How to strengthen loose teeth, which means can help?

Strengthening teethTo such a symptom as loose teethneed to be taken seriously. Even if there is no pain, loose teeth can signal both the presence of pathology in the oral cavity and diseases of the internal organs. Diagnose the cause and understand the problem will help the doctor.

Causes of loose teeth

Even with the most scrupulous care of the oral cavity, teeth may start to loose. The reasons can be many:

  • Teeth reel Periodontitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the oral cavity.
  • The presence of chronic diseases in the body, for example, such as: diabetes, thyroid disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, psoriasis and others.
  • Tartar
  • Mechanical effects (bruxism, injury).
  • Caries.
  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Malocclusion.
  • The use of certain drugs.
  • During pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation, menopause, puberty. That is, during a hormonal change.

Some reasons should be analyzed in more detail.


Photo gingivitis

In this disease, the gums become inflamed, and periodontal tissues and the integrity of the tooth are not disturbed. If in time to undergo a course of treatment, you can completely get rid of the problem, keeping loose teeth. Launched gingivitis develops into more serious diseases and it is unlikely it will be possible to cure it yourself.

The main cause of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene. The easiest way to prevent gingivitis is a quality tooth cleaning. You should choose a medium hard toothbrush, with the help of which the dental plaque is cleaned and the gums are not injured. Toothpastes use better those that have bactericidal action. Dentists recommend during the day rinse your mouth decoction of special herbs and fingers to gently massage the gums. If gingivitis is acute, you should definitely visit a dentist who will conduct a special treatment.


Photo periodontitis

Launched gingivitis develops into periodontitis. In this disease, the dental ligament is broken and the periodontal disease is destroyed. Patients bleed gums during brushing and chewing food. From the periodontal pockets may be pus. Teeth begin to loose.

With this pathology only a dentist can handle it. He will conduct a full examination, in which it will be clear whether the loose tooth can still be saved. In a favorable case, the doctor will prescribe a local treatment in the form of ointments, antiseptics, essential oils and professional cleaning of the teeth.

Periodontitis is caused not only by poor oral hygiene, but also by certain diseases (weak immunity, blood diseases, diabetes mellitus).

Tooth loose, how to strengthen?

Strengthening loose teeth with folk remedies

  • Strengthening folk remediesInfusion of calamus root It is considered one of the most effective means to strengthen loose teeth. It is prepared from thirty grams of crushed plant rhizomes and half a liter of vodka. Insist for two weeks in a dark place, after which the solution is shaken and filtered. It is necessary to wipe their gums every morning and evening. If you add a few drops of natural propolis to the medicine before each procedure, then its effect will increase.This will help prevent loose teeth and make the gums stronger.
  • Loose teeth can be easily strengthened hop tincture. Take it one spoon per glass of water and brew. He insisted thirty minutes and mixed with a spoonful of flower honey. For three months, twice a day, rinse your mouth with this infusion. Then one month break, and then act as necessary.
  • To strengthen the gums, they are rubbed with a clove of garlic cut in half.
  • Well helps tincture wormwood. Prepare it from one spoon of dry leaves and a glass of boiling water. After twenty minutes, the tincture is ready. Rinse her mouth after every meal.
  • Strengthens gums rubbing sea buckthorn oil into them.
  • Powdered milk contains many astringents and antioxidants that stop the blood and help with periodontitis and periodontal disease. This product massages the gums.
  • Good help mouth rinse solution of sea salt with iodine.
  • Teeth to strengthen the teethYou need to be very careful with your teeth. gestation time. Some traditional means of pregnancy are contraindicated, so you can be treated with folk. It is enough three times a day to caress your mouth with a decoction of bark of oak or sage.
  • It is very hard for the body to have after childbirthsince the immune system is under stress. To avoid a problem at this time, it is necessary:
    1. Take vitamins and dietary supplements that strengthen teeth and hair.
    2. Twice a day, brush the mouth cavity with saline or chamomile solution.
    3. There are many fresh fruits and vegetables.

Moving teeth are not uncommon while breastfeeding. This process is not necessary to start, as there are cases when, after a lactation period, a young mother puts braces on herself.

Products that secure loose teeth when breastfeeding:

  • since lactation is a temporary period, splinting can be carried out with fiberglass;
  • massage ashes of wood;
  • selenium, which is contained in garlic and raw meat, will strengthen tooth enamel, cure gums;
  • should be consumed as much as possible fish products;
  • sugar is best replaced by floral honey, which must be added to green tea and drink it in large quantities.

Therapy of gingivitis and periodontitis

How to treat periodontitis

With the help of folk remedies, these diseases can not be cured. Therefore, it is best to contact your dentist. For the prevention and treatment of these diseases should:

  • properly care for the oral cavity;
  • use special balms, medicinal pastes, rinses for gums and antiseptic solutions;
  • regularly clean the tooth enamel from hard deposits and plaque;
  • if necessary, use antibacterial drugs;
  • eat rationally;
  • take vitamins and immunomodulators.

If pain and a strong amplitude appear when loosening the teeth, the dentist may recommend short-term splinting (applying dental splints to hold the teeth). In case of severe disease, surgical treatment is performed, in which the jaw is restored. During surgery, the bone tissue is either repaired with metal shunts, or removed.

Negative habits affecting teeth

You need to give up bad habits that wash out calcium from the body and contribute to inflammation of the gums.

  • Bad habitsCigarettes and alcohol spoil tooth enamel, weaken the immune system.
  • Drinking large amounts of coffee weakens the gums. It is recommended to use it no more than two cups per day.
  • Too hot drinks and food adversely affect tooth enamel and gums.
  • Strong loads on the teeth (opening the caps, cracking nuts) contribute to their sensitivity and the occurrence of cracks.

Having got rid of habits negatively affecting tooth enamel and gums, using folk remedies to strengthen them, you can add health to your teeth within a month.


