Stomatitis is a very unpleasant disease, which is expressed by the development of painful sores in the mouth. Such a problem may begin to bother both the child and the adult. Wounds bring a lot of inconvenience to a person, and treatment is necessary as soon as possible.
Causes of stomatitis
The main reason for the development of ulcers in the mouth - bacteria entering the body. The fact is that the human immune system begins to actively fight with unknown microorganisms, thereby causing this unpleasant disease.
As well as experts identify such a list of reasons that can trigger the development of stomatitis:
- weak immune system;
- gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- an infection on the oral mucosa;
- caries;
- smoking;
- damage to the mouth;
- improper oral care;
- malignant tumors in the nasopharynx;
- disturbances in the hormonal system.
It is very difficult to determine which of these reasons could assist in the development of the disease. For this reason self-medication is undesirableIt is imperative to visit the therapist. In some cases, you may need a number of different tests and gastrointestinal examinations.
Symptoms of the disease
The disease in adults and children has the same symptoms. First of all, these are small ulcers that appear, around which redness appears. Most often, lesions are located on the inside of the lips or cheeks. These rashes are accompanied by severe pains in which a person cannot eat or drink normally.
On the second day in the place of redness develop clear white pimples. In this case, you need to think about going to the doctor.
Mouth ulcers are very often accompanied by copious salivation, unpleasant odor and bleeding gums. In some people, there is an increase in lymph nodes and an increase in body temperature.
Patients suffering from stomatitis often complain of weakness, it is hard not only to eat but also to speak. Man can not normally exist.
Types of stomatitis and their treatment methods
In medicine, there are four types of ulcerative diseases that can be triggered by various viruses and bacteria - hermetic, aphthous, candidal and allergic stomatitis.
Herpetic stomatitis
This type of disease is diagnosed most often. He is called adenovirus flu, smallpox. With a weakened immunity, sores begin to develop on the internal cavity of the mouth, which are not accompanied by fever or other serious symptoms.
Herpetic stomatitis is very easy to treat. To do this, the doctor prescribes antiviral and antihistamines. To strengthen the immune system, the patient must take vitamins.
Aphthous stomatitis
This type of mouth ulcer refers to a herpes infection. Some experts believe that this form of the disease is caused by adenoviruses and staphylococcus pathogens. Stomatitis of this form is characterized by the development of yellow and white sores on the inside of the cheeks and lips. Pathology is difficult to treat, but you can completely get rid of it.Prescribe treatment should only doctor, after examination and testing by the patient.
Cure aphthous stomatitis It is possible with the help of such manipulations:
- the use of sea buckthorn oil, which reduces inflammation;
- treatment of the affected areas with antiseptic preparations;
- use of antihistamine drugs;
- vitamin therapy;
- use of detoxification drugs.
Of course, such treatment cannot cure the disease in one day, but with the right approach, in a week the pathology disappears without a trace.
Candida stomatitis
This type of disease can be diagnosed in both a child and an adult. The main symptoms of this form of stomatitis are white plaque on the tongue and cheeks. Sometimes there is dryness and cracked mouth.
Child, sick with thrush, refuses to eat. Sometimes you can observe an increase in body temperature. If adults notice the problem on time and start treatment, severe consequences can be avoided, and the problem can be eliminated in 5-7 days.
For the treatment of this form of pathology in children is the use of local therapy. To do this, the child's mouth is wiped with a solution of soda using a gauze cloth. Be sure the doctor prescribes antifungal ointment, which will destroy the virus that caused stomatitis.
The main reason for the development of candidal stomatitis in children is a reduced immunity. Most often, the problem worries people with diseases of the endocrine system.
Therapeutic treatment of candidal stomatitis is to use antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as in the rejection of sweet and flour products.
Allergic stomatitis
This type of pathology is not a separate disease. Most often, this form of stomatitis accompanies an allergic reaction to various allergens. The reason for this phenomenon can be metal prostheses or body piercings in the mouth. For treatment, it is enough to get rid of the source of stomatitis and take antihistamines for a while.
Features of the treatment of stomatitis in adults
If a soda solution and antifungal ointment are used to treat a child, then for an adult the list of medical treatments is much more diverse. For a quick recovery, it is first necessary to kill the pathogen that caused the development of stomatitis. Sure to reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system. For this reason, to combat the problem, you can use both drugs and folk remedies.
At occurrence of the first symptoms of stomatitis it is necessary to rinse the mouth with herbal decoction. Such manipulations must be carried out before and after meals. To prepare the infusion, you can use chamomile, St. John's wort, oak bark, because these charges have good anti-inflammatory properties.
It is worth paying attention to your food. The patient should refrain from sour, sweet and spicy foods. Food should not be too cold or hot.
With severe pain you can use hydrogen peroxide. To prepare the rinse, you need to take 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide and add 120 ml of warm boiled water to it.
Doctors strongly recommend to refrain from self-treatment and be sure to visit the doctor not only for the purpose of treatment, but also for making the correct diagnosis.
Ways to quickly eliminate the symptoms of stomatitis
At the first symptoms of stomatitis, such as, itching, redness, pain, various means can be applied - purchased ointments and infusionshome-made drugs.
- To prevent traumatic stomatitis, it is necessary to change a hard toothbrush to a softer one.
- Use for cleaning the teeth special medical toothpaste.
- Exclude spicy and salty foods from the diet.
- Eliminate only the resulting white film in the mouth can be set herbs or antifungal ointments, which need to wipe the plaque with a bandage.
- It is necessary to supplement medical therapy with vitamin complexes.
- It is difficult for the baby to rinse his mouth. For this reason, it is necessary to moisten the napkin in the infusion and wipe all affected areas.
- To speed up the healing process of stomatitis, doctors often use keratoplasty, special medicines that promote rapid cell regeneration and eliminate the cause of the disease. Such drugs include rosehip oil or sea buckthorn.
The key to a quick and successful recovery is proper oral hygiene and strengthening the immune system. The patient should pay attention to the timely treatment of teeth, because caries can act as a provocateur for the development of stomatitis.
The consequences of stomatitis
At the first signs of the development of stomatitis, you need to seek the help of a doctor in order to start treatment as earlier. Do not carry out treatment of stomatitis at home. With the wrong medical treatment or its absence, serious complications can occur.
Many people, noticing the first signs of stomatitis, do not pay special attention to the problem, believing that it will disappear with time, but this is not so. After a few weeks, the sores will tighten, but after a while they will again be felt, and the disease become chronic.
Most often, stomatitis is accompanied by bleeding gums, and this can contribute to tooth loss and the development of a secondary infection.
If you do not treat the disease quickly and in time there is a greater likelihood of developing such a disease as laryngitis.
With the wrong treatment of ulcers in the mouth, it is possible to observe infection in the blood, which will spread these bacteria throughout the body. All this is very scary, as it can be fatal.
In medicine, there have been cases when improper treatment led to such terrible pathologies as leukemia or diabetes. Then cure such a disease is very difficult.
With all this, you can make only one conclusion - you should not deal with the treatment of stomatitis, however, like any other disease, on your own. After all, only the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and find the appropriate treatment. When white ulcers appear in the mouth, you should immediately contact a specialist, and then the recovery period will pass quickly and successfully.