Periodontitis: symptoms and treatment, photo

What is periodontitis?Periodontitis is periodontal inflammation, that is, connective tissue located between tooth and bed. The disease can be observed even in young children, so it is very important to be examined regularly and, if necessary, start treatment promptly.


If we talk about the nature of the flow, then there are 2 forms: chronic and acute. It is worth noting that the first type is very common, since its symptoms are not always pronounced. Acute periodontitis is divided into purulent and serous, and chronic - granulomatous, granulating and fibrous.

There is another classification based on the origin of the disease:

  • The development of periodontitisMedical periodontitis occurs due to ingress of potent drugs in the dental canal. Most often it is a remedy with arsenic, formalin or phenol.
  • The reason infectious periodontitis is undertreated caries or pulpitis, in which the infection falls into the periodontium. Microbes penetrate the gums through the dental canal and cause inflammation.
  • Traumatic Periodontitis develops due to injury. It is about painful nibbling of something solid, incorrectly set crown, the habit of gnawing pencils and pens.

Main reasons

Periodontitis, the symptoms of which can be mild, sometimes develops due to common factors, that is, in case of diseases cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous system.

Among the local factors are the following:

  • What happens periodontitismechanical injury;
  • complications of diseases of the oral cavity;
  • careless dental intervention;
  • non-compliance with the rules of hygiene;
  • deficiency of vitamins and trace elements;
  • bad habits.
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Common symptoms

Acute periodontitis

The main symptom is pain, which increases when touching the teeth or closing jaws. The main difference between periodontitis and other diseases is that a person can accurately determine the tooth that causes discomfort. The patient feels a burst or pressure in the bone.

Periodontitis in the acute stageWith the development of the inflammatory process in the tissues pus is formed, and the pain becomes pulsating and can give to the temple and ear. Redness of the soft tissue and swelling are often noted at this stage.

If the pus for some reason does not come out, the patient's condition worsens. Thus, there is a rise in temperature and the formation of edema. If you do not start treatment, serious complications can develop, including osteomyelitis, sepsis, and phlegmon.

Chronic periodontitis

In most cases, this form is not expressed symptoms. Most often, the tooth has a carious cavity, which can be hidden under the filling. The patient remembers that earlier this tooth was sick, and after taking the medication the discomfort went away, so he simply does not pay much attention to this symptom.

Types of periodontitis: chronicOn the gum next to the tooth in some cases fistula appears. Also, a putrid odor is sometimes observed. During a thorough examination, the dentist knocks his teeth and, in the presence of chronic periodontitis, a thud is heard.

If an exacerbation of the chronic form begins, the symptoms will resemble acute periodontitis. However, there are certain differences. Chronic disease differs in duration, significant darkening of the crown and the formation of fistula. In addition, a bad tooth can become mobile.


How to treat periodontitis

the main task treating periodontitis - elimination of the inflammatory process. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the degree of development of the disease, the age of the patient and the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the tooth and its roots.

In either case, root canal treatment is assigned. If the treatment of the tooth was carried out earlier, and the seal cannot be removed, surgical treatment is prescribed. So, the apical part of the root is cut, and then with the use of local anesthesia, the removal of modified tissues is carried out. After this, the cavity of the tooth is opened with the subsequent removal of dying tissue. If the nerve is inflamed, it is completely removed.

Necessarily carried out neat washing and cleaning channels. This will help avoid pushing pus into the bone. To perform this procedure, special tools are used, which differ in their shape and size.

Various antiseptics are suitable for flushing channels. This may be a solution of chlorhexidine, chloramine, hydrogen peroxide. Also prescribed medications that improve the cleaning of infected and damaged canal walls.

In general, the treatment is carried out in stages. Removed first necrotic tissuethen it is cleaned, followed by washing and drying the root canals. If a lot of pus comes out of the cavity, baths with soda are prescribed. In this case, the tooth remains open for 1-2 days.

To remove inflammation and improve the condition, special anti-inflammatory pastes are used. They are applied to the damaged area and closed with a temporary filling for 10 days. With this technique it is possible to determine whether the inflammatory process subsides. At the same time it is necessary to remember allergic reaction possibilities. So, before the introduction of the paste, you need to clarify whether the patient is allergic to the components. After 7-10 days, a permanent filling is made, followed by an X-ray examination to determine the condition of the bone. It is carried out several times with an interval of 3 months.

Possible complications

How to cure periodontitis

In case of inflammation of the bone, dental treatment is significantly complicated, since the extinction of the inflammatory process is not so easy to achieve. Even if the canal was neatly sealed, it does not always help to avoid complications.

Most often, after filling the channels, pain is noted, the cause of which is injury. This is a rough impact of professional tools in the process of processing channels, as well as the removal of bone filling material into the bone.

In some cases, it is impossible to determine the exact cause of the pain. If there are no other unpleasant symptoms, and the swelling and fever disappear after a couple of days, the pain also gradually subsides.

If the discomfort persists a few weeks after the treatment of periodontitis, it is recommended reduce the load on the tooth. This is especially true for chewing. When the pain is constantly increasing, and there is a deterioration of the condition and the formation of edema, antimicrobial therapy is prescribed.

One of the possible complications is an increase in the pathological focus without clinical manifestations. In this situation, a part of the root is resected, that is, its top is excised, after which the inflammatory focus is carefully removed. The empty place is filled with special preparations. In order for the procedure to be successful, it is necessary to take into account the degree of inflammation, the particular anatomical structure of the tooth, the age and the immunity of the patient.

If the treatment of periodontitis was ineffective and at the same time the development of a pathological focus is observed, then a tooth should be removed.

Recommendations to patients

  • What to do at home with periodontitisIf there is a suspicion of periodontitis and there is a strong lasting pain next to one tooth, then this place do not warm. Also, do not take potent drugs.This is explained by the fact that when heated, the vessels expand, which means that the swelling will increase, and the infection will enter the blood.
  • To reduce pain, soda baths should be made by dissolving 1 tsp in a glass of warm water. soda The liquid is taken in the mouth and held for a few seconds, and then spit out. The procedure is repeated. 5-7 times.
  • Pentalgin or ketanov are allowed.

If periodontitis is accompanied by an increase in edema or an increase in body temperature, it is urgent to consult a dentist. This will help avoid serious complications and save the problem tooth.


