Stomatitis in children’s mouth: what remedies are needed for treatment

Stomatitis in a child - treatment methodsStomatitis in children is quite common. But before treating them with these or other drugs and ointments, you need to understand what kind of inflammation of the oral mucosa. In each case, individual therapy is required, taking into account the specificity of the pathogen.

What is stomatitis?

This disease in both children and adults is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • severe pain in the mouth;
  • discomfort in the mouth;
  • pain in a strong affected area;
  • inability to eat normally.

To reduce pain syndrome The doctor will be able to prescribe all sorts of drugs for stomatitis, which alleviate the unpleasant symptoms and relieve pain. Among these tools that help in this case:

  • lozenges for sucking;
  • gels against ulcers;
  • ointment;
  • sprays for spraying in the area of ​​the mucous membrane;
  • solutions.

How to treat stomatitis in a child

When appearing in a child first signs of stomatitis, he needs to be taken to a doctor immediately, only he can prescribe a specific treatment regimen and a number of drugs. The recommendations are as follows:

  • Aphthous stomatitis - what is itGive your child only individual items for use and games - toys, towels or dishes. If there are other children in the family, they should be isolated from each other;
  • when diagnosing stomatitis in an infant, disinfect nipples and feeding bottles, if any, should be treated. If the baby is breastfeeding, then it needs to be treated with soda solution;
  • for older children, food intake can be painful, so a diet is prescribed, which includes mashed potatoes without hot spices. If the pain is too strong, then the child is fed through a tube;
  • The baby’s room needs to be ventilated twice a day.

Preparations for the treatment of stomatitis according to the method of exposure are divided into two categories:

  • against pain and inflammation;
  • regeneration means.

What can remove the pain?

there is a large number of anestheticsthat relieve pain in stomatitis after their first reception, among them:

  • Ibuprofen This tool is prescribed from 3 months and older. It relieves inflammation, temperature and pain. Dosage - 10 mg of the drug per kilogram of weight. Take the drug three times a day;
  • Paracetamol is an antibiotic. It helps to get rid of pain and heat. Up to three years, it is prescribed in the form of syrup or candles, and then it can be taken in pills;
  • Cholisal is a gel-like preparation with an anelgegic effect. Relieves inflammation and pain. It is applied 4 times a day to the damaged areas of the mucous membrane before or after meals and before bedtime. Up to 9 months is not recommended;
  • Kamistad - an anesthetic that includes pharmacy chamomile and lidocaine. Apply 4 times a day on the affected areas;
  • Calgel is a gel with analgesic and bactericidal properties. Apply to the affected areas of the oral membrane a maximum of 6 times per day.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for children

These funds against stomatitis have a bactericidal effect.These include antiseptic preparations in the form of sprays, aerosols and gels:

  • Inhalipt - an aerosol with antiseptic properties, includes streptotsid and natural essential oils. Apply to the affected mucosa up to 4 times a day;
  • Geksoral - antiseptic spray, which has a bactericidal effect. It is applied 2 times a day after meals. Rinse your mouth with warm water before use;
  • Chlorophyllipt - aerosol with anti-inflammatory effect, which has a calming and antimicrobial effect;
  • Stomatidin - antiseptic for rinsing the mouth during stomatitis. Apply no more than 4 hours after no more than one week;
  • Miramistin is a broad spectrum antiseptic that has the form of a rinse or spray liquid. The treatment lasts a maximum of one week. Rinsing and irrigation are carried out three times a day;
  • Chlorhexin - rinse with a bactericidal property. You can give against stomatitis in children from six months, diluting by half with water. Treatment lasts until the complete disappearance of all manifestations;
  • How can you cure stomatitis at homeFuracilin - antiseptic. Sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets and liquid for rinsing the mouth. Used for the purpose of washing the affected areas of the mucous membrane. Up to two years applied very carefully;
  • Stomatofit - means for rinsing on a natural basis. It is used no more than 4 hours after the last use;
  • Metrogyl Denta is an anti-inflammatory gel with a strong antiseptic effect. It acts on the mucous membrane of the mouth and on deep tissues. Apply 3 times a day.

An excellent healing effect is exerted by preparations based on iodine solution, in particular:

  • Lugol - a spray that has a healing effect with an anti-inflammatory effect. It is distributed with a cotton swab over the affected areas of the oral mucosa during stomatitis;
  • Iodinol is an antiseptic with a sparing effect, they can treat stomatitis in children from one year to the next. They can rinse from 3 to 5 times a day, the course lasts a maximum of 5 days.

Preparations for recovery

Such remedies for stomatitis contribute to the acceleration of the regeneration of damaged areas of the mucous membrane and improve blood circulation. They are prescribed for the third stage of treatment after neutralization of the pathogen. These funds have the following forms:

  • ointment;
  • cream;
  • essential oils;
  • gels

Their names and features are as follows:

  • Viniline is a remedy against inflammation and healing. It is applied to the damaged area after a meal and before bedtime. Can be used by children from the year;
  • Aekol, a remedy for stomatitis regeneration, contains vitamins E, K and A. It is applied to affected areas once every two days. Treat until their full recovery;
  • Sea buckthorn oil is one of the common remedies for children's stomatitis. Used up to 2 times per day on damaged areas;
  • Solcoseryl - paste for regeneration, it is applied from 2 to 4 times a day. Before using the mouth, rinse and dry with a cotton swab.

Ointment for stomatitis

For the treatment of stomatitis in children and adults Special ointments are often used. We have already mentioned Vinilina and Solkoseril. Also widely used ointments such as:

  • oxolinic ointment - has an antiviral effect when applied;
  • Acyclovir - antiviral ointment;
  • Stomatitis treatment - help for children and adultsHolisal - antiseptic and others.

