Violation of the normal closure of the teeth, dentists called abnormal bite, which can be found in almost 40% of the inhabitants of the globe. At the same time, this practically does not bother many, but if pathology causes discomfort when chewing food or during a conversation, then you need to know what types of abnormal bite exist, why they arise and how to deal with them.
Under the wrong bite is usually meant a violation of the natural closure of the upper and lower teeth. Such defects are considered to be one of the most common orthodontic problems. At the same time, procedures for their correction, detection and prevention are equally important for a child as well as for an adult fully formed person.
By what signs can reveal the development of the wrong bite?
To understand what the abnormal closure of the teeth means and how to identify it correctly, you first need to figure out what is the perfect bite, which can be seen in the photo in almost any dentistry. By correct orthodontic bite, it is customary to imply the closing of the jaws, when the upper dentition slightly overlaps the lower teeth. In this embodiment, the chewing functions of the jaws will be most effective. But while teething or growing teeth violations are often observedwhich lead to certain negative changes.
- In the case of an abnormal bite, the lower dentition extends slightly forward, or even more often the opposite is observed, when the teeth on the lower row retreat too much.
- When the location of the teeth is not in place - the loss of one or several teeth from the general row or the formation of additional rows.
- Incomplete development of the lower dentition or a strong extension of the upper jaw forward.
Unfortunately, such changes in a child do not in all cases bother his parents, and some find this even attractive. But in the process of growing up of a baby, the shape of his face does not change for the better if the teeth are closed incorrectly: an unnatural smile and incorrectly positioned teeth, as well as high risk of developing periodontal disease - This is only part of the unpleasant consequences awaiting a child in adolescence. Therefore, the identification and correction of such defects as effectively as possible at the stage of development of the baby.
In spite of the fact that an abnormal bite can be accurately identified, a photo of which is found in all dentistry, only an experienced orthodontist can, there are some common changes that can be clearly identified visually. Thus, a number of the following pathologies can be attributed to the first signs of abnormal jaw closure:
- protrusion of the upper lip;
- wrong growth of teeth;
- improper closure of the dentition;
- an abnormally large development of the lower jaw, which leads to its significant advancement.
If the parents notice any of the above symptoms, they should immediately take the child to an experienced orthodontist.
The main reasons for the development of the wrong bite
In most cases, to determine the causes of the formation of an abnormal bite, you need to recall the patient's childhood. Often genetic factors precede the problemwhen a child inherits the shape of the teeth of one of their parents. Such pathologies are very poorly corrected and are very serious.
Another cause of abnormal occlusion is improper intrauterine development of the child with various forms of the virus, as well as other health problems of the pregnant mother, which can lead to the formation of defects in the formation of closure of the dentition.
But even with the exclusion of genetic and intrauterine factors, the probability of formation, defects of the jaws after the birth of the baby remains high enough. it due to a number of root causesthat affect the development of dentition:
- in the case of birth injuries;
- with artificial feeding;
- problems with the respiratory system;
- nipple or finger residing in the baby’s mouth;
- late removal of milk teeth;
- abnormal occlusion due to prosthetics;
- lack of the necessary amount of mineral substances in the body - lack of fluoride and calcium;
- teething problems;
- metabolic disease;
- jaw injuries.
In the case of adults, an abnormal occlusion may develop if the prosthetics of the lost teeth are not timely.
Abnormal bite - types and signs of pathology
To understand the main types of this kind of pathologies, first of all you need find out what are the correct forms of jaw closure, and also what formation of a wrong bite from the point of view of physiology can influence.
The basis for determining the ideal closure of teeth is natural contact of the dentitionduring which the upper dentition overlaps the lower by approximately one third. In this case, dentists identify the main features of the classic bite:
- at the moment of contact of the upper teeth with the lower analogues, they come into contact naturally;
- a vertical line drawn conditionally along the face, located exactly in the central part between the incisors;
- if there are no significant gaps between the teeth in the neighborhood;
- normal speech and chewing function.
At the same time, an abnormal occlusion is a consequence of a genetic or acquired change caused by various defects of the jaws. In most cases it is all sorts of deviations from normal values closures of the teeth, in which there may be a complete or partial absence of touch in certain areas, which causes significant distortions on the face and impaired chewing functions of the jaws.
Dentists distinguish the following types of malocclusion depending on the existing pathology:
- in the case of an open bite, almost all teeth in each row do not fully close;
- if we are talking about an open bite - the incisors of the upper row can overlap the front surface of the lower teeth by more than half;
- medial occlusion occurs with a noticeable extension of the mandible;
- in the case of distal bite, incomplete development of the lower or excessive development of the upper dentition occurs;
- in the case of dystopia, the teeth taken separately are not in place;
- with crossbite, incomplete development of one side of each jaw is observed.
To find out what will lead any of the varieties of abnormal bite, you need to remember the consequences of sick teeth, which, as you know, are always accompanied by strong pain and have a negative impact on the general condition of the person.
Prophylactic measures in the development of malocclusion
As it turned out, most of the pathologies associated with improper bite, come from childhood. Therefore, to prevent problems with defects of dentition, parents must prevent the development of such pathologies at the kid.
If a genetic predisposition has not been identified, all preventive measures are based on simple rules:
- monitor the health of a pregnant mother;
- the child should eat properly, as the lower jaw lags behind the upper jaw, and alignment occurs during sucking, when the main group of facial muscles is involved;
- Watch how the child breathes - breathing must occur through the nose;
- improper bite in a child may develop when sucking a finger or nipple while teething baby teeth;
- be sure to visit the dentist.
Ways to correct the bite
Methods for hiding and treating abnormal closure of the dentition in a child and an adult are quite similar, although they have some specific features. So, the main problem of bite correction in an adult is that the jaw bone is fully formed and grows at a slow pace, which requires extra effort to deal with the problem. Also, adult patients often have many diseased teeth with fillings and other defects, which greatly complicate the correction of the wrong bite.
When correcting the abnormal bite of the teenage and adult population, dentists use braces. Thanks to such an orthodontic structure, which is fixed and consists of a series of micro-locks or brackets that are attached to the tooth surface, bite correction occurs. The most Metal braces are considered commonwhich have a rather aesthetic appearance.
Also used is a vestibular or external orthodontic construction, which is made of transparent materials - ceramics, sapphire or plastic. And thanks to the lingual structures, you can hide them altogether, as they are fixed on the back side of the teeth.