The problem of improper bite of the teeth, of course, is better solved in childhood. But if you didn’t manage to do this in childhood, then you shouldn’t despair - modern dentistry, or rather, orthodontology, can fix the wrong bite in almost all cases with almost 100% guarantee. True, the effort, time and money to solve this problem in adults will take significantly more than in children.
Surely many people know that to correct the wrong bite use braces. And almost all people believe that braces are almost the only way to solve this problem.
From the patient’s point of view, this method has a number of significant drawbacks, namely:
- Braces on the teeth do not look aesthetically pleasing.
- It takes a long time to get used to braces.
- Braces must be worn constantly.
In modern dentistry, have long been successfully applied bite correction methods without braces using:
- dental caps;
- orthodontic dental trainers.
In especially severe cases, when therapeutic methods do not bring results, it is necessary to do corrective surgery.
Before dwelling on the description of the listed techniques in detail, it is desirable to at least have a general idea of what a wrong bite is and why it occurs.
What is a wrong teeth bite?
Bite is full tooth position upper and lower jaw. Uneven jaw closure - this is the wrong bite, in which the upper and lower front and chewing teeth do not match.
Malocclusion - this is a fairly frequent occurrence, but since these are mostly mild cases, people do not pay attention to this problem. And they do it in vain - it is better to deal with a little problem than to wait for it to become big.
Types of abnormal bite
- Distal - the upper jaw is advanced towards the lower, and the lower jaw is underdeveloped;
- Mesial - the lower jaw is advanced towards the upper, and the upper is underdeveloped.
- Open - many upper and lower teeth do not close tightly to each other.
- Deep - the teeth of the upper jaw overlap the teeth of the lower row by more than 50%.
- Cross - the lower jaw is displaced relative to the upper horizontal plane, as a result, the teeth of the upper and lower rows intersect.
- Dystopia - the teeth are located in the wrong (wrong) place.
Causes of bite
The following reasons can be distinguished:
- heredity;
- features of the course of pregnancy;
- early childhood nutritional patterns;
- abnormal habits and childhood illnesses;
- teeth-jaw injuries and the absence of some teeth.
Anomalies of the dental system inherited with a fairly high probability. If one of your close relatives had the wrong bite, then, most likely, you will also encounter this problem.
Features of the course of pregnancy.
Because the pregnancy proceeds depends on the physical development of the child, including the development of its maxillofacial apparatus.If, during pregnancy, the expectant mother was malnourished, sick, took medicines, then all this may in the future cause the appearance of the wrong bite in the child, and eventually in the adult.
The nature of power in early childhood.
With artificial feeding maxillofacial muscles and, accordingly, the jaw of a child are underdeveloped, which, in turn, can lead to an anomaly of the bite.
Wrong habits and childhood illnesses.
At first glance, harmless, at first glance, habits of a child (prolonged and constant sucking of the nipples, fingers or toys, lip biting) can significantly affect the development of the dentofacial system.
Frequent runny nose in childhood can also be the cause of improper bite. Due to nasal congestion, one has to constantly breathe with his mouth parted, and this deforms the face and changes the bite.
Maxillofacial injuries and the absence of several teeth.
Dislocations, fractures and severe bruises. jaws, as well as serious facial injuries (for example, fractures of the facial bones) may contribute to the development of maxillofacial anomalies.
Abnormal bite is also formed in the absence of several teeth.
Bite correction without braces
Plastic dental caps
Dental caps are removable orthodontic appliances in the form of transparent linings, which are fixed on the teeth. Kapu must be worn around the clock, removing it only for eating and brushing teeth.
Capes are used in such cases:
- if it is impossible to use braces during the treatment of the wrong bite;
- in the absence of gaps between the teeth;
- with a small crowding of teeth;
- with extended or narrowed dental arch;
- to correct relapse after treatment.
In dental practice apply three types of cap:
- Standard, which are made on a single template - this is the most affordable caps.
- Thermoplastic, which are able to change shape under the influence of high temperature - these caps are slightly more expensive than standard ones.
- Individual, which are made separately for each patient - this is the most expensive caps.
As a material for the manufacture of individual caps, elastic biopolymer compounds are used, which are capable of repeating any given shape. Before making such a cap, an exact plaster model of the jaw is created, the parameters of which are calculated on a computer using special software.
Replacement is made every 15-20 days. caps. The course of bite correction in adults with a mouth guard usually lasts about a year, but in some cases the treatment can last two years.
The caps do not require any special care: after use, they must be rinsed under running water, periodically cleaned with a toothbrush and ensure that there are no mechanical damages. For storage caps use a special container.
Orthodontic Trainers
Dental trainers are made of elastic silicone. removable orthodontic applianceswhich are mainly used to eliminate the causes of bite.
Trainers are used in such cases:
- if it is impossible to cure the wrong bite with braces;
- with crowding of the front teeth of the lower row;
- with difficulty swallowing and nasal breathing;
- to correct speech defects;
- to eliminate bad habits (improper swallowing, mouth breathing and others);
- to correct recurrences after treatment;
- to consolidate the results after treatment with braces.
Trainer does not have to wear constantly. They wear it at night, and during the day it can be worn for no more than 2-4 hours.
To correct an occlusion with the help of a trainer, two types of trainers are used - initial and final. The initial trainer is used in the first stage of treatment, which lasts from 6 to 8 months.This trainer, made of extremely soft and elastic silicone, exerts a slight pressure on the teeth and adapts very well to the oral cavity.
At the second stage of bite correction, which also lasts from 6 to 8 months, the final trainer is used. This type of trainer is made of hard silicone and therefore exerts more pressure on the teeth than the initial trainer.
To control the results of bite correction visit the doctor every 1-2 months.
After completion of the second stage of treatment, it is necessary to consolidate the results obtained and minimize the possibility of relapses. For this purpose, removable retailers - plastic cap with a metal arc. For more complex cases, non-removable retainers are used.
The duration of the retention periodAs a rule, it is at least twice as long as the treatment period, and in some cases retainers have to wear their whole life. This period is very important in the treatment of abnormal bite, so at this time it is necessary to strictly follow all the prescriptions of the doctor, otherwise all the treatment may go down the drain.
Caring for trainers is the same as for the caps.
Advantages and disadvantages of removable devices
Advantages of the methods Bite corrections without braces using removable orthodontic appliances are as follows:
- These methods do not cause any pain or discomfort.
- Removable devices, unlike braces, are almost invisible on the teeth.
- Braces can damage tooth enamel, but caps and trainers do not.
- They do not cause an allergic reaction.
- Capes and trainers do not require any special care.
The main disadvantage of removable orthodontic appliances is that they can be fixed. only simple anomalies bite in an adult. The teeth and jaw are completely formed by the age of 12-14, and after that it is almost impossible to correct serious anomalies without using bracket-systems.
The disadvantages can also be attributed to the high cost of treatment using individual caps.
Surgical method
In particularly difficult cases with severe deformation of the jaw bones, corrective surgery is performed. Such an operation is necessary if other methods of treatment, including braces, do not give the desired result.
Indications for corrective surgery:
- Strong open bite (non-closure of the teeth of the upper and lower rows) in the area of the front teeth - this can be a cause of serious impairment of the chewing and speech functions.
- Chin dysplasia - diagnosed with violations of the shape of the chin. This anomaly distorts the shape of the face and prevents the complete and proper closing of the lips.
- Malocclusion and facial asymmetry as a result of maxillofacial trauma.
- Abnormal bite and severe distortion of facial features as a result of severe hereditary pathology.
It should be noted that the corrective operation is very difficult and difficult (mainly performed under general anesthesia), and only wealthy people can afford it.