The jaw on the left near the ear hurts and it hurts to chew

Causes of jaw painWhen a person experiences unpleasant sensations or a jaw aches near the left ear and chews painfully, then you should pay attention to the nature of discomfort. Because this symptom can be caused by existing pathologies or the resulting disease, requiring urgent examination and treatment.

It is also necessary to determine if other symptoms are present.

Causes of the symptom

In the case when the jaw starts to hurt from one side and gives to the ear should, say about the presence of a possible disease:

  • Pathology of the gums, maxillary-dental apparatus and mandibular temporal joint.
  • Diseases of the air circulating sinuses.
  • Inflammatory and infectious process in the tonsils and surrounding tissues, as well as the throat.
  • Pathology of the nervous system peripheral properties.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Pathologies of the gums, maxillary-dental apparatus and mandibular temporal joint prevent the full work of the lower jaw on the right and left side, and also cause discomfort to the ear.

As a rule, problems with the jaw solve Dentists and surgeons maxillofacial specialization, performing surgical treatment, eliminating abscesses, osteomyelitis and phlegmon of the jaw. These complications in the ear are due to the negative influence of diseased teeth.

Diseases of the air-circulating sinuses arise due to one inflammatory and neglected purulent processes, tumors of the cavity of the bone process located behind the ear.

This disease deals with otolaryngologist.

The inflammatory process in the tonsils and adjacent tissues, as well as an infection in the throat, is treated by an ENT specialist.

Problems with the nervous system of a particular peripheral direction are provoked by irritation or prolonged inflammation of the ganglia, accumulating the bodies and roots of nerve cells.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the lower jaw occurs simultaneously with the collection of infected lymph from the soft facial tissues, throat, nose and eyes.

It happens that they are cancer cellswhen malignant tumors are found in the mucous membranes, soft tissues of the occipital and facial area, as well as in the bones.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that, in the absence of abnormalities, the lymph nodes are not palpable, do not hurt, and do not harm the ear.

Jaw pain on left and right side

Discomfort in the jaw, depending on its location, may indicate the presence of various types of ailments.

So, under the influence of diseases begins to hurt with:

  1. Left side.
  2. Right side.

Jaw pain when chewingA pain in the jaw on the left indicates presence condition of angina or heart attack. Since, as a result of this kind of pathology, the blood circulation in the heart vessels is confused, which can cause pain in the chest and in the center of the chest. And in some cases, the pain gives in the jaw to the left.

It usually begins to hurt on the right side of the jaw and ear due to the effect of infections and inflammatory processes or neoplasms. An exception may be an injury characterized by pain, bruising and swelling, which complicates the free opening of the mouth.

During the appearance of an increase in body temperature and the jaw on the right begins to hurt, then we should talk about the presence of a purulent area caused by polio as a complication of angina or an illness of the lymph submandibular nodes.

When the jaw hurts constantly, while the sensations have pulling properties, we should talk about the manifestation of formations.

Oncological factor

Sore on the right side of the jaw may due to the manifestation malignant bone formation or osteogenic sarcoma.

Before the manifestation of the main symptoms in the nerve processes, sensitivity is reduced, there is a significant numbness. As the disease progresses, the jaw bones and joints start to sore.

A person may be hurt due to the presence of a benign tumor of atheroma. It is caused by one bump near the ear, or rather, behind it. This fact occurs due to the growth of the lymph node and at the time of palpation it resembles a moving ball with a dense structure.

In a larger number of cases, education does not pose a threat, but at the same time it can become inflamed, sick and fester.

This action is demonstrated by intense long-term pain around the ear, deterioration of the patient’s general condition - fever and headache.

Basically, the skin near the lymph node becomes red, and in the absence of adequate treatment, the infection from pus can spread throughout the body, causing blood to become infected.

In the case when the patient has discomfort in the lump, otitis is often fixed - the process of inflammation of the outer or inner ear. At the same time there is a need to receive a otolaryngologist reception.

Pain while chewing

Why does the jaw hurt the sideWhen the jaw starts to hurt during the moments of chewing or opening the mouth, it is necessary to think about the probability of jaw dislocation or about the presence of a disease such as osteomyelitis.

Other ailments with similar symptoms include:

  • Periodontitis
  • Caries, accompanied by inflammation of the nerve ending.
  • The defeat of the pulp.

As a rule, the person begins, pulsing, to hurt the jaw with an increase in sensations at night.

Problem solving methods

When the true cause of the pain in the jaw near the ear on the right or left side is established, the doctor prescribes case-by-case treatment.

For example, with the identification of the following diseases and the action of certain factors:

  • Cyst, periodontitis or pulpitis.
  • Pain from leveling braces.
  • Problem wisdom tooth.
  • Pain resulting from wearing dentures.

Sore jaw on left ear.When diagnosing a cyst, periodontitis, or pulpitis, the necessary surgical intervention is performed. After several days after the operation, during which source of pain eliminated, and the discomfort must completely go away simultaneously with the healing of the surgical wound.

Pain in the jaw and ear, arising from wearing leveling braces is considered the norm until a certain time because correction of the bite and should be accompanied by pain in the jaw and near the ear. In this case, the dentist can only slightly loosen or tighten the locks and prescribe anesthetics to relieve the symptom.

The patient has to wait until the alignment process is fully completed.

In a situation in which the wisdom tooth with growth went to the side or inside, it is usually removed. And if this is not done, then in the future it will hamper the adjacent teeth and wound soft tissuethat will lead to increased pain.

The removal operation is performed under local anesthesia. After its implementation, as a rule, there are no complications, if you follow the recommendations of the doctor.

In cases where the jaw and the place near the ear begin to ache due to the wearing of dentures, the doctor makes the required adjustment. The pain should not be tolerated, because in any case it is important from time to time to visit the dentist for examination and appropriate therapy.


