Dentists claim that a healthy, strong, calcium-rich tooth enamel is naturally yellowish in color. But give us white teeth, like those of Hollywood actors. And the sooner the better. A snow-white smile has long been a necessary condition for attractiveness. This article is devoted to home teeth whitening, below are effective ways to whiten your teeth yourself.
Causes unpleasant yellowness
- It has long been proven that the shade of enamel depends on the hereditary factor. That is, if you have grown teeth with a yellowish tint, it is unlikely that you will be able to make them whiter at home.
- Water consumption with excess fluoride. Fluorine is necessary and useful, but only in small quantities. When there is an excess of it in the body, a disease such as fluorosis appears. It is characterized by the appearance of yellowish spots on the surface of the teeth. In addition to unpleasant specks, fluorosis destroys teeth, causing fragility.
- However, the use of certain products, as well as fruits, juices, tea, coffee and smoking can paint the enamel in an unpleasant yellow color and thus spoil even the natural white color of the enamel.
- Inadequate cleaning of the teeth can also harm them and lead not only to darkening of the enamel, but also to cause its destruction by caries and diseases of the gums.
What to do, how to protect the enamel from destruction?
Teeth cleaning
Brush your teeth need twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. The duration of the procedure should be at least five minutes, you need to clean it thoroughly. A daily toothbrush will help you to get rid of your daily teeth, from which your teeth become unpleasant. But the brush can be ineffective.
Proved that the most the best brushes are electric. You will get such brush once and in the future you will save on the treatment and bleaching of enamel. If you can not buy this miracle of technology - suppress your laziness and brush your teeth properly, with rotational, sweeping movements. Also clean the interdental space, for this use flossing, the so-called flossom.
Do not forget after each meal rinse your mouth with water. This is especially necessary to do after taking acidic foods, such as berries, fruits, salads with vinegar dressings, etc. Remember that a complex of daily manipulations can protect your teeth from an unpleasant tint.
How to make teeth whiter
In our country, the dental cult began recently, so many of the enamel is far from perfect. How to make your teeth white?
Visibly bleaching enamel is possible only in the conditions of the dental office. Currently, there are many techniques that can lighten the enamel on several tones. For example, dentists may suggest two bleaching methods enamel
- photo whitening;
- chemical bleaching.
The chemical method removes water from the enamel using hydrogen peroxide. To do this, put on the teeth special caps, which are filled with gel. Then bring a special lamp, its action is aimed at activating the peroxide. After this process, you will be announced that you need to process the enamel fluoride.
A certain lamp is also used for photobleaching, it optimizes a fabric photopolymer that reflects light. From this, the structure of the enamel changes and the fabric becomes six or even ten tones lighter.
Method disadvantages
Dental techniques have two drawbacks:
- high whitening cost;
- appearance of unpleasant tooth sensitivity.
The price for whitening is several hundred dollars, not everyone will decide to allocate such money from their own budget, there is more that the effect will last a maximum of a year, and the procedure is shown only to those with a healthy enamel. Therefore, you need to learn take care of your teeth by yourselfwarning them darkening. How to make teeth whiter?
White teeth at home
The following are homemade recipes for self-manipulation aimed at whitening enamel, they are as follows:
- Herbs. Once a week, you can clean the enamel powder with powdered dry basil or sage.
- Soda. Once a week, you can dip the brush with toothpaste on it in soda and brush your teeth with it. Such a procedure will visibly clean and lighten your enamel, of course, not two or three tones. Often, such manipulation can not be done because of the risk of damage to the enamel. Plus, it perfectly disinfects the oral cavity. Some replace soda with finely ground salt. The abrasive substances found in salt are larger than those of soda, so it is better to avoid it. Also in any case, do not rub the enamel with one soda.
- Sour berries. To whiten the enamel at home will help berries raspberries or strawberries, as well as a slice of lemon. They contain fruit acids, due to which it will be possible to whiten the top layer of enamel. But often do not abuse this procedure, as it is possible to destroy the enamel. The recipe is this: make a mush of berries and put it on a toothbrush, brush her teeth, or wipe directly with the berry itself. After such a manipulation, be sure to rinse your mouth.
- Toothpastes. Many toothpastes contain abrasive whitening particles, so after applying the fabric becomes painfully sensitive. It is best to purchase medical series in pharmacies. Domestic-made Splat, Rocks pastes contain calcium to restore enamel, as well as well-cleaned components, and after brushing, the teeth become smooth and radiant. In addition, in these series, carefully bleaching pastes are available, suitable for sensitive teeth. Only need to use with interruptions that need to be arranged every 2-3 weeks.
- Wood ash. This method is popularly considered the most effective. Her teeth become white after brushing. You can find wood ash in the gardening shop, as well as after a picnic, taking a little with you. Further, it is ground and mixed with toothpaste. Do not clean with a single dry ash, as it can damage the gums.
- Dentifrice. Good old method of cleaning enamel is able not only to whiten it, but also to remove tartar, even among smokers who smoke for a very long time. Sold at a ridiculous price in a pharmacy.
- Hydrogen peroxide. It is in the composition of many pencils that bleach enamel. Yes, she is able to whiten the top layer of tooth tissue, but it can also cause damage, is unsafe if it enters the esophagus. Therefore, you should not get involved in such bleaching.
Whitening with oil
This home method is known for a long time, it is completely safe and useful for the organism as a whole. Ordinary sunflower oil is capable of causing furor in the mouth. The recipe is this: every morning you need to rinse your mouth with a tablespoon vegetable oilwhatever what, ten minutes.
Rinsing should be slow. After this time, you need to spit out the oil. At the same time, it acquires a white turbid color, because it absorbs all toxins from the body. Gradually increase the rinse to 20 minutes. After three days, the results of these procedures will be noticeable: the condition of the gums will improve, the sensitivity of the teeth will disappear, the spots on the teeth will disappear.
Those who practice this method of bleaching claim that great effect, dark spots disappear from the enamel, gum diseases disappear, and the teeth are cleaned and turn white. Is it possible to bypass this method of bleaching? After all, you can rinse your mouth while cooking breakfast, applying makeup, as well as when viewing news.
In combination with the proper care of the oral cavity, these methods of bleaching will give worthwhile results.
And in conclusion, I would like to recall the health of the whole organism and mention balanced diet. Without a healthy and balanced diet, it is impossible to boast of white teeth. Eat dairy products, such as cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, sour cream to maintain and replenish calcium in your teeth, drink milk undiluted, or add it to tea and coffee. Eat fruits, they will enrich you with vitamins and fiber, and also naturally clean the enamel.