Possible complications and contraindications for dental implants

Prosthetics and dental implantsThere is a negative opinion that dental implantation has contraindications and possible complications are frequent cases.

But in fact, the procedure of prosthetics is put on stream, while the dental production is equipped with high-quality anesthetic agents, which makes the process of dental implantation as comfortable as possible for the patient.

Implant term meaning

The teeth set by implantation are designed to improve the quality of chewing food, which is impossible in the absence of teeth. This factor has a direct impact on proper functioning of the digestive tract.

Also, implants, in contrast to removable dentures, exclude the possible inconvenience of a psychological nature (appearance and daily fixation).

The basis of artificial teeth are biological components, because of which the engraftment of the structure takes place without complications. They are used as fasteners for conventional dentures.

During implantation there is a chance to strengthen the natural teeth in the case when they begin to loosen.

People who need the help of a dentist, and especially implantation, have a strong fear of this action. But fear does not make sense, since newest anesthetics provide sufficient anesthesia to the perimeter of the gums during the manipulations.

The only thing that the patient will feel is touching the hands of the dentist.

Primary contraindications

When prosthetics are contraindicatedImplantation is designed to greatly facilitate the daily life of a person. But at the same time, it is necessary to think about the presence of specific diseases, which with such an intervention can cause more harm than the expected benefits.

To ailments serving Contraindications for implantation include:

  • Decompensated pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Diseases of autoimmune properties.
  • HIV and tuberculosis.

Decompensated pathologies of the cardiovascular system are characterized by the presence of shortness of breath, and there is also a heartbeat at rest or when a person performs normal acrocyanosis (cyanosis of the tip of the nose and fingers), swelling of the legs in the evening, an increase in the neck veins. All these symptoms speak about the deterioration of the heart.

Therefore, in this case, there are contraindications to dental implantation, which threaten complications and serious consequences.

Autoimmune diseases and similar diseases that require regular consumption of corticosteroids, such as lupus erythematosus, an allergic reaction in severe, bronchial asthma, and lichen planus are contraindications for dental implants. Since the use of strong corticosteroids in the body reduces resistance to infections, knocks down the metabolism of bone components and suppresses the functionality of the salivary glands.

These diseases, which are not susceptible to the negative effects of hormone-containing medicines, and that are eliminated by specially selected therapy are not considered as a contraindication to implantation.

Implantation of teeth contraindications and possible complications of which are caused by the presence HIV and tuberculosis a critical form, in which clinical signs appear, is impossible due to reduced immunity and the reduced regenerative function of tissues.

Influence of the endocrine and nervous systems

Implantation and prosthetics of the front teethPathologies of the endocrine system often become an obstacle to implantation of prostheses, as with pituitary ailments, severe diabetes, insufficient functionality of the adrenal glands, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, as well as illnesses of the hematopoietic system will manifest complications in the form of inflammatory processes and non-healing of the tooth.

CNS diseases and mental disorders, drug addiction and alcoholism are defined as absolute contraindications to dental implants.

This is due to the inability to bring the patient to consciousness, how to behave during the operation, how to care for the oral cavity for better healing, which can lead to difficult complications.

Failure in the metabolism of bone tissue due to osteoporosis in the progression stage, osteopathies of congenital genesis, osteonecrosis of drug and radiation properties, peritinous osteomyelitis in people with drug addiction refers to primary contraindications.

In such conditions it is not possible the required bone healingthat does not allow for the implantation of teeth.

Implant Myths

People who think about how to improve their smile by installing a denture design are often heard from others. all sorts of fabrications, discouraging them from the procedure.

Common myths include:

  1. What are the complications of implantation?Damage to the eye orbit.
  2. Excessive pain.
  3. Anesthesia with anesthesia.
  4. Long healing operable place.
  5. Implant rejection with the development of gangrene.

Intrusion of implants into the orbit of the eye is really impossible for several reasons: the length of implants being implanted is selected taking into account the features of the patient's facial structure, experience and knowledge of the dentist.

Along with this, there are exceptional cases of the passage of implants. in maxillofacial apparatus.

Some of the occurring complications can be: perforation of the maxillary sinus, damage to the mandibular localization of the nerve, the output of the artificial tooth in the sublingual region and the nasal cavity.

These complications are recorded extremely rarely, with the possible complications most often marked the entrance to the maxillary sinus.

Recently, such cases are practically not encountered due to the special thoroughness in the preoperative examination by means of comprehensive hardware images and sinus lifting (building up the surplus bone tissue).

Anesthesia during the intervention during dental implantation is similar to anesthesia during their removal. The only difference is the consistent freezing of the necessary jaw fragments.

Modern anesthetics created in order to individually approach the characteristics of a particular human body, choosing from a variety of pain relief methods to achieve 100% of the result.

In the case when there are contraindications to the means of local anesthesia or anesthesia, the patient’s consciousness is often turned off.

An important advantage of this method is the fact that there is no pain and heavy emotions from the type of dental instruments, blood and specific sounds.

It should be noted that in most cases dental implantation is performed under local anesthesia, when the patient sees and realizes everything that is happening, one way or another, controlling the process.

The use of anesthesia becomes an alternative method of anesthesia if local anesthesia does not have the desired effect or is contraindicated for administration to a specific patient.

Also anesthesia, as an anesthetic, is used because of the persistence of the person himself. But here it is important that those who applied voluntarily tell about the presence of diseases during the history taking, because their concealment threatens with complications or even mortal danger.

At the completion of the action of anesthetics, there may indeed be insignificant bleeding patterns, pain syndrome and minor edema.

A qualified implantologist will prescribe necessary medications to eliminate the unwanted reaction of the human body.

Occasionally, there is prolonged pain, heavy bleeding and swelling, as well as numbness of the jaw, increased temperature, bad breath and a purulent process.

Such situations are manifested due to incorrect tactics of the doctor. But these signs are dangerous, which requires an immediate visit to the dentist.

Possible complications during implantationAt the time of the decision on transplantation in any case should not listen to advisers, frightening possible development of gangrene. Since this can not happen even in conditions when the dentist during the operation made a number of mistakes. The maximum that is detected when an implant is rejected is inflammation and a purulent process at the beginning, which causes severe pain in a person, which will force them to turn to a specialist for help.

In those rare situations when a bone rejection occurs after implantation of the teeth, a decrease in bone tissue is observed. As a rule, this deficiency is compensated by artificial bone material.

After all the test results have been received, contraindications are excluded, as well as prepared oral cavity To undergo dental implantation, you can safely go without a doubt and fear to the doctor-implantologist.


