Ways to restore tooth enamel

Smile and white teethEnamel is a kind of protection for the teeth. Its damage entails such troubles as tartar and caries. An infection can penetrate which can destroy the deep layers of bone and gum tissue. Therefore, it is important to take care of it so that its surface layer does not collapse. If this happens, it is necessary to restore the enamel of the teeth in any way possible: pastes, gels and other methods. The question arises: why does tooth enamel collapse, is it possible to restore it?

Causes of tooth enamel destruction

Tooth enamel can collapse for various reasons. The most common are the following:

  • Coffee with a cigarette and other bad habitsHaving bad habitssuch as drinking alcohol, smoking, drinking sweets in large quantities. They adversely affect the entire body. And if a chocolate or candy was eaten for the night, the sugar remaining on the teeth can begin to destroy the teeth.
  • Malnutrition contributes to the violation of the acid-base balance, with the result that gastric acid can enter the mouth in small quantities, destroying the enamel.
  • Drinking carbonated drinks and lemon damage the tooth surface and make it yellow.
  • Sharp temperature drops. If you drink hot tea, and then immediately take a sip of cold water, then from such a change in temperature the teeth begin to “twist” very strongly.
  • Also, the tooth surface may be damaged due to wrong bite, poor quality dental care, due to various injuries.

The reasons damaging the enamel are very many. Its destruction can be restored in two ways:

  • Using the professional help of a doctor.
  • With the help of traditional medicine.

Recovery in the traditional way

Dentists restore tooth enamel by the following methods:

  • Dentist can build up tooth enamelCan build up new enamel filling material. This method is well suited for those cases where the teeth are chipped or slightly destroyed. Thus, the filling material very well closes any cracks.
  • Teeth are saturated with fluoridewhich restores and heals simultaneously. This substance is very useful for teeth. This recovery method is carried out in two ways. The first way is that fluoride varnish is applied to the surface of the teeth. The second method is characterized by the fact that special applicators are placed on the teeth. Such procedures are carried out every day for a month, and they are much longer than the first method.
  • Restoration of enamel produced by teeth remineralization. This method is to saturate them fluorine, calcium and other substances that strengthen the tooth surface, filling the voids of the crystal lattice. At the same time special means are applied on the surface of the teeth. This method, though rather long, is very effective.
  • If the tooth enamel is very badly destroyed or significantly yellowed, on the teeth veneers are installed - thin plates of porcelain.
  • To restore the integrity of the enamel and preserve its white color, as well as to eliminate the wrong bite, can make it implantation. This method is carried out at the molecular level. This procedure is completely safe and also provides excellent whitening. Enamel gets a healthy shiny look, and a smile becomes irresistible.

Recovery by folk methods

If the enamel is not destroyed very much, you can restore it at home. Folk remedies are quite effective. To do this, use a variety of pastes, gels, solutions for rinsing.

Healing Paste

Toothpastes can help fill your teeth with fluoride and other substances.Healing pastes, in contrast to ordinary pastes, contain a large amount of active ingredients, such as fluorine and calcium. Calcium is especially important for the restoration of teeth. Thus, special pastes containing calcium and fluorine help well. Regularly using this method, you can restore the enamel, but it takes a lot of time, however, it is best to alternate pastes containing fluorine and calcium.

Fluoride in the toothpaste composition very well helps to restore the tooth surface, reduces its sensitivity, and also prevents the occurrence of caries. If fluoride paste does not help, you should consult a doctor.

In addition, anti-inflammatory pastes are used to restore the tooth surface, which have healing properties that destroy harmful bacteria.

You can use toothpaste with minerals. This paste is applied on tooth enamel for a few minutes. During this time, minerals have time to penetrate the deep tissues of the teeth. Improper cleaning with toothpastes can only exacerbate the situation, resulting in periodontal disease.

Massage and other folk remedies

How to properly brush your teethTo restore the enamel of the teeth is important massage gums. It helps to improve blood circulation. Good effect gives the use of pulp from lemon zest. It must be rubbed into the gums or chew enough. However, this method should not be abused.

It strengthens the teeth baking soda, but it should be used only once a week. Activated carbon has the same properties. To do this, several tablets knead and add to the water. You should get a homogeneous mass, which is used as a paste for cleaning teeth.


Using these methods of prevention, you can keep the tooth enamel healthy:

  • After the meal should be sure to rinse your mouth. This protects not only the tooth enamel, but also the teeth themselves.
  • A toothbrush must be picked up correctly, otherwise the gums can be torn into the bloodstream, which will have a bad effect on the state of enamel. Should more often change toothbrush and toothpastey
  • Sure to include solid foods in your dietas well as products rich in minerals and vitamins. It should limit the use of sweets.
  • You can not always use whitening toothpastes. They contribute to the destruction of enamel. If the need arises, whitening paste can only be used twice a year.
  • Should visit the dentist regularlywho will find the problem at the very beginning of its development and prescribe the appropriate treatment. It is much easier to restore the destruction of enamel at the initial stage than in the neglected one.
  • It is better refuse chewing gum because of the sugar they contain, which gradually destroys the enamel.

Thus, the prevention of oral diseases is much more effective than the treatment itself. Observing all these recommendations, you can never face such trouble as the destruction of tooth enamel.


