Stomatitis can be treated at home. But before you start using traditional recipes and medical products, you need to diagnose the oral cavity with a specialist. This must be done, since not every disease can be treated at home. For example, if it is purulent gingivitis or caries, then the help of a doctor is simply necessary.
How to cure stomatitis at home?
The treatment of this disease is aimed at removing such symptoms as: ulcers of the mouth mucosa, inflammation, burning and irritation of the gums. Treat stomatitis at home can be medical and folk remedies.
Remove inflammation from the soft tissues of the oral cavity by medical means
- If you have candidal stomatitis, then you need to lubricate the affected areas with a solution of nystatin (1-2%);
- In case of herpetic lesion, the use of acyclovir and oxolinic ointment is required;
- Inflammatory processes in the gums caused by bacteria are treated with antibiotics.
Along with drug treatment should be applied and the traditional methods of dealing with stomatitis.
Traditional methods of treating stomatitis
The following measures are effective in combating stomatitis:
- Rinsing with soda and salt. To prepare the rinse solution, you will need a teaspoon of salt, which we drop into a glass of water, then add a little soda. Some healers are advised to add more hydrogen peroxide. If it is abused, irritation of the mucous membranes can occur. Peroxide can be replaced by iodine - drip 2-3 times in a glass of water.
- Alternate the above method with propolis tincture. It has anti-inflammatory effects.
- Aloe and Kalanchoe different anti-inflammatory properties. Rinse your mouth with the juice of these plants.
- Garlic has a bactericidal effect. It is used by adults for the treatment of bacterial stomatitis. It is used in various dishes, for example, it can be one of the ingredients of salad. A special effect has a mixture of garlic and sour cream. Garlic is consumed 3 times a day.
- Treatment can be done with the juice of freshly squeezed potatoes. It is cut, and then passed through a meat grinder and applied to the sore spot.
- Carrot juice able to relieve inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane. To do this, dilute the juice with water 1: 1 and process the oral cavity.
- In carrot juice, you can add freshly squeezed cabbage juice, this mixture is diluted with water in the same proportion.
For oral pain, rinses of hydrogen peroxide are used. To prepare the medicine, a glass of water is taken, then a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and one tablet of furacilin are added.
At home to get rid of stomatitis applicable infusions of the following herbs:
- Snegolovika flat sheet
- Chamomile,
- Calendula
- Calamus swamp,
- Sage,
- Horseradish
- Oak bark,
- Currants,
- Raspberries,
- Sea buckthorn
- Blackberry leaves,
- Hypericum
These herbs are used mouth rinse. Infusion is prepared as follows. These herbs are taken in dry form in 2 teaspoons, mixed and poured with three cups of boiling water, then infused for 3 hours.
Ancient healers were used The following recipes to combat stomatitis.
- Dissolve the ampoule of novocaine in a teaspoon of vegetable oil, add egg yolk. Treatment consists of smearing a mixture of diseased areas.
- Launched form of inflammation is treated with onion peel broth. Take 100 grams of husks (3-4 spoons) and boil on low heat for 15 minutes, then the husks are infused for 8 hours, filtered. Then diluted with water and rinse the oral cavity 3 times a day.
- Along with the above methods of getting rid of stomatitis, they use natural vitamins. Antioxidants present in sunflower oil, contribute to the improvement of the body. Therefore, this product should be on the table all the time.
Conducting treatment is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the body. If allergic reactions occur, consult a doctor. In a home setting, you will not be able to cope with dangerous conditions, such as angioedema or asphyxiation.
Treatment of stomatitis in a child at home
What applies to adults cannot be recommended to children with the same confidence. Lots of drugs and drugs, applicable adults, not suitable for treating children's bodies. They may have unexpected reactions to natural herbs, due to their high sensitivity to them. Uncontrolled self-treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity often ends with serious consequences. For example, if a thrush cannot be cured qualitatively, it will become chronic. Everyone knows that in this form of the disease are difficult to treat.
How to treat stomatitis in a child with natural remedies
When treating a child, you must follow the rules of hygiene. Stomatitis at this age is often provoked by Candida. In order not to get sick, it is recommended observe preventive measures.
