What teeth are molars and premolars?

What teeth are molars?In a healthy person, 28 or 32 teeth grow in the oral cavity. It all depends on whether you already have wisdom teeth or not. But to the questions, what is the correct name for each tooth and what are molars, not all people know the answer. However, everyone should have at least a small understanding of the structure of the oral cavity and the location of the teeth.

Molars in humans

The molars are the fourth and fifth teeth in the order of eruption of the milk row, or from the sixth to the eighth - the permanent row of teeth on the right and left sides of the jaw. They are behind the premolars. Very rarely can a person have so-called extra fourth.

Typically, molars have four channels and three roots at the top, and three channels and two roots at the lower jaws. The upper first molars can have three channels at 7%, four channels at 90% and five channels only in 3% of cases. In 40% of cases, the upper second teeth can have four channels. The upper third molars may have two, four, and five roots.

From the cavity of the tooth the roots of the molars depart in the form of branches of a thin type. On the line, which is connecting to the mouth of the palatal canal and the mouth of the mesial-cheek canal, are also located the mouths of the fourth upper first and second molars.

On the lower jaw the first molar in size more than the second and third.

In the lower jaw of a person, the first molar has five hillocks on the chewing surface - two oral and three vestibular (distal, medial-vestibular). The second has four hillocks - two oral and two vestibular (distal, medial-vestibular).

Difference of premolars from molars

Molars and premolars what kind of teethWhen dairy molars fall out, not molar molars erupt, but premolars. Many parents can not understand the reason for this order of eruption. This is explained by the fact that in all children the oral cavity increases in size, and indigenous molars erupt behind dairy molars. Premolars are smallerthan root, and they are located behind the canines. The first premolar has two roots, all the others have one. There are eight premolars in the human oral cavity (four premolars on each jaw).

There are no premolars in the milk bite, unlike molars. After all, a small child still has not reached the jaw size that can accommodate such a number of teeth. Although premolars are considered the smallest molars, they are not very small in size. Premolars also perform chewing and chopping functions. In form, they resemble canines, only their crown is much wider than that of canines. On the crown of the premolar are located only two knolls.

The appearance of milk teeth molars

Surely every parent remembers that period in the life of his baby, when he started to erupt molars. After all, their eruption is more painful than the rest. The only exception is fangs. Molars erupt earlier than canines, although they are behind them in their location.

The first molars begin to appear when the child is already has reached 12 months of age. They erupt, like all others - in pairs. The first appears molar on the lower jaw, then - on the top.Ideally, the first milk-type molars should appear before the baby is 18-20 months old. In the same period of the child’s life, the teeth, the most painful in sensation, can begin to crawl. That is why the age of up to 24 months is considered the most active age of the eruption of painful teeth.

Now, as for the second molars of the milky type, they appear at the age of 2 years. Sometimes they can cut through either earlier or a little later. But when the child is 30 months old, he should already have both the first and second molars. Do not worry if your baby has any deviations from the deadlines. It may not always be pathological. This can also be justified by genetics and heredity.

Replacement of dairy molars with indigenous permanent

Premolars typeIn children, tooth replacement begins. from about age five. And this replacement begins with the molars. The replacement has the opposite order of appearance. Indigenous molars appear in a free space, which appeared due to the growth of the jaw. Therefore, they do not replace any teeth. Precisely because they do not replace - they are the last and permanent teeth, located behind the milk molars. Sometimes even the first root molars can be called six-year-olds. After all, it is at this age that they begin their existence.

At the age of 9-12 years milk molars fall out. They are replaced by indigenous premolars. They appear in about 10-12 years, almost immediately after the dairy, which fell out. By age 14, on average, a person does not have a single milkman. In the practice of dentistry, there were some exceptions, when milkmen did not fall out to 18 (and sometimes longer) years.

With early loss (up to 5 years) it is worth to consult a doctor. This can be the cause of improper bite, injury, neglected caries, or deliberate loosening.

Is it possible to loosen the milk molars?

The tooth-molar, which appeared after a year, is milky. Therefore, one day he will begin to stagger and fall out. In order to quickly fall out, many parents, having learned that their children are staggering a tooth, offer to loosen it themselves. At the same time, parents do not think about whether this can be done and whether it will not entail any consequences in the future. Everyone in childhood is taught that if a tooth staggers, then he needs help to fall out.

But experts on this issue have a completely different opinion. They argue that doing so is strictly prohibited. They say that while accelerating the natural process of falling out jaw growth may slow. And this is followed by the fact that the appearance of a permanent permanent will not be in the place intended for it. Very often, the cause of crooked teeth in a more adult age is the wrong actions when they change.

This also applies to milky molars. You can not shake them to speed up the process of falling out. It is impossible to disrupt the order of the natural preparation of the baby's maxillofacial apparatus for the replacement of teeth.

Signs of the imminent emergence of indigenous molars

Signs of the imminent emergence of indigenous differ slightly from those of milk molars.

With the appearance of dairy:

  1. Where are the molarsgums swell;
  2. profuse salivation;
  3. sleep disturbance;
  4. anxiety;
  5. possible failure of food;
  6. sometimes runny nose and diarrhea.

With the appearance of indigenous molars observed:

  1. jaw increase;
  2. the appearance of free space for milk molars;
  3. the appearance of gaps among the teeth - tremov;
  4. loosening of milk teeth.

Exactly where the free space was formed and the root will erupt in a short time. Trema same need for uniform arrangement of the molars in the oral cavity. When they are present, crowding and curvature are avoided. Also, their absence can cause a violation of bite. If this happens, then the child may have to wear lingual braces or braces.

Help the child with the replacement of teeth

Very often parents think that when changing milk teeth to molars, a child experiencing a lot of pain. But actually it is not. If you do not help this process, the dairy roots will gradually resolve and dairy roots will fall out by themselves. Or if you think that the tooth is hanging at the very tip. then you can slightly pull and get it.

It is necessary to be able to explain to the child in the period of the loss of milkmen that it is necessary to rinse your mouth for the purpose of disinfection. Rinse the mouth can be plain warm water, decoction of chamomile or a special tool that is sold in a pharmacy.

There are also such cases that after a fallout, the hole in which the tooth was located may bleed for some time. In such situations, attach a cotton swab to your child and ask your child to bite his teeth. If the hole is bleeding, then eating and drinking is undesirable for at least two hours after falling out.

If tooth replacement occurs with swelling of the gums, fever and severe pain should immediately consult a doctor. Normal replacement of milk jugs for indigenous occurs almost without any symptoms.

Molars and the prevention of their loss

When your child already has all the “molded teeth”, you need to take proper care of them. With the loss of a molar tooth, a new one will not grow to replace it. Therefore, parents take a responsible step. This step is to teach the child to properly care for the cavity of his mouth.

Proper hygiene includes:

  1. The anatomical shape of the teethbrushing your teeth in the morning and in the evening;
  2. the use of toothpaste, which includes fluoride and calcium;
  3. rinse your mouth after each meal (you can use regular water for rinsing, you just need to remove food residues so that your teeth do not clog).

It is also better for the child to know that it is necessary to refuse drinks with gases and to use sweet in smaller quantities. After all, when using such products can occur tooth enamel destruction.

It is necessary to use foods rich in vitamins and calcium in the diet. Calcium is essential for healthy gums and teeth. And if your child has healthy gums, then his teeth will be healthy.


