How to whiten your teeth at home without harm to enamel?

 How to whiten your teeth at home quickly How to whiten your teeth at home without harmEveryone wants their teeth to be white and beautiful. Of course, going to the dentist will solve this issue, since various whitening agents have long since been invented. But we want to whiten our teeth on our own at home. How to whiten your teeth at home quickly? What to do and what tools are effective, we consider below.

How to whiten your teeth without harm to enamelIf you run the tip of the tongue along the inside of your teeth and notice any irregularities or roughness, you should immediately begin the bleaching process. Since these so-called irregularities can grow into caries.

How to determine the degree of darkening of the teeth? Simply. If a apply an ordinary paper strip to the teeth and it seemed to you that they are yellower compared to the strip, this is also a signal for their whitening.

Causes of tooth decay

In order to quickly whiten teeth at home, we need to first determine the cause of the darkening. The reasons may be a whole bunch, from nicotine to the disease of the teeth. Consider below all in order.

Caries is the most common cause of darkening of the tooth enamel. The appearance of stains on the enamel surface is the beginning of a carious process. At first these are white spots, but gradually they turn black. If caries appeared inside the filling, the tooth enamel begins to darken from the inside.

Improper tooth brushing. If you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene and badly brush your teeth, then plaque remains on the surface of the enamel and leads to darkening. To prevent this situation, you need to carefully clean the tooth enamel.

Nicotine harm. Since nicotine contains resinous substances that gradually settle on the enamel surface, smokers first turn their teeth yellow and then the tooth enamel takes on a dark brown shade.

The aging of teeth, which is a natural factor, can also be the cause of the darkening of tooth enamel.

Food dyes are also known to cause darkening of the teeth. Eating foods rich in various colors, such as coffee, black tea, various herbal infusions and juices, wine, harm tooth enamel. You need to limit yourself from this kind of food or after using it rinse your teeth with at least plain water.

As it is known, the use of sweets destroys enamel and leads to the appearance of caries, which is why enamel acquires a yellowish tint.

Hit on the body of a large amount of fluoride. The reason may be environmental pollution, poor quality food and water containing a large amount of fluoride. There is a raid on the surface of the tooth enamel. Here should see a doctorso that he can prescribe treatment. Bleaching is inappropriate here.

When should you not whiten your teeth?

  • if your teeth are sensitive to bleaching agents and have thin enamel;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding also need to be delayed with whitening;
  • if you have a seal in a prominent place. When bleaching the filling will be more noticeable;
  • If your tooth is damaged by caries, you should first treat it, and then bleach;
  • if you are allergic to hydrogen peroxide and soda.

Teeth whitening methods

Modern medicine has invented a mass of methods of teeth whitening today and they are produced in various forms, like gels, pencils, special pastes and strips, as well as rinses. Which of them are the most effective are discussed below.

  • How to quickly whiten your teeth at homeToothpastes are produced, which contain carbamide peroxide for chemical bleaching. But by them need to use regularlyto achieve the desired result. They remove plaque and help whiten tooth enamel;
  • There are special gels for clarification. They are applied by special brushes directly on the surface of the teeth. Whitening gels do not harm the body;
  • special strips are also an effective and at the same time inexpensive method of bleaching. These strips are coated with special bleaching gels containing carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide. The strips are applied directly to the surface of the front teeth every day for half an hour for two weeks;
  • Special whitening pencils also contain carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. It is the most convenient home whitening product;
  • Mouthwashes are also a convenient and effective whitening method. Rinse the mouth after brushing does not take much time. Well, then, their regular use can save you forever from the problem whitening

Methods of teeth whitening by dentists also have a place to be. Modern dentists offer laser, ultrasound and photobleaching. The whitening effect of a special solution that is applied to the surface of the tooth enamel is enhanced with the help of a laser, ultrasound or photo beam. With this procedure, you have a snow-white smile in just a couple of hours. But such a procedure is very expensive, one and two - it can not be used regularly, as it significantly damages the tooth enamel.

Folk remedies for teeth whitening at home

The issue of bleaching is as old as the world. For example, homemade whitening with ash has come to us from ancient India. Wood ash contains potassium hydroxide, which removes plaque of tooth enamel even in inaccessible places. The method of application is simple. You need to add some ash to your paste and brush your teeth with this paste. Of course, this procedure should not be abused. It is recommended to apply this paste once a month so as not to damage the tooth enamel.

Whitening soda

How to whiten your teeth without harm to enamel

This method is the most common. For this you need to prepare a solution of soda and pure water and dipping the brush in this solution you need to brush your teeth. Effe CT mg novno, as soda is an abrasive substance that removes plaque. Abuse this method is also not worth it. The procedure can be carried out once every 2 - 3 weeks.

Bleaching with hydrogen peroxide

This method is also very effective. Peroxide activates a chemical reaction, thereby removing plaque from the tooth enamel. It must be remembered that both soda and hydrogen peroxide are chemical elements and damage tooth enamel, leaving small cracks on it that are not visible to the eye, but gradually will definitely make themselves felt.

Activated carbon whitening

This natural material can also be used in home bleaching. The effect is not instantaneous, but if you use activated carbon 2-3 times a week, you can see the fruits of your efforts. For this you need crushed activated carbon into powder and apply to the surface of the teeth with your fingers or a cotton pad. Activated carbon is a safer bleaching method.

If you use folk remedies, the most safe for tooth enamel can be tea tree oil and lemon peel. Of course, the effect of these funds is not the fastest, but it is safe.

Tea tree oil is a bactericidal and bleaching agent.For the procedure it is necessary to use natural oil. After brushing, pour 2-3 drops of oil on the toothbrush onto the toothbrush and apply on the surface of the tooth enamel.

Lemon peel contains both citric acid and oil that whitens tooth enamel. It is applied directly to the surface of the teeth with massive movements. You can repeat this procedure after 10 days and achieve the desired result.

Side effects

If used improperly, bleaching agents can damage tooth enamel and your teeth may be sensitive to cold, hot and sweet foods. In this case it is necessary to stop the procedure, consult a dentist and do not begin treatment without consultation.


