The main task of any dentist who considers himself to be a professional is to promptly provide prompt treatment of diseased teeth with the sole purpose of preserving them. Naturally, in modern dentistry there are many ways dental treatment diseases and one of them - pulping of the tooth.
This term, unusual to the hearing of an ordinary person, means the removal of a bundle of nerve endings. At the same time, the procedure of depulpation consists of the removal of the pulp - loose tissues that fill the dental cavity and are its basis and the nerve itself.
It should be noted that such drastic measures are taken by the doctor in the event of a patient being diagnosed symptoms of pulp inflammation and acute pain. This medical term can scare anyone, since it seems to everyone that nerve removal should be accompanied by hellish pain. But you should not be frightened in advance, modern dentistry is sufficiently developed and depulpation occurs only under local anesthesia, so pain in the treatment of teeth is a distant past.
Indications for removal of the dental nerve
Depulpation is prescribed by the dentist. in establishing the following diseases:
- if the patient has acute pain, which has started to be transmitted to the teeth, located next door, or turn into painful "aching" nature;
- if a deep stage of caries develops, in which the necrotic tissue begins to decay and inflame in the immediate vicinity of the nerve endings, which can lead to chronic pulpitis;
- upon detection of pulpitis, when the pulp is not subject to recovery, while it is either removed completely or partially;
- in case of a diagnosis by a dentist in a patient of periodontitis;
- in case of mechanical traumas, especially if the detachment of the bundle nerve has occurred, which can lead to the death of the pulp;
- in the case of partial exposure of the pulp due to chipping of the tooth;
- tooth pulping during prosthetics;
- in case of improper tooth placement;
- when the pathological ability of the teeth to fade is diagnosed;
- in order to strengthen bone tissue when parodontosis or periodontitis is detected.
In the case of prosthetics depulpability teeth determined by the attending dentist. The decision and the price of depulpation is taken individually, taking into account how many teeth are subject to prosthetics and what condition they are in, as well as the anatomical features of their structure and age of the patient. If the attending physician has not established indications for depulping a tooth before prosthetics, the nerve is not removed.
In order to prevent complications when performing depulping, the dentist is obliged to use only modern medical equipment with a diamond bur and an air-water cooling system. It should be used modern drugs for anesthesia, such as ultrakain or ubestezin.
Depulping during prosthetics
It should be noted that after depulpation the tooth will be very fragileThat is why, in order to avoid its further removal, a crown should be installed by the dentist. In the case of prosthetics of healthy teeth, the pulping is performed as a prophylactic measure so that pulpitis does not develop.Otherwise, the teeth under the crowns can hurt. Therefore, the pulp is replaced with a filling material. However, the decision on depulpation is made by the doctor individually, and in a single case, the price of the procedure is established.
Tooth depulpation before prosthetics makes it more resilient to increased loads. But why, in this case, the nerve removal procedure is not practiced by all dentists? Everything is easily explained - if the pulpless teeth do not hurt, this does not mean that they are healthy, simply because of the lack of nerve endings they cannot signal the occurrence of various kinds of disorders.
In the case of a nerve removal, somatic regulation stops functioning, as a result of which the teeth do not feel sharp temperature drops. In this case, the supply of nutrients to the pulpless tooth stops, and it turns into a dead one. Immediately I want to note that depulping during prosthetics appropriate in the following cases:
- in case of detection of hypersensitivity of the teeth;
- if the teeth are small or undersized;
- when teeth are tilted more than 10 degrees;
- with aesthetic indications - without depulpation it is impossible to make a ledge.
In case of pain in a healthy tooth under the crown, nerve removal is performed through it. In this case, the hole formed after the procedure is sealed. However, this procedure is accompanied by cutting out on a bare root of the tooth, which can often lead to complications.
Depulping teeth - features of the procedure
When removing the pulp sharp pain may occur, for the reason that it contains the nerve endings of a tooth. Although thanks to modern means of anesthesia, the whole procedure is almost painless. In some cases, adrenaline-containing preparations may be used.
After the injection of anesthesia, the dentist removes the pulp with a modern drill. At the same time, the whole process is accompanied by cleaning the root canals, in which the nerve endings are located with their further disinfection.
After the nerve is removed, it is filled. It is very important that during the process of sealing no air bubbles form in the dental cavity. Otherwise, there may be pain in the process of eating food or changing the temperature.
Many dentists for safety practice practiced installation of temporary fillings after tooth depulpation. If in 2-3 days toothache does not appear, then put a permanent seal. At the same time, before installing a normal filling, an experienced dentist checks the quality of the blockage of the nerve canals by X-ray.
It should be noted that carrying out the depulping of the teeth can be contraindicated in the following cases:
- with infectious hepatitis;
- if stomatitis is detected;
- with the patient's illness ARVI;
- with mental disorders of the nervous system;
- in case of acute leukemia;
- in diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- with hemorrhagic diathesis;
- in case of an inflammatory or purulent process;
- initial and final stages of pregnancy.
Immediately after the procedure of depulping the teeth, pain can be felt, which is the norm. Therefore, analgesic drugs can be prescribed by a dentist. However, in the future may swell gum and manifest repeated inflammatory process. If you experience these symptoms, you should urgently turn to a dentist.
If the pulping was performed with impairments, which led to toothache, due to the occurrence of inflammatory processes, this may mean that in the process of pulp removal disinfection was poorly performed. This is due to the fact that a lot of microbes have accumulated in the nerve canals, which activate their activity, which leads to an inflammatory process.
If in such a situation you do not visit the dentist in a timely manner, this can lead to the formation of periodontal abscess and, as a result, rotting, accompanied by serious complications leading to the need for tooth extraction.
Also, complications after depulpation may occur if the materials are not properly applied. If the filling material goes beyond the top of the root, this will lead to additional pressure on the jaw nerves. This can begin severe toothache, as well as discomfort in the lower lip and chin. In addition, there may be A number of the following complications:
- education flux;
- the appearance of a fistula;
- cyst;
- granuloma.
In order to prevent pulp inflammation, it is necessary to make a habit of regularly visiting the dental office. Timely prevention prevents deep caries.
Pain in the pulpless tooth
There are frequent cases when a patient has a strong toothache after removal of the nerve. In such a situation, no X-ray examination and further treatment is necessary. Main reasons the occurrence of pain after depulpation are the following:
- unpredictable response of the body to depulpation;
- poor-quality cleaning and sealing of channels;
- when not all nerve endings are removed;
- the use of low-quality material for sealing;
- gingivitis due to tissue injury;
- pain syndrome transmitted from adjacent teeth.
If any of the above situations occur, consult a doctor immediately. If the cause of the pain is the body's reaction to root canal filling, anti-inflammatory procedures are performed. In the case when the pain arose from the depulpation without adhering to the technology of the procedure - this leads to a long and complex treatment. Previously, if you experience pain in the teeth without a pulp, they were simply removed.