Teething in babies: in what order do the teeth grow

The first tooth appearedThe teeth of the baby begin to form already during intrauterine development. By the 6th-7th week of pregnancy, the fetus develops tooth germs: the epithelium tissues in the oral fissure are compacted. By the 3rd month of pregnancy, they begin to differentiate. At 4 months of fetal development, tissue mineralization occurs. On how favorably the pregnancy took place at the mother, depends on the proper formation and health of the teeth of her baby.

The appearance of milk teeth in the baby

The time of teething of the first teeth in children individually. In some babies, they appear as early as 2 months, in others - closer to 6 months, and still others are born with incisors. The order of teething in children, in most cases, is the same. The process may be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

Teething symptoms

The fact that the baby begins to grow the first incisors, a young mother can learn from some of the symptoms:

  • How to understand that the child's teeth are climbinggums swell: the child feels itchy, wants to scratch them;
  • Increased work of the salivary glands: the baby will have a lot of saliva; at this time, bibs are put on the baby to protect his chest from moisture; lips, chin and neck are wiped with a clean, soft cloth: drooling can irritate the skin of a child;
  • cough; drooling gets into the throat: the baby's voice will become hoarse, he can cough;
  • runny nose; saliva can get into the child’s middle ear: a runny nose develops;
  • loose stools; drool enters the intestine, and violates the motility: the baby is weak;
  • vomiting; the baby is not yet able to swallow a large amount of saliva: it begins to feel sick;
  • temperature rise; mucosa in the mouth is injured: an inflammatory process may develop;
  • sleep disturbance: the baby is naughty, constantly waking up;
  • violation of the diet: the child refuses to eat: spits out the breast of the mother or the nipple on the bottle;

All teething symptoms are similar. with signs of infectious diseases. During this period, the body of the baby is experiencing large loads. Immunity is sharply reduced. When one of these symptoms appears, it is necessary to immediately show the child to the pediatrician so that he can rule out the disease.

Order of appearance of teeth

The baby’s first baby tooth appears at 4-6 months. Deviation by 2 months in one or the other side is not considered pathology. The incisors erupt first in the infant. They are narrow. A child can bite off hard food with incisors. After two pairs of incisors, small molars appear: they are wide. The baby can chew food with molars. They erupt from the baby after a year. Fangs appear in children closer to one and a half years. By 2-2.5 years, large molars grow up. The order of appearance of incisors, molars and canines:

  1. In what order do teeth erupt?Central incisors below - 6-7 months;
  2. Central incisors from above - 8-9 months;
  3. Side incisors from above - 9-11 months;
  4. Lateral incisors below - 11-13 months;
  5. Small molars from above - 11-15 months;
  6. Small molars below - 12-15 months;
  7. Fangs from above - 16-18 months;
  8. Fangs below - 18-20 months;
  9. Large molars below - 24-30 months .;
  10. Big molars from above - 24-30 months;

Number of teeth by age:

  • 1 year - 8;
  • 1.5 years - 10;
  • in 2 years - 20;

The sequence of the eruption of milk teeth in most cases is the same for all children, but it can be disrupted due to the individual characteristics of the organism. If at the same time teeth grow straight, white and healthy, then the sequence of teething does not matter.

Teeth change order

Changing milk teeth, as well as their appearance in each child occurs at different times. Normally, the first tooth begins to stagger at 4 years. All 20 change. Indigenous appears more. By the age of 17, there should be 28 of them: chewing molars are erupting. Wisdom teeth grow after 18 years. For some people, they generally do not appear. Anomaly is not considered.

The molars begin to form in the baby already during the growth of milk teeth. Dentist consultation is required during this period. It often happens that the milk does not allow the root to penetrate. In this case, the old tooth is removed to make room for a new one. Otherwise, the root will seek its own way and will appear with pathology. The order of teeth change in babies is the same as when teething:

  1. 5-6 years old - lower and upper incisors fall out;
  2. 7-8 years - lateral upper and lower incisors;
  3. 8-10 years - lower and upper molars;
  4. 9-11 years - upper and lower canines;
  5. 11-13 years old large lower and upper molars;

Incisors in children grow quickly. They appear almost immediately after the loss of dairy. Molars and fangs do not grow immediately. The body takes a breather. They can erupt to 12-13 years. Big molars - by the age of 14-15.

How to help your baby with teething?

The appearance of teeth is an unpleasant process. It is painful for kids and for their mothers. How to remove pain and relieve the suffering of babies? Physiologists propose the use of special devices, massagers for the gums, teethers, and medications.

Which teether to choose?

All massagers for gums, teethers, are divided into 3 categories. They differ among themselves. For each group of teeth choose a specific category of teethers.

  • As the first teeth eruptCategory 1 - designed for central incisors. The teether is round, soft and light. The kid will be able to hold it in the handle, bring it to his mouth and gnaw him, brushing his gums in the center. The material is silicone.
  • Category 2 - for lateral incisors, first molars and canines. Medium hardness teethers. They are light, oval-shaped. It will be convenient for the child to massage the gums from the sides. Material - silicone, soft plastic.
  • Category 3 - for the second molars. Fixtures rigid have a ribbed surface or protrusions on the sides. The baby can gnaw and scratch the far sides of the gums. Material - wood, hard plastic or silicone.

