The germination of milk teeth in infants is one of the important stages of life and development. This process usually occurs at the age of 4–7 months, but there are often delays. Many parents are beginning to worry, but in fact is it the genetic factor. Often there are cases when the eruption of teeth occurs in three months and after which the teeth grow fragile.
The process of teething in babies
The beginnings of future milk teeth begin to be laid while the fetus is still in the womb. Due to pain during teething, the child becomes irritable, whiny and capricious.
Signs, like the duration of eruption, occur individually. And also for the same baby, a separate group of teeth will germinate with different conditions of its well-being. There are cases when a child grows a tooth asymptomatic and parents notice only the end result - a tooth.
Symptoms of teething include:
- increased body temperature;
- swelling of the gums;
- intensive salivation;
- the desire to scratch the gums about cams, toys and other items;
- decrease in appetite;
- cough;
- diarrhea.
All this is due to the production of a large number of substances of biological properties. This process brings the temperature up. Heat must not be overlooked and required. beat her with paracetamol.
Diarrhea is manifested due to increased salivation, respectively, a considerable amount of saliva enters the body, knocking the well-established rhythm of the bowels.
In addition, when teeth grow, runny nose may occur. The reason for this is an increase in the intensity of secretion from the glands of the nose. Therefore, during this period it is important to carry out regular cleaning of the nasal passages from the mucous mass.
And also often noted moist cougharising from increased salivation, at the moment of which the accumulation of mucus on the surface of the throat.
Teething sequence
The sequence of the growth of milk teeth is established by nature itself. In this difficult period, it is worth protecting the health of your child, so that colds are not manifested. And also parents need to know that all milk teeth erupt to the age of 3.
It happens that babies' teeth do not grow in the accepted sequence, but nevertheless, teething in most cases occurs in the following order:
- Lower central incisors by the coming 6–10 months.
- Upper central incisors by the age of 7–12 months.
- Lateral incisors by the available 7–16 months.
- Lateral upper incisors for important 9–12 months.
- Lower fangs by the coming 16–23 months.
- Upper fangs at the age of 16-22 months.
- Primary molars are lower to the current 12–18 months, upper to the responsible 13–19 months.
- Secondary molars are lower by the coming 20–31 months, upper by 25–33 months.
Parents need to be informed not only about the growth time of the baby’s primary teeth, but also to know when a particular type of teeth falls out of the gums. For example, the central incisors fall out at 6–8 years old, lateral at 7–8 years old, and fangs by 9–12 years old.The molars of the first warehouse fall by 9–11 years, and the second warehouse by 10–12 years.
By the time a child is 3 years old in his little mouth, there should be 20 milk teeth. But there are cases with which all 20 required teeth germinate by 2 years and 5 months. Speaking of insufficient or excessive number of teeth, one can affirmatively say that this occurs in very rare cases due to the intrauterine budding of the buds of future teeth.
There is such pathology like polyodontonia, caused by mutation (change) in the body of the infant, when an additional pair of teeth develops and erupts in the little man, or they, by the buds, settle in the jaw.
In medicine, such a fact is fixed that, under the action of a mutation in a person during his long life, 232 pieces of teeth sprouted. But one should not focus on the likelihood of the onset of a similar pathology, because the disease is rare and cases of its manifestation are rare.
Parent help baby
The teething period for the baby is “unsweetened”. For this reason, moms and dads of their children need to be many times more attentive, more caring to their children, do not skimp on affection and warmth, trying with objects or playing distract him from pain.
If the baby takes food through the maternal breast, then in this case it is more often to offer him the breast, fighting off from the usual mode, and even more so it should not be planned at this time to complete weaning. As a rule, such difficult periods have a 2-3-day duration.
In a situation when the baby starts to grow teeth, he often feels the need to chew something or even chew on. Since it eases his discomfort. You can offer your chad especially for this purpose a manufactured rubber ring or children's toy from elastic material.
