Immediat prosthesis butterfly: features and reviews

How to choose immediat dentureSome people face such an unpleasant situation when there is no single front tooth. You can use an implant to eliminate this cosmetic defect, but it seems too expensive, and you don’t want to grind adjacent healthy teeth. In this case, it is best to prefer a removable prosthesis, known as a butterfly. Such a design is often truly indispensable.

Main indications

The advantages of the immediate dentureImmediat prosthesis is used in full and partial prosthetics. Nylon or plastic is used for its manufacture, thanks to which the product is hypoallergenic.

Patients should be aware that the absence of one or more teeth can lead to various consequences. For example, crowns can shift, and the teeth located on the opposite jaw lose their support, because of which they gradually loosen. Over time, such violations lead to a change in facial features, and also contribute to the development wrong bite and cause disruption of the digestive tract. For this reason, it is necessary to install the butterfly in time. She will help to keep a beautiful smile and warn of possible complications.

The product is usually installed with the loss of one or more teeth to prevent their displacement or overlap of the empty gap. Also in some cases, the butterfly is used to restore the dentition. In other words, we are talking only about the preparatory stage before installing a permanent prosthesis.

Other indications can be full edentia and the impossibility of installing bridges.

A butterfly is considered the best option if it is necessary to fix temporary structures on the front teeth. Such The immediate denture is aesthetic, because it has a transparent structure, which means that it will be invisible when worn.

The product is attached to healthy teeth. In some situations, it is fixed to the gums.

Design features

In modern dentistry, there are 2 types of butterflies: with metal hooks and plastic clasps. In the first case fastener visible when smilinghowever, the immediate denture will firmly hold onto the teeth. Plastic clasps are applied to adjacent teeth and soft tissue. In addition, the butterfly base has a slight expansion, making the micro-prosthesis very stable.

Advantages and disadvantages

The immediat denture has several advantages:

  • adjacent teeth do not need to be injured, because when fitting the product, the denture itself is processed;
  • aesthetics If the design does not include metal clasps, then it is almost impossible to notice a butterfly during a conversation in the interlocutor's mouth;
  • the creation of such immediat dentures takes a minimum amount of time. So, at the first visit, the specialist will prepare an impression, and at the second, the installation of the finished product takes place. If the denture butterfly has a molded frame, then you will need another visit to fit;
  • The immediate prosthesis can be used as a temporary or permanent measure. For example, a butterfly is often chosen by patients after tooth extraction. They wear the prosthesis until the well is completely healed. Also such a choice is made by those customers who have decided to postpone implantation for a while;
  • Sometimes it is advisable to prematurely make a denture, so that it can be installed immediately after a tooth is removed.In this case, no one will notice a cosmetic defect.

Other advantages of the design include ease of operation, ease of maintenance, affordable price and durability.

The disadvantage of a denture butterfly is the presence of metal hooks. Of course, You can choose products with plastic claspsbut they do not always hold well. Also, insufficient fixation is observed when the bite is incorrect or the teeth are too small.

Cost of

The price of an immediate denture depends on the material.

  • acrylic products cost 3-6 thousand rubles;
  • nylon prosthesis will cost 10-20 thousand rubles.

Such a significant difference is due to more complex manufacturing.


How to install an immediate prosthesisA dental prosthesis sets more and more patients. This popularity is due to ease of care.

The product must be removed 2 times a day. Him Wash gently with warm running water.and then clean any toothpaste. Only a special solution is used to store the butterfly.

If you follow these simple recommendations, the artificial teeth will not yield to anything natural even with time. So, the base of the denture will retain its shade, close to the color of the gums.


7 years ago I put a butterfly and never regretted it, because she sits perfectly and does not bring any inconvenience. Caring for the product is simple, and it is very important for me. Of course, I would choose an implant, but I have no such means.

Elena, Nizhnevartovsk

I had a tooth removed several years ago, because of which all the other teeth gradually shifted. I had a year to vilify braces, after which the doctor advised to use a removable denture. This is the best option, because I categorically do not want to grind out the neighboring teeth.

Gregory, Yekaterinburg

Recently, due to injury, I lost my front tooth. The doctor advised to put a butterfly as a temporary measure. He said that the product can be used and constantlybut I'm not so sure. It seems to me that the butterfly is not sitting tightly.

Lily, Arzamas

Immediat dentures have gained tremendous distribution due to ease of use and care, as well as an affordable price. Such products help to restore the integrity of the dentition, without resorting to serious surgical interventions.


