The cause of green plaque in the language

Help with green bloomComing to the doctor, the patient is often asked to show his tongue. If it is covered with bloom, then by its color an experienced specialist immediately determines which disease has contributed to its formation. Plaque can have different causes of its occurrence and a variety of colors. For example, the green color on the tongue indicates that the patient's body suffers from a disease caused by a fungus. So is green plaque dangerous and how can you get rid of it?

What does the formation of plaque in the language

Often in the morning the tongue is slightly covered with bloom, which is easily removed after oral hygiene. This is normal. Green tongue indicates that there is some problem, so you should consult a doctor. In a healthy person, he has a pink color with an elastic structure. In addition, the plaque may have a different density and thickness. Too high a density indicates an infectious disease in the human body. The average structure of the coating indicates that the respiratory system has been seriously ill. In this case, the disease can be almost asymptomatic.

In addition to the green color, tongue coating may have the following coloring:

  • Blue-purple color may indicate lung disease.
  • Lilac - kidney disease.
  • White shade is dangerous only when the plaque has a dense structure together with an increase in body temperature. This means infection in the human body.
  • A bright red color indicates heart problems or blood circulation.
  • Too pale color indicates a lack of vitamins and anemia.

Causes of green bloom

Too bright staining indicates the occurrence of a serious illness.

Green patina on tongue The reasons for education are different:

  • Causes of green bloomImproper oral hygiene. It is necessary to brush not only the teeth, but also the tongue, the upper palate and the inside of the cheek. Toothbrush can be ordinary, and you can buy a special one, in which silicone bristles are on the back of the head. It is necessary to clean correctly, with circular motions, without pressing too hard on the surface that is being cleaned. After that, rinse the mouth with herbal decoction or just water.
  • Any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The denser the plaque, the more serious the disease. The tongue may also be covered with cracks. It is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist.
  • Poor nutrition and lack of vitamins. If after correction of the diet the symptoms do not go away, you should seek help from a therapist.
  • Thrush, HIV infection.
  • Fatty and fried foods have a negative effect on the liver, so you should limit their intake. Liver disease contributes to the appearance of green plaque. If this causes dry mouth, it is urgent to consult a doctor.
  • Weakening of immunity contributes to the fact that the body almost loses the ability to resist various bacteria and fungi, which begin an active offensive.
  • Fungal diseases are often the cause. It covers the entire language, and sometimes only individual sections.
  • If the patient takes antibiotics for a long time and uncontrolledly, then as a result, together with pathogens, they destroy the beneficial microflora.Self-treatment with these drugs contributes to the active reproduction of fungi and damage to internal organs. All this leads to the formation of green bloom on the tongue.
  • This shade on the tongue occurs after taking drugs that can suppress the immune system.
  • Having bad habits: alcohol, smoking, drugs.
  • In puberty.

In any case, you should consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Treatment of green plaque on the tongue

How to treat green plaqueBefore proceeding to treatment, identify the exact cause of the disease. If no pathology was found, then the matter is in improper oral hygiene. It should take a more responsible approach to this and brush not only the teeth, but also the gums and the surface of the tongue, always rinsing the mouth after each meal. You may need to consult a dentist, who will tell in detail about proper oral hygiene.

If there is an unpleasant odor with the bloom, you should use special antiseptic solutions for rinsing. It may be:

  • Miramistin.
  • Forest Balsam.
  • Chlorophiliptic solution.

Besides, use the following drugs:

  • Vigeratin, cholenzyme, lyobil, allohol, tanacelohol are choleretic agents if the disease is caused by the stagnation of bile.
  • Antispasmodics: atropine, no-shpa, duspatalin, drotaverine.
  • In diseases of the liver: Kars, legalon.
  • Antiviral drugs: velferon, roferon A, intron, reaferon.
  • Antibiotics of various groups: macrolides, fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, cephalosporins.
  • Antifungal drugs: mycosyst, griseofulvin, fluconazole.

Prevention of green plaque formation in the language

In order to prevent the formation of green bloom, it is necessary adhere to the following rules:

  • Hygiene rulesProper hygiene is not only oral, but also the body.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Regularly visit doctors for routine check-ups.
  • Regularly carry out wet cleaning of the room and air it well.
  • It is impossible without the supervision of a doctor to engage in treatment with antibiotics. They can trigger a raid.
  • At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor.
  • Food should be balanced and not contain harmful foods.
  • Strengthen your body by improving immunity.

Thus, the green coating on the tongue not a harmless phenomenon. If it does not pass during daily oral hygiene, you should consult a doctor. Having cured the underlying disease, this trouble will disappear.


