A beautiful smile always attracts attention, but often it is spoiled by plaque and stains on teeth. Even if you follow all the rules of hygiene, tartar not in a hurry to leave his teeth and is able to cause not only damage to the whiteness of the teeth, but also health. If dental plaque is easily removed at home, as it has a thin film of food debris and bacteria that live in the mouth, the stone formed on the teeth is removed only in the dental office, because it is more solid (mineralized ) sediment.
What is tartar?
Hard lime deposits gradually appear on tooth enamel. Basically, they begin to form on the neck of the tooth, in hard-to-reach places where the brush does not penetrate well between the teeth.
Plaque is formed immediately after a meal, and after 12 hours, bacteria begin their activity, of which there is a huge amount in the oral cavity. Their building material is carbohydrates. Of these, microorganisms fasten a solid frame, which is attached to the teeth, in parallel emit sulfuric acid, which leads to caries. Bacteria grow, and deposits on the teeth increase and thicken. The stone at the same time becomes yellowish. Such terrible diseases of the oral cavity as gingivitis and periodontitis are directly related to the formation of stone.
If thorough cleaning of the oral cavity is not carried out, then in a week soft coating crystallizesthen minerals are deposited on it and it goes into tartar. The completion of stone formation occurs in about half a year, which is why it is necessary to seek help at least twice a year before its final formation.
Tartar classification
Dental stones, photos of species are located below, differ in the place of their localization.
Supragingival deposits (above the gum) often located on the back of the tooth and clearly visible, whitish or yellowish.
The gums are under the gum, inside the gums in the gums or periodontal pockets, only a dentist can see them. The under-gum stone is formed after 40 years and is accompanied by tooth loss.
The negative impact of plaques on health
Dental deposits not only spoil the appearance of teeth, but also harm the health of the oral cavity. Indeed, more than 90% of these plaques are billions of microorganisms that multiply in the mouth. This army can not only cause infection of internal organs, but by changing its properties, it turns from neutral bacteria into pathogenic microflora, which causes serious inflammatory gum diseases. This leads to the destruction of tissues, the exposure of the roots, which continue to experience the negative effects of sediment.
Tooth roots attached to the bone base of the upper and lower jaw with connective fibers. The stone, penetrating deep into the gums, has its destructive effect in the junction of the tooth with the jaw, which leads to the formation of periodontitis.
The bacteria in the tartar secrete acids that adversely affect tooth enamel, causing tooth decay.With the development of tartar on the surface of enamel, saliva, being an antiseptic, can not get on it and protect, neutralizing the action of acids, which are formed when chewing food.
Causes of plaque on the teeth
To successfully deal with the disease, it is necessary to know the reason for its occurrence. Forewarned is forearmed. After all, it is easier to comply with preventive measures than to cure a disease.
The main reason for the appearance of stone is insufficient oral hygiene.
- Brushing teeth lasts less than 5 minutes.
- The use of poor quality or unsuitable toothpaste.
- Ignorance or non-compliance with the rules of cleaning teeth.
All these factors together or separately lead to the formation of plaque on the enamel, which develops into tartar. If after every meal use dental floss to remove leftover food between the teeth, and then thoroughly clean, it is possible to ensure their health. In addition, visit the dentist 2 times a year for professional cleaning.
Factors favorable for the development of bacteria:
- eating large amounts of carbonated drinks and carbohydrates, the habit of snacking;
- diseases of the internal organs;
- daily diet consists of soft foods;
- violation of the process of chewing;
- bad habits such as alcohol and smoking.
The risk factors for this disease include all of humanity. Careful adherence to dental recommendations and regular oral hygiene able to prevent its development and maintain health.
How does tartar look, how to remove it
You need to take a mirror and look at the inner side of the tooth, almost everyone has a white, yellow or brown coating on the roots or between the teeth. This raid is not felt and is not removed at home. The disease is indicated by bad breath, teeth mobility and bleeding gums.
The grandfather's method, which is almost not used today, is cleaning with hand tools - hammers and hooks, they beat off and clean the enamel from the stone. This method was unpleasant and painful for patients, so it was supplanted by other, more modern ones.
The ultrasonic method involves the impact of a special tool on the stone areas, while healthy enamel is not affected. Ultrasonic vibrations pdestroy plaque painlessly, at the same time, the subgingival area, the gum and the whole tooth are cleaned and disinfected.
This method removes any stone, even accumulated over a long period of time. In this case, it is treated with a special softening solution, after which it is scrubbed off the surface very easily. After the enamel surface is cleaned, it is polished, removing various irregularities so that the surface is smooth and smooth, thereby preventing the recurrence of stone, because food remains and microorganisms accumulate in the rough edges and cracks. Then dentist strengthens enamel fluoride and calciumThey penetrate into microscopic cracks and protect the enamel from caries and further destruction with the formation of stone.
Laser stone removal allows non-contact, effectively and quickly remove all deposits on enamel. With this method, the effect is directed at the water molecule in the stone.
Is the tooth cleaning procedure painful?
Modern methods of removing a stone from a tooth are as comfortable and practically painless as possible, especially laser removal. With ultrasound method there is a slight sorenessbut local anesthesia solves this problem.
Prevention of bacterial deposits in the oral cavity
To keep your teeth healthy, you need to ensure timely hygiene in the mouth.
Basics of hygiene:
- teeth should be cleaned after every meal - this is a basic rule.
- before using brush and paste need to clean the interdental space, floss - dental floss will help with this, because the bristles of the brush do not cope with this task.
- teeth should be cleaned properly: use sweeping movements from gum to tooth.
- care of the oral cavity outside the home is based on the use of floss and chewing gum. But chewing gum can not resist the formation of tartar.
Hygienic procedures for the prevention of dental deposits can slow down or even prevent the formation of stone. But periodic monitoring of the oral cavity at the dentist should be a good habit.