The use of metrogel gel and instructions for use

MetrogidProblem skin, acne - almost everyone has come across this. Methods of treatment interest not only those who have met with this disease and seeks to look beautiful, but also those who are engaged in the treatment of acne. One should not think that medicine has left the treatment of this disease aside - a lot of drugs have been released, among them the drug Metrogil is released.

Application area

Ointment Metrogil, despite its low cost, finds its application in many areas of medicine.

  1. In cosmetology;
  2. In gynecology;
  3. In dentistry.

Problem skin is not a sentence

Since the composition Metrogil-gel is metronidazoleIt effectively fights acne. The main cause of skin rash is microorganisms, such as:

  • Staphylococcus,
  • streptococcus,
  • fusobacteria.


And since Metrogil ointment is from the group of antibiotics, it copes well with most gram-positive bacteria, inhibiting the synthesis of nucleic acids.

Drug is necessary use 2 times a day, a thin layer on problem areas of skin. It is recommended to clean the skin with gel for washing before applying.

Improvement in acne does not occur immediately, but within two to three weeks after treatment began. The condition of the skin will begin to improve usually within six weeks. At the same time, treatment cannot be stopped independently, without prior consultation with the doctor, despite the fact that the symptoms of the disease have disappeared.

But you need to know that metrogyl - gel does not always help in the fight against acne. In severe forms of skin disease, only topical preparations are not effective.

If the attending physician notices that the disease has severe symptoms, it is also prescribed and will take the medication orally.

How to apply

How to apply MetrogilFor 20-30 minutes before applying Metrogil on the skin, wash the affected areas thoroughly with mild soap. After which the skin or blotted with a towel or simply let it dry.

Gel should be applied to the skin with a thin layer, rubbing for 1 - 2 minutes. After the gel is absorbed, a moisturizer is applied.

After applying metrogel gel on the face, it is imperative that you thoroughly wash your hands with soap and warm water.

Pros and cons of the drug

Metrogyl is a drug and therefore must be known when using it. Positive traits:

  • availability of the drug at a price;
  • it is easy to use;
  • minimum side effects;
  • effectiveness in the treatment of almost all types of acne;
  • the regenerating effect of the affected skin cells.

TO disadvantages include:

  • duration of onset of therapeutic effect.

Metrogil gel in gynecological practice

The drug also finds use in the treatment of thrush, which is caused by various microorganisms, and urogenital trichomoniasis (for women).

Instructions for use is very simple.

In the treatment of gynecological diseases Metrogyl gel apply 1-2 times a day. If applied only once a day, it is best to sleep, inserting it into the vagina with a special applicator. After the gel was applied, doctors do not recommend taking a shower or bath. And also undesirable to swim in the pool.

Drug Metrogil

Be sure to after each use the applicator is washed with warm water and soap. Gel also thoroughly washed off.

Treatment usually lasts ten days. During treatment, doctors do not recommend having sex, even if both partners are undergoing treatment.

If the treatment with metrogyl was used to get rid of trichomoniasis, after completing the course, additional examination is necessary.

In the treatment of thrush additional examination is optional.

As a rule, metrogil relieves gynecological diseases in a matter of days and leads to complete recovery. But we must remember thrush can happen again.

Rarely happens the appearance of dizziness when taking vaginal metrogel gel. Especially if during the course to take alcohol or other drugs. Therefore, a few days is not recommended to drive vehicles.

It is revealed that metrogyl gel affects the results of analyzes, such as Pap smear. Therefore, before passing the tests, you must warn the doctor about the use of this medication.

The most known side effects are:

  • itch
  • pain at the time of sexual intercourse,
  • vaginal discharge,

Less often:

  • abdominal cramps, with pain;
  • burning and pain when urinating;
  • frequent urination;
  • itching;
  • the appearance of redness in the genital region, accompanied with tingling;
  • dark colored urine.

Very rarely:

  • diarrhea,
  • severe dizziness
  • dry mouth
  • headache
  • loss of appetite
  • the appearance of metallic taste
  • manifestation of nausea, vomiting.

Dental application

Metrogil in dentistryThe active substances are metronizadol and chlorhexinide. They are antimicrobial agents that help with infections.

The use of metrogel denta gel is prescribed with stomatitis, oral infections, gingivitis. Makes it easier symptoms of periodontitis. But in this case, the use of ointments gives a temporary effect and the help of a dentist is needed.

Often metrogil dent is prescribed after dental procedures - professional tooth brushing or after removal of tartar.

Ways to use the gel is very simple. It is applied on the gums 1 - 2 times a day after brushing your teeth. Doctors recommend rinsing the mouth with any antiseptic solution and only then apply the gel to the gum area. You can apply with a finger or a cotton swab. For 30 minutes after application, refrain from drinking and take food only after 3 hours. The treatment period from a week to 10 days.

The gel is contraindicated in those who are allergic to metronidazole and chlorhexin. Pregnant and lactating women are used after consulting with the attending doctor and studying the instructions.

Side effects extremely rare:

  • headache
  • appearance of metallic taste in mouth,
  • manifestations of allergies.

Thus Metrogil is a drug helping with severe infectionsespecially in cases of sustained addiction to antibiotics. And always before applying metrogel gel, instructions for use must be carefully studied. If a long course of treatment with metrogylum is performed, a complete blood count is periodically done in order to avoid a sharp decrease in the number of leukocytes.