It is recommended to cool the ring in the freezer before use, but, unfortunately, not all children are pleased with cold objects. And it may happen that the child does not like any purchased device at all. In this case, the baby will choose the object for massage of the gums.
The only thing parents have to do with the object chosen by the child is to inspect for the presence of sharp edges that can injure him or small particles of toys that can break off and penetrate into the child’s mouth, which can cause choking.
Many children stop their attention on a bagel, drying or crust of bread. One of the best methods of dealing with pain during teething is to distract the child from pain. To do this, you can play with him and go for a walk, focusing his attention on the surrounding things.
You shouldn’t compare your condition when an adult is sick, he wants to lie down, but with babies, with the growth of teeth everything is different. This process is explained by the fact that the baby in this state easily changes its mood. If he just cried at the top of his voice, then at another moment the child may smile and laugh.
Lack of tooth growth and stimulation
The beginning of teething should occur in the period up to one year of the baby. At the same time, each child's growth time is assigned to his time, but the situation may be complicated by the lack of growth incisors. This happens for some reason:
- Hereditary factor.
- Ecological situation.
- Adentia. Such a pathology implies the absence of the rudiments of milk teeth in the jaw. As a rule, this is associated with impaired fetal development. According to the observations of doctors, edentia is almost always accompanied by failures in the formation of hair and nails.
- Deficiency of vitamins and microelements. The growth of teeth may be delayed due to insufficient intake of vitamins D, B, A, E, and also fluorine and calcium.
Often the teeth in infants do not erupt due to the presence of diseases such as edentulous or rickets. Dangerous pathology rickets formed as a result of an acute shortage of vitamin D in the child’s body. Ailment is characterized by a change in the skeletal system for this reason and the teeth do not grow.
Rickets has the following signs: baldness of the head of the occipital localization, increased excitability on the nerve soil, and failure in appetite and sleep.
Adentia is characterized by the absence of tooth germs. This process has its beginning from the time of development in the womb. But only a narrow specialist can diagnose this disease through a hardware examination - X-ray and a radiophysiograph.
The first step to accelerate the growth of teeth is the diagnosis, which allows to determine the cause of inhibited growth. And in terms of its elimination to provide the necessary methods of stimulation. To achieve this goal is important undergo a medical examination to identify abnormalities in metabolism, bone system, as well as beriberi.
If pathologies are not found, it is possible to achieve that the teeth will begin to grow using the following methods:
- to feed the child with calcium-enriched food with mineral supplements;
- water vitamin complexes prescribed by the attending physician;
- perform the most light massage to activate the cutting of a tooth from a swollen gum;
- take steps to strengthen the immune system.
At the same time, it should be realized that when the teeth start growing early, this does not mean that everything is fine. Likewise, the late procreation of teeth does not speak of backwardness.
Pain Relief
Of course, massage of irritated gums can help with an easy course of the process of eruption of milk teeth. But in the case of severe pain, when rubber toys with rings are useless and attempts to switch the child’s attention to the game or the subject should immediately acquire one of the drugs to get rid of the pain.
Attention should be paid to gels such as: "Dentinox, Baby Doctor, CholisalAnd Dantinorm Baby. Dentinox is available in 2 convenient forms - gel and drops. Its active ingredients are pharmacy chamomile and anesthetic lidocaine. It should be applied no more than 3 times. There is a possibility of an allergic reaction.
Baby Doctor Gel is based on natural herbal ingredients, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It can be used safely, as the drug is distinguished by its hypoallergenic.
Holisal gel has a special substance with anti-inflammatory effect, such as choline salicylate, combined with a base that has a cohesive action on the gums.
Dantinorm Baby refers to homeopathic medicines that have a complex to eliminate the main signs of teething, namely: inflammation, pain and failure in digestion. It is important in conditions of teething or after the completion of this difficult stage to limit the child in the sweet, as this can provoke the defeat of teeth by caries.
To reduce inflammation of the gums, as a result, pain can be through decoction of chamomile flowers (rubbing and drinking), as well as the use of special toothpastes with a mark - from 0 months.