It is necessary to distinguish between compounds that apply only to the skin and those that are designed for them and the oral cavity at the same time. They may have the same active ingredients, but different thicknesses.

It is understood that with inflammations liquid appears on the damaged areas. If it is treated with a thick agent, then the infiltration will not be able to absorb normally, and encapsulation will provoke the appearance of new bacteria. The gel is more liquid and the liquid will penetrate better through it.

Features of the treatment of aphthous inflammation of the oral mucosa

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth of aphthous nature is treated by excluding from the diet those products that provoke it.

Then you need to tidy up your diet. Enrich it foods that contain a lot of vitamins and natural ingredients, all this speed up the healing process of damaged areas. A good option is yogurts, which contain lactic acid bacteria. These microorganisms help to get rid of dysbiosis in the mouth. And saprophytic bacteria eliminate pathogenic microflora.

When aphthous stomatitis is recommended such food:

  • exclude products that contain preservatives and flavors;
  • Give your child vitamin C in large quantities. You can give tablets of ascorbic acid or add potassium sorbitol to the soup or porridge;
  • in order to restore the flora, take acidophilin or bifidok.

Traditional methods of treating stomatitis

Number of specialists recommend using homeopathic medicinesIn some cases this also gives a positive result. Viniline or cholisal analogues of natural origin can be used for rinsing, but this is allowed only during the mild stage of the disease.

Stomatitis in children can be treated with such folk remedies:

  • Stomatitis in children - the causes ofput three drops of calendula and 2 drops of myrrh into a glass of water, rinse your mouth three times a day;
  • cut the aloe leaf and munch it during the day, it helps to heal the wounds;
  • rinse your mouth with carrot juice to get rid of inflammation;
  • take some honey and dilute with novocaine (0.5% solution - 1 ampoule) and add some sunflower oil there. Grind everything into a homogeneous mass and rinse your mouth with aphthous stomatitis;
  • instead of cholisala and vinyline, you can rinse your mouth with a pharmaceutical chamomile For the manufacture of medicines take a spoonful of chamomile in a crushed form and mix with a glass of boiling water. Insist a few hours. The same recipe can be made on the basis of nettle.

Treatment of herpetic stomatitis in children

Such stomatitis form It is provoked by a herpetic infection and is treated only by complex methods. If the child already has two years, then you can use pharmaceutical preparations, such as:

  • Viniline;
  • Halisan;
  • Sodium tetraborate and others.

Herpetic stomatitis in newborns and its treatment

How to identify stomatitis in a child - symptomsIf takes place inflammatory process in the oral cavity in an infant, you need to practice local therapy and give him immunostimulants if he was born prematurely. If the pathology run, it will develop into a more severe form.

Thus, therapy for newborns includes the following activities:

  • treatment of damaged areas on the mucous membrane with oxolinic or interferon ointment;
  • if an allergic reaction is observed, antihistamines are given to the child, in particular, tavegil or calcium gluconate;
  • if the form is too severe, then inpatient treatment is given with intensive therapy.

Many know that a number of antibacterial drugs with stomatitis does not help.

Also, babies should be protected from long exposure to the sun and hypothermia.

Treatment of herpes in children from 2 years

To at this age prevent bacterial infection, the child must adhere to oral hygiene. Therapy consists of the following:

  • tidy up the diet of the child, you need to eat foods enriched with vitamins and trace elements;
  • you need to eat more berries, fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • should drink a lot during the day;
  • with severe pain, mucous can be anesthetized by lidocaine;
  • perform alkaline rinses to get rid of pain and prevent the progression of the inflammatory process;
  • wash your mouth every three hours with antiseptic solutions;
  • when the severity of the inflammatory process is reduced, then let's wound healing preparations in the form of sea buckthorn oil and rosehip, as well as immunostimulants;
  • if a bacterial infection joins, then oral antibiotics should be given;
  • Prevention of stomatitis and treatment with medicationsTo restore the microflora of the mouth of the child give acidophilus.

Treatment of herpes infection has the same pattern both for children and adults. It is only necessary to choose the right means for the patient's age. For example, ointments with which parents are treated are not always suitable for children, the concentration of the active substance in children's preparations is slightly lower than in adults, because children weigh little.

Normal herpetic stomatitis lasts about 4 days. If after this period it does not pass, then this indicates the accession of bacteria, the body temperature may rise.

How to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial

A viral infection from a bacterial infection is distinguished by the following features:

  • bacterial stomatitis in children provokes high fever. It can last three days or longer, and antipyretic pills do not help;
  • if the inflammation is viral, the temperature can rarely rise to 38 degrees for a short time.

A common misconception is that many parents mistakenly accept rash in the corners of the mouth due to the herpes virus. A rash may appear with a decrease in immunity, when there are changes in the mucous membrane of an inflammatory nature.

Sometimes in the course of the disease strong necrotization of the epithelium begins. In this case, the incubation period of the infection can last 4 days or longer. Immunity in babies falls, which often provokes the appearance of combined infections:

  • candidal;
  • adenoviral;
  • herpetic

What else you need to know about stomatitis in children

What else should be aware of such a disease as stomatitis in children:

  • stomatitis in children most often occurs due to bacteria, fungi and viruses;
  • atypical types of infections such as mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis and chlamydia rarely provoke inflammation in the mouth;
  • In the treatment of children's stomatitis, only those drugs that are appropriate for the age of the baby should be used;
  • long-term therapy is prescribed for fungal lesions of the oral cavity;
  • When treating lesions on the skin and mucous membranes, you should properly apply ointments and gels.

Child stomatitis can be cured. But this must be approached competently: observe the dosage and apply the necessary drugs in a particular case, depending on the type of lesion.