- Before breastfeeding, it is recommended to wash the mammary glands with soda solution;
- If the child has stomatitis, then the mother should undergo a course of treatment;
- Milk needs to be decanted regularly, as in it, during stagnation, bacteria breed;
- Before giving the baby a pacifier, it should be disinfected with soda solution.
If all hygiene standards described above are followed, then you can begin treatment stomatitis in a child folk remedies.
- Rinse the baby's mouth with a solution of a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of salt 3 times a day.
- Decoction of calendula and chamomile wipe the mucous membrane of the child's mouth. For these purposes, use a cotton swab.
- Children over 6 years old can use linseed and peach oil to wipe affected areas.
- The following recipe is for children who can rinse their mouths. One egg white is thoroughly shaken and poured with half a glass of water. This solution should gargle.
If the above methods of traditional medicine are ineffective, you can prepare the following remedy at home:
- Pour a glass of boiling water a mixture of the following herbs: 3 teaspoons of rosehip, 2 teaspoons of sage, 1 teaspoon of birch leaves. A few hours collection should stand. Then mixed with Kombucha. Insist 3 days. This is an excellent remedy for stomatitis. It is used twice a day for 3 weeks.
Forms of stomatitis. Home treatment
Stomatitis, depending on the pathogen has several varieties. therefore treatment should be chosen given this factor. Stomatitis happens:
- Catarrhal. In this type of stomatitis, desquamation of the upper layers of the epithelium takes place, and the surface of the gum is dry, but sensitively reacts to the action of substances. Treatment of catarrhal stomatitis at home is reduced to rinsing with antiseptic preparations, for example, chamomile, furatsillinom.
- Aphthous. It occurs in a chronic form, accompanied by a rash in the mouth.Onset of the disease is accompanied by malaise, then pain in the mouth and fever. Characterized by the presence of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth. They cause a decrease in immunity and are very painful. Treatment by folk methods can be carried out only in conjunction with medical treatment. Prescribe antiseptics and antibiotics.
- Herpetic. When it appears rash on the inner surface of the cheeks and lips. Over time, if untreated, they turn into pustules. With strong immunity, this pathology may disappear on its own. Children need to quickly begin to heal. Acyclovir and oxolinic ointment are used.
Therapy for herpes sores in the mouth
Herpetic stomatitis is amenable to home treatment. To do this, apply the ointment: oxolinic, zovirax, acyclovir, add to the treatment of folk remedies - it is sea buckthorn oil and rosehip. Treatment of viral infections involves the constant presence of ointment on the surface of the rash. To do this, it is necessary to provide a constant lubrication of the affected areas at least 4 times a day.
Candida stomatitis. Home treatment.
This treatment requires the supervision of a physician. Adults are prescribed clotrimazole, nastatin, pimafucine, soda solution. Imudon is used to enhance the immune system.
Treatment of aphthous inflammation of the oral cavity.
To get rid of aphthous ulcers, it is necessary to treat them with dexamethasone or clobetasol. These drugs have anti-inflammatory properties. They cope with inflammation and pain.
To relieve inflammation in this disease, doctors prescribe antiseptics: hexoral, osept, tandum, 4 times a day.
Given the types of stomatitis, as well as their transition to the chronic form, the treatment at home should pay attention to disease prevention. As well as traditional medicine methods combine with professional means to accelerate the healing of pathological changes in the oral cavity.
It is important to remember that in addition to treatment, hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity should be carried out. After each meal, rinse the mouth with water. To prevent the occurrence of inflammation, rinsing is carried out with chamomile or calendula extract.
The simplest folk remedy to relieve inflammation in the oral cavity is soda-saline solution. It prepares quickly, and the efficiency is quite high.
With inflammatory diseases, you should have glass with chamomile decoction.
Burdock root also helps to get rid of many diseases of the oral cavity. This broth is prepared for a long time, but if it turns out to be "under the arms", it will remove a lot of diseases. He is preparing so. Take the two parts of burdock root and one part chicory. Two spoons of the mixture pour boiling water. Warm it over low heat, then strain. It is drawn for several days and kept at room temperature. If there is no burdock on hand, you can lubricate the damaged areas with the juice of potatoes. Oh, it is for every hostess there.
Starting to take care of the oral cavity should at the first signs of inflammation, they are bleeding when brushing your teeth. With proper use of natural gifts, you can not only heal, but also stop the course of serious diseases of the oral cavity.