Tooth extraction for many people is a frightening process, so most patients go to the doctor only as a last resort, when it is no longer possible to endure the pain or complications.
Often, after such a manipulation, the hole starts to hurt and it can last for a very long time. Why does this happen and how to speed up the process of its healing? Let's try to figure it out.
How long a tooth hole may not heal
Even if there are no complications, the hole can heal from 8 to 16 weeks. On the second day after the removal of the tooth, the pain begins to gradually subside and a blood clot forms.
This is a very important point, since such a clot helps protect the postoperative wound from infection. On the third or fourth day begins form granulation tissue - This is the first sign that the hole is tightened correctly and consistently.
Over the next week, the well begins to gradually fill with new layers of epithelium, and the blood clot displaces the granulation tissue, bone beams develop. After about two to three weeks the clot is replaced by epitheliumwhile the bone tissue is already clearly visible from both sides and the bottom of the hole, which is completely filled with granulations.
In the next 30–45 days, young bone tissue begins to form, and after 2–3 months it is saturated with calcium and completely fills the hole space. The end of the fourth month is characterized by the fact that the osteoid tissue is transformed into an “adult” bone with a porous structure.
After their final formation, the alveoli and bones of the hole dissolve approximately one third of the root length. For 6–9 months after such a process, the disturbed gum atrophies and becomes thinner and lower.
What affects the rate of healing of the hole after tooth extraction
If an inflamed tooth is removed, the hole will grow more slowly, and the torn gum will heal at the same rate. The hole may inflame because poor wound cleaning. The surgeon may show carelessness or simply not notice the small bone fragments that interfere with the blood clot to form in a normal way, which causes inflammation.
Problems also arise if almost immediately after surgery. food has entered the open cavity. The hole may have such a depression that it becomes problematic to rinse the foreign particles out of it, as a result of which they remain inside and cause pain and inflammation.
Risk factors also include applying an old toothbrush, whose bristles are inhabited by a large number of bacteria. Caution in removing the tooth should be shown to people suffering from diabetes or blood disorders, since it increases the risk that the hole may not be delayed for a long time and begin to fester.
The following factors affect the healing time of a well after tooth extraction:
- surgeon's professionalism;
- periodontal health;
- root condition;
- oral hygiene.
The occurrence of secondary infection
According to doctors, a large number of pathogenic microorganisms and conditionally pathogenic microbes can accumulate in the oral cavity.The latter are called so because they harm the body in specific conditions.
The hole may not heal due to the fact that it is sensitive to infection by various bacteria. Secondary infection often recurs in the following cases:
- Eating food with dirty hands.
- Apply an old toothbrush, etc.
The hole can not tighten several monthsuntil the wound is independently cleaned of dead tissue and cells and granulation tissue begins to grow.
Causes of Alveolitis
When the hole does not heal after the performed manipulation, but is filled with pus, it hurts and becomes inflamed - these are signs of alveolitis. He arises due to wound infectionwhich occurs due to loss of blood clot.
Usually such a state appears 1-3 days as a result of too hard rinsing, because under the pressure of the water, the clot jumps out and the wound opens, making it accessible to the penetration of bacteria. Due to the fact that the oral cavity contains a large number of microorganisms, the inflammatory process occurs in 100% of cases.
Alveolitis is characterized by fever up to 38.5 degrees. At the same time, the pain only begins to intensify and gradually affects the adjacent tissues. As a result, the patient is often at a loss to name the exact location of the pain, especially if there are teeth nearby that are affected by caries. There is an unpleasant smell from the mouth, lymph nodes are enlarged, and sometimes flux may appear.
If such signs appear, especially if the well does not heal, seek medical attention immediatelywhich will clean it under anesthesia and, if necessary, extract bone fragments, food debris, cysts, granulation from it. Then the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide (3%) or furatsilinom, and the patient receives the necessary recommendations for continuing treatment in an outpatient setting.
Treatment of alveolitis consists in rinsing the mouth cavity with a solution of soda, taking painkillers and antipyretics ("Analgin", "Nimesil", "Ibuprofen", "Paracetamol", "Amidopyrine").
If necessary the well is re-cleanedafter which the patient is sent to the physiotherapy room. The hole may not heal due to purulent inflammation, and there is a risk of serious complications in the form of maxillary osteomyelitis.
Why does not the well heal after the removal of the wisdom tooth
You need to seriously worry if the hole does not heal for a long time due to an infection that has spread after the removal of a wisdom tooth from the lower jaw. After wound surgery is easy microorganisms enter, which can lead to very serious consequences.
The infection is able to penetrate into the deeper tissues, and infection of both the jaw itself and the maxillary zones, in combination with reduced immunity, causes abscesses. The last stage of complications is characterized by development of sepsis with blood poisoning pathogenic microorganisms, leading to death.
How to speed up the healing process of the hole
In order for the wound to grow as quickly as possible, you should follow several rules:
- Do not take food and water for three hours after tooth extraction, as this can damage the formation of a blood clot in the gum. To make the hole completely overgrown, it is necessary to chew food with the side opposite to the extracted tooth.
- It is necessary to keep the jaw with a very tight gauze pad, which the doctor left in the hole after the extraction of the tooth and lasts about 20 minutes.
- You should refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol for two weeks, because tobacco smoke and alcohol strongly irritate the oral mucosa and interfere with the normal regenerative process.
- You can not do anything that can damage the hole, namely, touch it with your fingers, tongue, use a toothpick to get pieces of food out of it.Such actions are the first way for infection.
- Do not get too overworked and should stop playing sports. If a person’s work activity is connected with this, then he should take a few days leave.
- Immediately after the removal of the tooth can not rinse your mouth, as this prevents the formation of a blood clot. It is recommended to do this the next day, using such decoctions of herbs as eucalyptus, chamomile, string, calendula, salt and soda solutions, as well as Miramistin, Furacilin and Chlorhexidine solutions.
- After the tooth has been removed, it is recommended to replace the toothbrush, purchasing a new one with soft bristles.
- Oral hygiene should be observed, and you should not brush your teeth on the same day that the tooth was extracted. On the remaining days, the teeth should be cleaned very carefully so as not to touch the damaged gum.
Thus, if after removing a tooth for a long time, the hole does not grow, then consult with your doctor. Chances are that certain oral care rules have been violated. If this condition is accompanied by various complications, then it is imperative to use medical care.