Glycerin borax and its instructions for use

Sodium tetraborate or borax - what is it?Borax with glycerin - in medicine its naming is sodium tetraborate in glycerin. It is a very effective and inexpensive antiseptic for the treatment of candidiasis. Glycerin borax is available to any person, it is sold freely at the pharmacy. Before you begin treatment, you should carefully read the instructions for use and consult with your doctor.

The main thing about the glycerol storm

It looks like glycerin borax clear 5 - 20% solution with a slight peculiar smell.

The composition of sodium tetraborate includes:

  • the main substance is borax or sodium tetraborate decahydrate (20 g)
  • excipient - glycerol or glycerin (80 g).

Glycerin borax - use of the remedyGlycerin borax Available in glass bottles and with a nylon and tightly screwed plastic cap to 30 g.

Borax itself acts as an antiseptic, more accurately eliminates various infections, and glycerin removes irritations and helps to better penetrate the storm through the skin barriers. With the help of glycerin, the solution is thick.

Pharmacological action

  • Prevents the growth of microorganisms (mainly Candida fungi).
  • Stops fungal reproduction. Removes the fungus from the site of injury.

Glycerin borax is used for such diseases:

  • Sodium Tetraborate - pharmacy packagingfungal infections
  • candidiasis
  • stomatitis
  • pharyngitis
  • bedsores
  • tonsillitis
  • diaper rash
  • thrush.

Side effects

Side effect on the drug may appear only with high sensitivity to components.

These include:

  • Itching
  • Weakness
  • Possible rash on the skin
  • Cramps
  • Digestive disorders
  • Dermatitis
  • Failure of the menstrual cycle
  • Abdominal pain
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Anemia

You must stop using this drug if you have any side effects and seek medical help immediately.


  • Mechanical damage to the skin and mucous membranes
  • Breastfeeding and pregnancy
  • Hypersensitivity to the individual components of the drug
  • Drug intolerance

Application in gynecology

What diseases helps borax in glycerin?20% borax solution in glycerin used for complex treatment candidiasis in women. Basically, a large percentage of the disease is observed in women during pregnancy and reproductive age, this is all due to hormone balance surges. It can also be noted that the borax in glycerol has not only an antiseptic effect, but also kills the pathogen in the cavity of the vagina with thrush. Do not forget that the use of borax should be combined with the priories of antifungal agents, which are aimed at fungistatic and fungicidal.

How to properly apply borax, the duration and course of treatment depends on the severity and stage of the disease, as well as on the history. In such cases, treatment can be prescribed only by a doctor after an individual examination. During pregnancy, this drug can be prescribed by a doctor only in the first trimester, since many patients consider special antifungal agents harmful to the health of the baby. Before using the drug, it is necessary to carry out special hygienic procedures, for example, syringing with herbal infusions.

In case of case of caseosis, women are recommended daily preventive procedures such as:

  • wetting or rubbing the places that were affected, with a bandage soaked in a solution;
  • put a cotton-gauze tampon into the vagina at night, with the presence of borax in it;
  • douching or washing the vagina with a solution diluted with sodium tetraborate.

Do not forget that when there is a tampon with medication in the vagina, it is necessary to use gaskets to avoid leakage.

The use of borax in childhood

At birth, a child may be infected by motherif she is sick or has candidiasis, because she is a carrier of the infection. From medical practice it is known that this disease is easily treatable and does not pose a serious risk to the health of the child. The affected parts of the body should be treated with local preparations containing 5% and 10% solution of sodium tetraborate in glycerol.

Most often, candidiasis affects children's organs such as: the oral cavity, namely the mucous membrane, the umbilical cord of the child, the skin, and also the genital and internal organs. Thrush is observed mainly in children who take antibiotics or with a weak immune system. And also in infants, the source of infection of which is the maternal breast, due to non-compliance with the rules of hygiene.

With this disease do not self-medicateIt is necessary to consult a pediatrician who will prescribe an effective course of treatment. Basically, the processing of the mucous membrane is done 3-4 times a day and preferably after meals. Also, do not abruptly stop treatment. If all symptoms have already disappeared, another 2-3 days should be treated for prophylaxis.


