When begin strongly ache teeth, a person forgets about all the problems, focusing on one thing - how to remove the pain. Painful sensations can have various variations - from mild pain to increasing pulsating, not giving to think about anything but her. This attack catches up unexpectedly, but can badly ruin the whole day.
How to calm down a toothache at home
Toothache may manifest itself at the most inappropriate moment, for example, when you are in nature, away from the civilized world and there is simply no one to help in this situation. Therefore, consider ways to relieve toothache yourself, at home.
The simplest and proven method of eliminating pain is taking medicine. If the tooth began to hurt during the meal, you should immediately stop the meal, clean the teeth of food particles and rinse the mouth thoroughly. After that, you need to drink pain medicine, it can be analgin, ibuprofen or ketones. But using these drugs, you should carefully study the instructions and take into account the dose and contraindications, so as not to harm health.
If there are no painkillers at hand, you can use a cotton swab soaked in valocordin or you can make a soda solution to rinse the mouth. In a soda solution, you can add a few drops of iodine.
These methods will help temporarily muffle the pain. But what to do if the listed drugs are not at home or the pharmacy is too far away. What to do? You can try to relieve a toothache at home with proven traditional medicine.
Home remedies for pain relief
How to remove a toothache? To do this, you can use the available tools that are in every home.
- Salt and pepper. If the tooth has acquired a strong sensitivity, then a mixture of pepper and garlic will effectively help. To do this, mix in equal parts spices with a drop of water and stir until a homogeneous mass. Then you need to put the paste on the tooth and leave for five minutes. The procedure is repeated for several days.
- Potatoes. Cut a small circle of potatoes, put on a aching tooth and hold until the pain or unpleasant sensations disappear.
- Garlic. Antibiotic and many other medicinal properties of this plant will be effective in combating bacteria. So, a clove of garlic must be crushed and mixed with common or black salt. Next, put the mixture on the aching tooth. In addition, you can simply chew garlic, trying to get them on the disturbing tooth. It is necessary to use means within several days.
- Carnation. Clove is probably the best remedy in the fight against toothache. Anesthetic, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effect of such treatment will help speed up the process of pain relief and stop the infection. Two cloves cloves must be crushed and mixed with vegetable or olive oil. Means attach to the tooth. The second way is to rub clove oil in a sore spot, this is to silence a sharp toothache. In addition, you can dissolve five to six drops in a glass of water and rinse your mouth.
- Bow. Antimicrobial and antiseptic properties of onions are well known. At the first pain, chew raw onions for a few minutes.If the pain does not allow to chew, then put a piece of onion on the tooth and leave it there for a while.
- Asafoetida. This tool has long been were treated not only toothache, but also bleeding gums. You need to add a pinch of asafoetida in lemon juice, and then just warm it up. Saturate the cotton pad with the solution and place it on the aching tooth. Asafoetida, which was fried in vegetable oil, put in your mouth to relieve pain instantly.
- Salted warm water. An ordinary glass of warm water with salt can work wonders. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in two hundred ml of water and rinse your mouth with this solution. Thanks to this method, the fluid from the tissues will go away, and the nerve tumor will decrease. Also, the liquid will counteract the multiplication of bacteria.
- Apple vinegar. Dip a tampon soaked in vinegar on a sore spot in the mouth and hold for two to three minutes, the toothache should gradually subside.
- Fat. It is only necessary to attach a thin slice of fat to the diseased tooth and wait until the pain begins to subside.
- Guava Leaves. To alleviate a toothache will help the leaves of the young guava. You can just chew them until the juice goes, which will remove the pain syndrome. You can also boil four sheets, strain the broth, add salt and use for rinsing the mouth. Raw spinach leaves will successfully replace guava leaves.
- Wheatgrass Juice. It has natural antibacterial properties, and is also a good tool in the fight against caries. Wheat sprouts need to grind, extracting juice from them. Then rinse your mouth with a solution. Toxins from the gums will be absorbed by the juice, and bacteria will slow down their development.
- Alcohol. After rinsing the mouth with an alcoholic drink, the toothache may dull.
- Cucumber. Place the cucumber circle in a sore spot. You can just chew it.
- Vanilla extract. Wet them with a cotton swab and attach to the aching place. The intensity of toothache will decrease.
- Baking soda. Dip a cotton swab in soda and salt and apply to a sore spot.
- Plantain. Since childhood, the well-known doctor plantain will help with this problem. Well chew it and hold in place where the aching tooth is located.
- Ice. Using ice will only help muffle a toothache. Put an ice cube in a plastic bag, and then wrap it in a cotton cloth. You need to attach the resulting bundle to your cheek for a few minutes. You can put ice directly on the tooth, but it is risky, because it can only increase the pain, since the contact of nerves with a cold object is extremely undesirable.
Alternative ways to reduce toothache
There is also a massage technique of certain points. To do this, within five to seven minutes, rub the cube of people between your thumb and forefinger.
Some people prefer treatment with homeopathic remedies, and often it gives good results. The most popular of them are:
- "Aconite" - Delightful help with pain. It will help relieve a toothache caused by a cold.
- "Arnica" - If you hit the jaw, then this tool will do. If a tooth removed, the medicine will help stop the blood and speed the healing of the wound.
- "Coffea" - If the pain is extremely nervous in nature, experts recommend this drug.
- Nux Vomica - Also a good pain medicine. It is recommended to people with sedentary, forced to sedentary lifestyles, people who are easily excited, use coffee and alcohol in large quantities and people who often suffer from colds.
- "Nux moshata" - The drug is recommended for the treatment of pain in young children and pregnant women. There are also recommendations for the use of medication in cold weather conditions or when in damp terrain.
Of course, each of the above methods will only help alleviate the toothache, but in no case should we think that if the pain subsided, then there is no more problem. Call the exact cause of the pain and finally cure toothmaybe only a dentist. No matter how wonderful the results of self-treatment would be, you do not need to postpone a visit to the dentist, because the problem can nest much deeper than you think.