation of the wrong bite. In this case, wearing a trainer will help correct defects and get rid of these habits.

Bruxism is an important indication for the use of the trainer. It is known that gnashing of teethresulting from sudden contractions of the masticatory muscles can cause damage to the tooth enamel and dentin. As a result, periodontal inflammation and caries development is possible. Also, when bruxism often arise muscle pain, which will help get rid of the same trainer for the teeth.

The product helps to correct the position of the tongue, get rid of speech defects, normalize breathing and swallowing.


Although trainers provide a milder effect, unlike braces, they have their own contraindications. This is a strong nasal congestion and serious bite anomalies.


Varieties of trainersTrainers for teeth divided into several types. They have a different price and purpose. Some of them are used to correct dental defects, while others are used to protect teeth under a certain load.

In general, the following types of trainers stand out:

  • Finish This design is used to consolidate the results achieved.
  • Preorthodontic.If an adult person decides to deal with the elimination of bite defects, he needs to use the pre-orthodontic trainer.
  • For braces systems. Helps enhance the effect and speed up bite correction.
  • For athletes. Protects teeth during sports.
  • For kids. Enjoys great demand. So, it is believed that bite correction should be carried out in childhood, namely in 5-10 years. During this period, the teeth respond well to change.

There is another classification based on the stage of treatment. So, trainers are the initial and final. In addition, a group of retrainers is highlighted. At first, the initial variety is used, which exerts minimal pressure on the teeth, which will help facilitate the adaptation to changes. After 4-6 months, you can go to the final trainers. They have a stronger effect on the teeth, which contributes to their alignment after removing the wrong bite. To consolidate the result is assigned to wear retrainers. They have a more compact size and help to avoid relapses.


The average cost of the trainer makes 2-4 thousand rubles. The treatment itself is more expensive, because it includes consultation, selection of designs and monitoring changes in the oral cavity. In any case, the cost of such a design is less than the cost of a modern bracket system.


Care for such a design is very simple. After each snack, it is enough to gently rinse the product under water, and periodically clean it with a brush.

How to care for the trainerIn most cases, wear trainers constantly do not need. It is best to install them at night, when there is training the muscles of the tongue and the normalization of breathing. In general, wearing a trainer is shown with a calm activity. It's about working at the computer, watching movies or reading. When using the design should not talk.

To store the trainer special containers fitwhose price is quite affordable. The product itself can not be subjected to mechanical or thermal effects. Regular inspection is also important. If damage is found, an urgent need to replace the product.

Bite correction begins at age five. It is best to use special trainers for this purpose, which will help to align teeth, as well as improve facial features. While wearing the design, you need to visit the dentist once a month to evaluate the results of treatment. In any case, you need to understand that trainers are unable to correct major changes, so they can not be used instead of braces.


