Turnkey tooth implant - cost and what it is

Features of dental implantationAlmost every person in his life at least once, but experienced problems relating to their teeth. There are some minor problems that can be fixed easily and simply. You should simply contact your dentist, who will examine, identify the problem and prescribe treatment. There will be no difficulties.

There are more serious problems, but they can be solved by visiting the dentist again. A qualified specialist will be able to perform the operation, fix the problems and prescribe the required treatment. You can put a seal or cure flux in each dental clinic.

But sometimes people face such problems that not every dentist can solve. Perhaps the majority of readers of this article noticed the announcement of the service provided by dental clinics. This is a turnkey tooth implant. This is a very serious procedure, which involves certain expenditures.

Turnkey dental implant - what is it

Description of the nuances of turnkey dental implantsWhat is a "turnkey tooth implant" and what is the price of this procedure will be described in this article. As the presented value, prices for turnkey dental implants in Moscow will be indicated.

Not every patient who sees the relevant proposal in the dental clinic, fully reports on what this procedure is.

Most people imagine such an operation approximately as follows: the dentist simply puts the implant and then the crown on it. And that's all. That is, not everyone is all the complexity and duration of such a serious procedure.

Implantation cannot be performed in an hour. If we take into account all modern methods of conducting such an operation, then it should be noted that before the appearance of new teeth in a patient of a dental clinic, a certain number of very complex and important procedures must be carried out.

Installing a turnkey dental implant means carrying out all necessary activities and procedures for the installation of dental implants and prosthetics based on the installed implants.

Moreover, the period and cost of implantation is not fixed. Everything will depend on the complexity of the upcoming operation and how serious the problem is with the patient's teeth.

If we consider the simplest case of implantation of teeth, then it may take four months and one operation. In more complex cases, one operation will not do. Would need perform several operationsand wait about a year to complete the dental implant prosthesis.

Stages of the turnkey dental implantation procedure

Stages of dental implantsSo that the reader of this article could better understand what the process of installing a turnkey dental implant is, the following will describe the steps and procedures that are carried out with the implantation of teeth.

At the very beginning, qualified professionals should be necessary diagnostics performedas well as planning for future implantation. At this stage, an implant surgeon and an orthopedic surgeon come into play.

Based on the patient’s diagnostic models and computed tomograms, locations are determinedwhere the implants will be later introduced, as well as the denture structures installed on these implants.

Usually at this stage the patient must donate blood for a general analysis. In the event that, after analysis, they detect allergies or diabetes, the patient will be required pass additional tests.

Then the dentist performed oral cleaning from possible sources of infection. This is a necessary procedure carried out before implantation. Sanitation of the oral cavity means the treatment of caries, the elimination of sources of infection, as well as the treatment of sore gums.

In addition, before the operation of implantation, must be carried out removal of dental plaque. All these activities are carried out in order to eliminate the possibility of rejection of installed dental implants.

The next stage involves the implementation build and recovery jaw bone tissue. At this stage, the bone is restored when there is a shortage of bone tissue in the jaws of the patient for the implementation of the installation of tooth implants.

Such a procedure can be carried out before implantation. In this case, the operation itself to install the implants will be postponed for a certain period of time from three to eight months. But another scenario is possible. The build-up of the fabric can exercise simultaneously with implantation.

After the above steps, it is already happening directly. dental implants. The whole operation is performed under anesthesia or sedation. Thus, for a patient, a complex and serious operation is quick and easy.

After implantation has been performed temporarily prosthetic installed implants crowns. When implantation is carried out in the area of ​​the front teeth, under certain conditions it is possible to install a temporary plastic crown in the implant, which allows the patient to leave the surgery with the teeth.

At the final stage it is required to carry out permanent prosthetics of implants with crowns. In the upper jaw, complete implantation of the intraosseous implants can be expected in six or seven months, while in the lower part in three or four months.

The very period of permanent dental implant prosthetics will take from fifteen to sixty days. The term may be more if the problems with the teeth are more serious.

Terms of implantation of turnkey teeth

Description of the timing of the implantation of teethOne of the most common questions that ask people who want to go through the procedure for the installation of turnkey dental implants is how long it will take to implement this procedure.

This is a very important question, since the patient must be prepared for the time periods for preparation for surgery and recovery after it, which are provided for.

All of the following terms may differ from those that are indicated by a qualified specialist to a patient who is undergoing a turnkey dental implant installation procedure. It should be remembered that the cases are different, and in different patients different terms of engraftment and restoration. And also the period depends on how serious problems with the teeth of the patient.

So, what are the terms of installation of turnkey dental implants:

  1. First, consider the first stage. This is the stage of diagnosis and planning of all subsequent procedures. The collection of all analyzes and X-rays will take some time. All this can take from three to fifteen days.
  2. It takes from one to thirty days to eliminate the sources of infection in the oral cavity before implantation. The time allowed for the implementation of this procedure depends on the free time available to the patient, as well as on the amount of work required to be performed.
  3. The buildup, and then the restoration of maxillary bone tissue, can be carried out simultaneously with the installation of dental implants. In this case, the patient saves time. But this development is not always possible. Sometimes the indicators and the materiality of the problem simply do not allow the bone tissue to grow at one time. If it builds up before surgery, the patient will need to wait between three and eight months.
  4. Temporary prosthetics and dental implantation may take from one to eight hours. The length of time required for this procedure varies depending on the number of implants that need to be installed.
  5. After complete osseointegration, dental implants will need to be replaced with permanent crowns. As it was already said a little higher in the article, engraftment on the upper jaw will take six or seven months, and on the lower one, from three to four months.

Price of installation of turnkey dental implants

Price of turnkey dental implants in MoscowFinally, implant costs should be indicated. Prices will be taken as provided. in dental clinics in Moscow for example.

Prices will be indicated in stages, so that the reader can better understand what the indicated amounts should be paid for and at what stages of the installation of dental implants you will have to prepare a large amount of funds.

Consultation and preliminary diagnosis:

  • dental consultation is, in fact, a specialist's advice and it is not paid;
  • examination - from three thousand rubles and above;
  • examination with the issuance of expert opinion - negotiated price;
  • when attracting more specialists at this stage, the price in Moscow will be next - ten thousand rubles, thirty thousand rubles, but it may be more expensive;

Price of the implementation of dental implants:

  • With standard sanation of the oral cavity will need to pay the amount of fifteen thousand rubles.
  • Bone tissue - the price of building and recovery from thirty thousand rubles.
  • The price of dental implantation is from twenty thousand rubles.
  • Prosthetics - the price of fifteen thousand rubles.


