Teething in a child: how to survive, ways and tips

When the first teeth are cutIf a long-awaited child is born in the house, then new parents have many reasons for happiness and joy, but at the same time many worries. If the baby is first, then the responsible parents are very worried, not knowing how to behave with the child, how to feed, swaddle, hold and rock the baby. What is there to talk about the first diseases and the first cases of indisposition, especially when the first teeth are cut.

The first symptoms of teething in a child

The most serious test for any mother is the time when the first teeth of the child begin to be cut. The symptoms of this condition are difficult not to see: fever, anxiety, frequent crying. Sometimes a digestive upset happens. Most often, the first symptoms of the fact that the baby begins to cut teeth, occur at the age of 4 months.

This time may be different, in some children, signs of swelling of the gums and all the other "charms" that accompany teething can be seen in 5-7 months. That is, in order not to panic, wondering why your child is crying a lot and how to help him, each parent needs to know what the symptoms are in children if teeth start to be cut.

In addition to swelling of the gums and its redness, most children have increased salivation, restless sleep, loss of appetite, nasal congestion. Kid pulls in his mouth different objects, as if wanting to taste everything that falls into his hands.

We must not forget that the process of teething is a normal condition. These are difficulties that you just have to go through. The pain that the baby feels is quite strong. In order to understand this, recall your feelings during the sprouting of wisdom teeth when you were adults. Teething implies their germination through the mucous membrane of the gums and bone tissue.

What should parents pay attention to?

How to help the child with the eruption of the first teethSo, if a child starts to cut teeth, then the symptoms seem to be simple, which all mothers and fathers know. But most pediatricians recommend that adults not ignore certain signs that accompany the growth process of the first incisors. Sometimes problems with the stomach, nasal congestion, or cough in a child simply coincide with the eruption of the first teeth, but this is caused by slightly more serious causes.

In the first year of life, the baby’s body only begins to “ripen”, this is a rather difficult time when a child needs a lot of parents attention, careful attitude and care.

Very big risk of infectiontherefore, adults need to clearly know and learn to identify the signs, when the child begins to cut teeth, as well as the symptoms of some disorders, when you need to see a doctor.

Baby starts to cough

If a child begins to cut teeth, then symptoms like a small cough due to excessive salivation are normal. Especially often this phenomenon occurs if the baby is on the back. In this state, saliva gets into the throat, and the normal cough reflex allows the baby to get rid of discomfort. In a sitting position cough appears less often? That is, everything is not so difficult and there is no danger.As a rule, this cough passes on its own rather quickly.

When the cough is agonizing, wet, lasts several days, wheezing is heard, the baby suffocates, there is sputum and shortness of breath - these are dangerous signs. Need a doctor's advice.


Very often for adults, while teething in children, it seems as if a common cold passes. Just when teething in the nasal cavity increases the amount of mucus. Directly this state does not have any threat to the health of the baby. This runny nose usually ends after a couple of days. Moreover, the mucus, which stands out from the nose, is transparent and liquid. It is enough to periodically flush the baby's nasal cavity. Special treatment in this case is not necessary.

At the same time, severe nasal congestion and swelling, of a greenish or dull white shade, mucus needs special attention and urgent treatment to the pediatrician. Especially when nasal congestion lasts more than one week.


Help with first teethWhen a baby begins to cut its first teeth, the signs are not always limited to a runny nose or swelling of the gums. Can sometimes be celebrated temperature rise. This is due to the active formation of bioactive substances in some parts of the gums. Most often it is low-grade fever, which persists for several days. Then the child’s condition returns to normal. In certain situations, it is advisable to give the child antipyretic.

In those, if the temperature rises to 38 degrees or more, the baby is inactive, feels very bad, and at the same time this condition lasts more than 2 days, then there is no need to postpone the trip to the pediatrician.


During teething, as we have said, salivation increases. The kid often swallows saliva that accelerates gastrointestinal motility. When adults see watery stools, they can reasonably be afraid because diarrhea can quickly lead to dehydration, and this is a rather dangerous condition. But when a child rarely empties the intestines, and this diarrhea disappears in a few days, then there is simply no reason to panic.

A visit to a doctor is required only if diarrhea is frequent, intense, when there is impurity of mucus or blood in the feces.

Approximate time teething

As a rule, on the lower jaw, the central incisors grow not earlier than six months, and on the upper jaw at the age of 7-12 months. After it is the turn of germination of the lateral incisors. In the lower jaw, these teeth erupt at the age of 12-15 months, and at the top in 15-16 months. Then canines and first molars may begin to appear. The appearance of the first is observed in many children aged 1.5-2 years. The second molars on the lower jaw grow after 25 months and from 27 months on the upper. And this time may differ, but approximately it occurs at the age of 2-3 years.

