What dental crowns better to put on the teeth?

Photo crownsSooner or later in the life of almost every person, the question arises of replacing untreatable or lost teeth with artificial ones. In such a situation, it is not recommended to refuse the procedure of installing new teeth. After all, if time does not put the crown on the damaged tooth, then its complete loss may occur. In this regard, for many people the question of which crowns on the teeth is better is relevant, since a healthy and beautiful smile is a condition for a positive image.

Modern Dental Crowns

Artificial dental crown is denturewhich is set on a partially or completely destroyed tooth. The purpose of such an installation is chewing function recovery and maintaining the right bite.

Dentistry technologies are being improved, new materials for the manufacture of crowns and lining of damaged teeth appear. Therefore, before choosing crowns for yourself, you should become familiar with the materials from which they are made.


Metal crownsMetal is the most famous and economical material for the manufacture of crowns. However, a metal crown from an aesthetic point of view has a drawback, since, despite its durability and strength, in the mouth it looks like a treated metal tooth. These crowns are inexpensive, so they are usually installed on chewing teethwhich are not visible when communicating. The term of use of metal crowns is from ten to twelve years.

Methods for the manufacture of metal dental structures:

  1. Cast way. According to a pre-made impression, prostheses are made by direct casting. Nickel or cobalt is used for this, but alloys of silver, titanium or palladium can be used. At the request of the patient, the design can sputter.
  2. Method of stamping. In this case, the finished product is stamped from the prepared sleeve. It has this way two merits:
    • Low price.
    • Before installing the prosthesis is not necessary to remove the nerve.

    disadvantages stampings:

    • Due to the fact that the walls of the forgings are thin, then such products quickly wear out.
    • The construction at the level of the gums loosely encircles the neck of the tooth, since it does not exactly repeat its anatomical features. This allows you to penetrate under the cover of food debris, and, therefore, bacteria, resulting in the enamel is destroyed.

    Indications for use:

    • Stamped crownsStamping is used for defects that can not be restored by sealing or tab.
    • The prosthesis can be placed in cases of uncertainty of tooth strength after its treatment.
    • Stamping is used as a supporting element of an orthopedic construction.
    • The crown can be installed if the patient has a pathological abrasion of the tooth enamel or various severe forms of non-carious lesion (hypoplasia, fluorosis).


  1. Manufactured by from porcelain or plastic, they are quite aesthetic, as they are similar to natural ones. The disadvantage of such crowns is that they are not strong enough. Plastic constructions are the cheapest option, however, this material absorbs food coloring. After two - three years, the color of the crowns becomes unpleasant, besides, it differs from the color of the tooth enamel.
  2. Constructions metal free ceramics based on zirconium oxide - one of the most popular.Many dentists believe that this is the best material. Since metal-free ceramics has aesthetic qualities, it is best to put crowns out of it on the front teeth. The only downside is the high price.

Indications for use:

  • Restoration of damaged teeth.
  • Making artificial teeth on implants and designs on pins.


Metal ceramics for teethTheir frame, made of metal, is veneered with a ceramic mass. Due to this, such crowns strong, durable and look natural. The hue of metal ceramics can be selected individually for each patient. You can put it in the most difficult cases. Metal ceramics is durable and costs two to three times less than zirconium oxide products. Therefore, metal-ceramic constructions are considered the best and are very popular among the population.

Indications for use:

  • Violations of the shape and color of dental structures that have arisen as a result of pathological processes.
  • Injuries.
  • Wedge-shaped defects.
  • Increased abrasion of tooth enamel.
  • Fluorosis
  • Caries.
  • Hereditary anomalies of the position and shape of teeth.
  • Allergy to plastics.

Minuses metal ceramics:

  • Need to remove nerves.
  • A large volume of hard tissue is ground under the structure.
  • Since the structure has a metallic base, cyanotic gingival margin may appear.
  • Due to the presence of the metal frame, the crown may differ in color from the tooth enamel, as it does not have translucency, which is inherent in natural enamel. Therefore, designs may be slightly noticeable, especially on the frontal group.


Porcelain crownsit a real work of art by highly skilled professionals. Crowns made of porcelain are fully consistent with the appearance of tooth enamel, and their service life is not inferior to ceramic products.

Disadvantages of this prosthesis:

  • High cost of work and material.
  • You can install them only on a single tooth.


Consist of a metal frame lined with ceramics or any other material. This type of prosthetics allows not only to preserve the aesthetics of the oral cavity, but also to save. For the front teeth, the lining can be chosen among the more expensive materials, and on the chewing ones - to put a construction from an inexpensive metal.

Manufacturing steps

  1. Making crownsThe casts are taken from both jaws, which are needed in order to precisely make the crown with regard to the adjacent teeth. For the manufacture of casts using a special impression mass.
  2. In the laboratory, a model is cast from a cast on a cast on which a sample of a future crown is modeled from wax.
  3. With the help of cement, temporary prostheses are fixed, which will stand until permanent ones are made. Cement for such fixation is used special, allowing, if necessary, to remove the temporary structure.
  4. The frame is made and tried on, which, after specifying the color, is faced with ceramic or other material.

Installation steps

  1. Installation crown photoThe doctor visually examines the tooth and necessarily takes an X-ray. If necessary, it seals the channels and carries out treatment.
  2. Under anesthesia, the nerve is removed and the turning is done taking into account the thickness of the walls of the structure. To make the crown easy to put on, the tooth must converge upwards. In the cervical area of ​​the tooth is necessary to make the ledges.
  3. The dentist decides to put the construction on live or dead teeth and, if necessary, conducts them depulping.
  4. On the missing part of the tooth is set stump metal tab, which contributes to the fixation of the structure.
  5. In the absence of anatomical tooth crowns pin is installed in the root.
  6. Removed and sent to the laboratory casts.
  7. A finished design is tried on, its color is selected.
  8. At the discretion of the doctor, the crown is fixed using temporary or permanent cement.


  • Allergy to the materials of which crowns are made.
  • Tooth shakiness
  • Malocclusion.
  • Insufficient height of the coronal part of the tooth.
  • Thin walls of the lower front teeth.
  • Gum disease.
  • Age up to sixteen years.

Which crowns are better to put

  • Types of crowns for teethWhen choosing a dental crown, you should take into account the wishes and financial capabilities of the patient, as well as indications and contraindications for installation.
  • Metal molded dental structures restore the chewing function of the tooth. However, outwardly, they are the most unaesthetic.
  • Dental crowns made of metal-ceramic are characterized by naturalness and durability. But their appearance is inferior to ceramic crowns. The advantage of the metal-ceramic is that it can be put on the teeth, which have not removed the nerve. The negative point of such a construction is the gap between the tooth and the crown, because of which the metal rim of the structure is visible.
  • All-ceramic constructions are the closest option to natural teeth. They also have functional endurance and high biocompatibility.

Having an idea of ​​modern crowns, knowing their pros and cons, one can competently approach prosthetics, not to be mistaken with the optimal choice, to properly dispose of money and not to harm one’s health.