What are the requirements for teethers? First of all, they must be safe:

  • have no foreign smell;
  • not be too bright: it is harmful for the development of vision;
  • the design should not have removable small parts: the child can tear them away and swallow or choke;
  • to match the age of the baby and the group of teeth that erupt;

Parents should carefully look at the place where the baby's gum swells, and give him a massager of a certain category. Incorrectly chosen device can damage the gums of the child.

By design, teethers can be simple, with filler or vibrators. Manufacturers offer various models of massaging devices for gums.

  • Rattles: rings with fixed parts. The kid will be able not only to gnaw them, but also play, which will distract him from unpleasant painful sensations.
  • Teethers with a filler: gel or water is used as a filler. These devices cool: teethers help relieve inflammation of the gums.
  • Models with a vibrator: the vibrator begins to work when the baby clamps his gums. This model will well massage the gums of the child.

For all teethers need care. They should always be clean, so that the baby could not bring himself an infection.

  • Signs of teething first teethAfter use, the teether is cleaned under running water and doused with boiling water.
  • Store the device on clean napkins, ironed on both sides.
  • A teether with a filler is cooled before using it in the refrigerator for no more than 30 minutes: it should not be placed in the freezer. Massager should be in a napkin.
  • If the teether is damaged, the baby is no longer given it: a child can bite off small pieces of silicone or plastic and choke.

Among the manufacturers of children's massagers, the most popular for gums are: “Happy baby "," Canpol "," Nuby "," Avent ". It is not necessary to insist that the baby take a teether in his mouth. He himself will pull him when he needs it.

Medication use

To alleviate the pain during teething in babies is possible with the help of special gels. They do not recommend using them on their own: you should consult a pediatrician. Many gels contain lidocaine.

  • "Dentinox" - relieves inflammation, has an anesthetic effect. Will produce on the basis of chamomile extract. The drug contains lidocaine. Price - from 350 rubles.
  • “Cholisal” is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Lidocaine does not contain. The composition of the gel includes choline salicylate. Cost - from 330 rubles.
  • "Calgel" - contains lidocaine. The gel has an analgesic effect. Price - from 300 rubles.
  • "Dentol baby" - includes benzocaine. Means relieves sweat, pain and itching. Price - from 100 rubles.

Use drugs more than 3 times a day is not recommended.

Pathology of milk teeth

Unfortunately, babies' milk teeth do not always grow in a direct white fence. There are pathologies. They are associated with the difficult pregnancy of the mother of the child, with the wrong metabolism in the infant, with the rapid growth of the teeth and the slow development of the jaw.

Why do teeth grow crooked?

Curvature occurs for several reasons:

  • First teeth in babiesthe child had incorrectly formed teeth beginnings in the period of pre-natal development; Mom could have had an infectious disease at the beginning of her pregnancy, she developed a strong toxicosis, her immunity was sharply reduced;
  • the mother during pregnancy did not consume enough foods with calcium and fluorine;
  • jaw growth does not keep up with the growth of teeth, so they go for each other; the gap is missing;
  • feeding baby food; at 10 months, the baby is given solid food: apples, carrots, crackers;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx: the baby breathes through the mouth, not the nose, which affects the linearity of the dentition;
  • bad habits of the child: sucks a finger, pacifier; mother to feed the baby from the bottle: after a year it is necessary to switch to self-nutrition with solid food;

If the baby's teeth grow evenly, but the gaps between them are too wide, then this not considered a pathological phenomenon. Pathology is observed if the linearity of the gaps does not match. A dentist can determine abnormal development of the jaw.

Why are baby's teeth with a touch?

Baby teeth are distinguished by their whiteness. If a hue of a different color appears on them or they darken, then this may serve reason for contacting the dentist:

  • with a green tint: observed in children who suffer from metabolism;
  • dark shade, almost black, in the cervical part of the tooth means that the baby's body does not absorb iron;
  • yellow: the mother took tetracycline antibiotics while pregnant;
  • red: the child may be disturbed by the exchange of porphinin, red hue; This genetic disease is most common in boys.
  • gray color: enamel is thin and not able to cover the whole tooth; such teeth are often soft and may break;

The dentist will recommend to be examined by an endocrinologist and a nutritionist for the child to receive a comprehensive treatment.

How to care for the oral cavity?

For the oral cavity of the child should to look after his birth.

  • Baby teeth careBefore the appearance of 1 tooth, wipe the oral cavity with a damp clean cloth before going to sleep at night. You can use special dental wipes soaked in xylin.
  • From 4-6 months - use a silicone toothbrush. Mom puts it on her finger and cleans the first and all subsequent teeth 2 times a day: do not use paste, wash the brush in saline solution.
  • From the age of 2, they teach the child to use a toothbrush: it must be made of silicone. For cleaning, it is recommended to use a gel, but a small pea: the tool should correspond to the age of the baby. Choose a gel with a milky taste.
  • From 3 years, the gel is changed to a paste. The brush is recommended to be used with soft bristles. Pasta may have a fruity taste.
  • From 4-5 years old the child should learn to brush their teeth independently 2 times a day.

When choosing a paste, you need to pay attention to the composition. In her there should be no abrasives. Since teeth began to grow in a child, it is necessary to regularly visit the dentist. The condition of milk teeth should be carefully monitored. Then the root will grow healthy.


