The drug "Chlorhexidine" has antiseptic properties, so it is often used to treat various diseases of the oral cavity and throat. The active ingredients of this drug quickly inhibit the development of bacteria, fungi and germs. In order for the procedures performed to give a good result, you need to know how to rinse your mouth with this solution.
So what is "chlorhexidine"? how gargle with chlorhexidine"? Can this solution be used to treat pregnant women and children? All these and other questions will find out the answer below.
"Chlorhexidine": description
"Chlorhexidine" - universal drugIt is used in dermatology, otolaryngology, gynecology and dentistry. The active components of this antiseptic solution destroy the cell membrane of various microorganisms. "Chlorhexidine" shows good activity against the herpes virus, yeast, dermatophytes, as well as pathogens of sexually transmitted infections. This antiseptic cleans damaged skin well. "Chlorhexidine" is available in several forms: solution, aerosol and gel.
Benefits of Chlorhexidine:
- Low price.
- High activity against various microbes (significantly higher than that of "Miramistin").
- Long-lasting effect (after the rinsing procedure, a thin film remains on the teeth and mucous membrane, which has a long antiseptic effect).
Disadvantages of Chlorhexidine:
- It has a bitter taste.
- With prolonged use may cause a temporary darkening of the surface of the tongue and teeth.
Indications for use:
- Disinfection of the skin, treatment of wounds, burns and damaged surfaces.
- Preoperative treatment of the hands of medical staff.
- Disinfection of devices, equipment and work surfaces.
- Treatment of colpitis, bacterial vaginitis.
- In obstetrics and gynecology: the prevention of various infectious complications (before abortion, childbirth, operations).
- Prevention of sexually transmitted infections (syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ureaplasma, chlamydia and others).
- Rinsing the mouth and throat with periodontitis, stomatitisangina
Mouth rinses: indications
After opening or gum removal.
In this case, the mouth rinse 3 times a day. Although it is better to do the bath, because the active rinsing can lead to inflammation. After all, after the removal of the tooth remains a hole, and when rinsing a blood clot can fall out of it and the inflammatory process begins. If complications have arisen after the removal of a tooth, rinsing, even in combination with antibiotics, is completely useless. In this case, you should immediately contact the dental surgeon, who will do the surgical treatment of the wound and apply the medicine.
With bleeding and gingivitis.
Bleeding and swelling of the gums are clear signs of inflammation caused by tartar and microbial raid on the teeth. Without removing the causes of inflammation, any treatment (ointments, gels, rinses) will be completely ineffective. Some improvement, of course, will appear, but the disease can progress completely unnoticed, which can lead to tooth mobility and other negative consequences. Therefore, rinsing with periodontitis and gingivitis is completely useless.First you should contact your dentist, who will professionally remove all dental deposits and prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy.
With stomatitis.
In relation to the herpes virus, Chlorhexidine shows quite good activity, but nevertheless it is better to use the Miramistin solution for herpetic stomatitis. However, there are forms of stomatitis that are caused by bacteria. These include, for example, aphthous form of stomatitis. In this case Chlorhexidine solution will be an excellent addition to the main treatment. Rinse the mouth with a solution produced 2 times a day.
Important! The course of rinsing with a solution of "Chlorhexidine" should not exceed 12 days, since a longer use of this drug can lead to oral dysbacteriosis. For some people, chlorhexidine can cause allergies.
Instructions for use
Many doctors believe that mouth rinse "Chlorhexidine»Well helps with various inflammations, especially with tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis and sore throat. In order for this drug to promote recovery, follow certain rules during its use:
- For irrigation and rinsing of the throat or oral cavity with a solution of "chlorhexidine", use 0.2 and 0.5% solutions of this agent.
- Before using the solution it is necessary to thoroughly clean the teeth from food residue. This can be done with a floss or brush.
- After the oral cavity is cleaned, it must be rinsed well with boiled water.
- Then you should take Chlorhexidine solution in your mouth (approximately 1 tbsp). Rinse your mouth for at least 30 seconds, then spit the solution into the sink.
- After the procedure it is necessary to abstain from food and water for 2 hours.
The duration of use of this tool should not exceed 12 days. During this time, visible improvements should appear. Use solution recommended 2 times a day, and with severe sore throat 3-4 times a day. Exceed the specified rate is not recommended, because side effects may occur: staining of the tongue and teeth, dermatitis, itching and dry skin, stickiness of the hands and so on.
What to do if "chlorhexidine" got into the stomach?
Very often people swallow Chlorhexidine during the rinsing of the mouth and throat. What to do if the solution got inside the body? In this situation, it is necessary to immediately flush the stomach with clean water and drink activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of human weight). Instead of coal, you can use burnt magnesia. But before use it should be diluted (2 tablespoons per 200 ml of pure water).
"Chlorhexidine" for the treatment of children and pregnant women
It is strictly forbidden to prescribe Chlorhexidine for the treatment of children under five years of age. This drug suitable for children over seven years old. But even in this case, the solution should be used with extreme caution, since the child can swallow it. Therefore, parents should carefully control the rinsing process.
In pregnant women, sore throat is more common than in other people. But im highly discouraged use mouthwash solution of chlorhexidine. If you still can not do without this drug, then all procedures can be carried out only after consulting a doctor. In addition, "Chlorhexidine" is not recommended for nursing mothers, as well as patients with hypersensitivity to the drug.
Chlorhexidine solution is an excellent antiseptic, has good activity against various bacteria, viruses and fungi. But before use, you should read the instructions for use, as well as very carefully examine the contraindications.