The growth of teeth in children is considered one of the main indicators of the development of an infant. Many believe that the appearance of the first tooth indicates that the child is normal calcium and it develops in accordance with accepted age indicators. Therefore, the appearance of the first tooth is a burning topic for each parent.
Usually, the appearance of the first tooth is expected to be six months old. Although it often happens that he appears at the age of three months or, on the contrary, the child is almost a year old, but there are no teeth yet. In rare cases, babies are born with one or two teeth, but this is a rare exception rather than the norm, and their absence until the age of 15-16 months is also rare.
In any case, if the relatives of your baby have already begun to hurt their teeth, and he doesn’t have it, this is not a cause for concern. Their appearance is still due to genetics. If the father or mother distinguished themselves by the late appearance of the teeth, the probability of their late appearance in the baby increases.
The only thing that parents need to remember is that the sooner the child has teeth, the more careful care they require.
What happens to the baby during teething?
In the same way as the terms, the signs of eruption in children are absolutely individual. Many babies endure the process of appearance rather painful and problematic. Often the appearance of the first and subsequent teeth becomes a real challenge for the baby and his relatives. It happens that the process of appearance does not appear on the crumbs and joyful parents notice the acquisition purely by chance.
Let us consider in more detail the most common signs associated with eruption.
Strong salivation is one of the first signs of the coming appearance of a tooth. It may be accompanied by swelling and sore gums. Such symptoms may appear a month before the appearance of the tooth. With all this, the mood of the child deteriorates dramatically. He becomes capricious, sleeps badly and eats. There is a need to scratch the gums on hard objects and keep fingers in the mouth.
Disturbing teeth growth symptoms
These symptoms include fever, loose stools, runny nose, cough. Opinions of doctors about the manifestation of these symptoms are very ambiguous. Despite the fact that the causal relationship between eruption and fever, cough, snot and frustration is obvious, many doctors do not confirm this fact. As one explanation: when teething the child's immune system is weakThat is why there is a high probability that a viral infection will join, which, in turn, causes the above symptoms.
Although the appearance of undesirable factors associated with eruption can be found quite often.
- Increased temperature. Temperature increase should not exceed 38.5-39 C and lasts one to two days. To reduce the temperature, it is recommended to use paracetamol. In a situation where the temperature lasts more than two days and rises above 39, it is necessary to immediately show the child to the doctor.
- Runny nose Its appearance is due to the large amount of mucus that the glands of the nose secrete. With the growth of teeth mucus is clear and fluidwhich stands out about three to four days.For prevention, it is enough to use an ordinary toilet of the nose to cleanse it of mucus. If a child has greenish snot, accompanied by nasal congestion and lasts more than three days - take the baby to the doctor.
- Cough. The occurrence of a wet rare cough is easily explained by the large amount of saliva that accumulates in the throat during the eruption process. The cough passes within two to three days and does not require treatment. If the cough quickens, is accompanied by discharge and lasts more than two days - consult your child with a doctor.
- Gastrointestinal disorder. Diarrhea also occurs on the background of copious saliva, which enters the stomach and speeds up intestinal peristalsis. The chair is watery about two or three times a day. Disorder is observed no more than three days. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the child has frequent watery (more than three times a day) or bloody stools.
In order not to miss on the background of teething some disease, can recommend parents to see a doctor when the above symptoms occur.
Along with the symptoms of dental growth, almost all parents are interested in the sequence of dental growth in children. For greater clarity, we depict the growth pattern of teeth in children in the form of a table.
Growth table of teeth in children
Order of appearance | Age of appearance |
1. Two lower cutters | 6-7 |
2. Two upper cutters | 8-9 |
3. Two upper side cutters | 9-11 |
4. Two lower side cutters | 11-13 |
5. The two upper first molars | 12-15 |
6. The two lower first molars | 12-15 |
7. Fangs | 18-20 |
8. The second molars | 20-30 |
As a rule, the sequence of the appearance of teeth in children is the same. As can be seen from the tooth growth pattern in children the lower incisors first appear centered, then upper. Behind them begin to grow upper lateral incisors, then lower. After a year, the child begins to have lower and upper first molars, followed by fangs, and after one and a half and up to two and a half years, the second molars grow.
Deviation from the standard terms of teething for several months is not a cause for concern. The hereditary factor plays an important role in the tooth growth pattern.
How to help the child with teething?
During teething, the child feels discomfort, his mood deteriorates, and there may be loss of appetite. To help the kid it is necessary to use drugs symptomatically. If the temperature rises - antipyretic, snot - rinsing the nose and antihistamines to remove puffiness. All drugs must be used on the advice and after consulting a pediatrician.
To relieve suffering, you can use creams and gels designed specifically to help children in such a difficult period. Also at such moments very it is important to show even more care and attention to the baby. More often take it on handles, carry and show different objects, tell what is happening on the street or outside the window. Try to entertain the baby and distract.
It should be noted that during teething the child pulls everything into his mouth:
- toys;
- fingers;
- various items, etc.
He tries to scratch his gums, which cause anxiety. To ease discomfort you can use special toys rodentswhich baby can scratch their gums. You can also cool this toy (there are rodents, specifically designed for cooling) and offer the child. With its help you can also temporarily temper disturbing gums and soothe the child.
The main task of parents during this period is to support the baby and make sure that everything he pulls into his mouth is clean and safe so as not to aggravate the situation with some kind of infection or trauma.