Often, the first tooth begins to erupt in the baby age about 8 months. This slightly shifts the growth time of other teeth. Most often, before a child turns one year old, he already has one tooth. Already by three years, babies, as a rule, already have all 20 milk teeth.

Sometimes it happens that the teeth in newborns appear in pairs. In some cases it is possible to observe 4 teeth simultaneously penetrating. Naturally, this is a very large load for the child’s body, but this double eruption is considered normal.

The most important thing to remember is that the time of growth of the first molars, canines or incisors does not affect the normal growth and development of children. Each child can go through certain stages of growing up, which are peculiar to his pace. This is absolutely not a cause for adult anxiety.

Teething baby care

Signs of teethingParents whose children under 1.5 years old are advised to buy special silicone brush for kids. This device allows you to gently and easily clean the very first teeth, which are sometimes cut at this age. When the baby is over 2 years old, you can purchase a baby toothbrush. Then, when your child is over 3 years old, you can gradually teach him to rinse his mouth after eating.

The initial years of life of babies are marked by increased emotional attachment to the mother. Therefore, if the child begins to cut teeth, the gums swell and hurt, it is better to try to give the child maximum care and attention: to calm the child with a lullaby, often to wear a crumbs on his hands, to distract with some kind of toy.

When the process of growth of the first teeth occurs without complications, there is no need to very carefully treat the child, since this is an absolutely normal stage of development of any baby.

Breast-fed babies advised to apply to the chestif necessary. This can calm the baby, will improve his sleep and well-being.

When teething, the baby's gums itch and swell. In order to alleviate this condition, reduce itching and pain, you need to give the child special teethers-toys. In today's time there is a huge selection of such devices. They are made from non-toxic and safe materials. Inside this "rattle", as a rule, there is a special cooling gel or liquid, which have an anesthetic effect.

Medicines for babies with swollen gums

Naturally, any intake of various medications should be controlled. There is no need during the first unpleasant signs of teething immediately to run to the pharmacy for painkillers, as you can often do without drugs. But if the baby reacts to this state differently, that is, all the time because of the pain, the child constantly cries and shouts. That in this case will be able to help. Special ointments and gels for children:

  • Lentine Baby;
  • Calgel;
  • Kamistad;
  • Dentol baby;
  • Dentinox;
  • Holisal.

Some of these drugs are made in the form of a solution. The components that are in these compounds are safe for the health of the baby. They may include antiseptic and analgesic drugs, herbal extracts, substances that relieve inflammation and swelling.

But always better consult a doctor before buying and starting to use a particular medicine. Just some drugs can cause an allergic reaction in the baby, they must be used with caution.

Ibuprofen or paracetamol are prescribed as antipyretic for children. In this case, paracetamol is also a part of a special suspension - Panadol. This drug makes it possible to reduce pain and reduce the temperature. But experts do not advise using this tool for more than 3 days in a row.

Folk ways

All unpleasant teething symptoms in children were known at a time when medicine was not so developed. Because there are many ways to alleviate the condition of the baby using folk methods. Among them:

  • What ways to help the child with dentitionMassage. It is necessary to wet a small piece of gauze in the broth chamomile or peroxide. Gauze should be carefully wiped the place where the tooth began to erupt.
  • Cold. It is necessary to hold a pacifier or spoon in the freezer and give it to the child. The cold thing will remove the sensation of pain and soothe the gums. Older babies can be given fruits, vegetables, and juices from the fridge.
  • Honey. You need to gently lubricate the gums with honey. He perfectly relieves irritation and calms.
  • Motherwort decoction. It is necessary to pour 0.5 tbsp. motherwort 500 ml of boiling water. Give the broth a little cool, add a little sugar and offer the baby. You can also brew tea from valerian root.
  • Soda solution. 0.5 tbsp. soda diluted with a cup of water. In the solution it is necessary to moisten a piece of gauze or a bandage, to treat the gums with it or to wrap it around the index finger.
  • Strawberry root or chicory.It is necessary only to give the child to gnaw the root. The baby will be able to soothe the pain and massage the gums.

Also need wipe your saliva thoroughlythat has accumulated around the mouth. If teething begins to be accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, then the baby is recommended to be fed with wiped liquid food and given to drink plenty of liquid.

There are several popular recipes that you should give up:

  • Teething symptoms in babiesTreat the gums with soda undissolved in water or pick them up. Relief from this can reduce pain a bit, but there is a risk of infection;
  • Offer the kid cookies or stale bread that your child can choke on because of crumbs. Teethers in this regard are much safer;
  • Strongly put your fingers on the gums. This will only increase irritation and pain.

If children begin to erupt teeth, then parents need have patience. Sleepless nights, constant crying - alas, maternal happiness cannot do without it. But you just need to go through such a difficult stage with your child, without forgetting that all difficulties are temporary.


