How to get rid of plaque in the language

How to remove plaque from the tongueEveryone knows that in order to maintain oral hygiene, you need to brush your teeth twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. But, of course, many people forget that it is necessary to clean the tongue from all sorts of raids that form on it.

If a person felt bad breath, the food became tasteless, bitterness appeared in the mouth, then such a problem speaks of the "contamination" of the tongue - a plaque just appeared.

The cause of plaque on the tongue may be that on the mucous surface of the tongue bacteria are formedthat causes bad breath. Before you remove it from the language, you need to know the cause of its occurrence.

What happens in language

  1. White. If the tongue has a thick white blotch, this may indicate that the person has constipation. At elevated temperatures - is the penetration into the body of any infection. Also, white plaque on the tongue may indicate a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, gastritis or gastric ulcer, enterocolitis. If the front part of the tongue or its sides is covered with white coating, it means that the person has kidney problems.
  2. Yellow. If it is thin layer, then this causes no problems. Usually always yellow bloom on the tongue It happens when the hot season. But if the color becomes more intense, this suggests that it may be the first sign of a stomach ulcer, there may be an excess or stagnation of bile, or an early stage of jaundice.
  3. The black. It is rare. It occurs only in severe diseases, for example, increased acidity of the blood - this happens with severe dehydration, Crohn's disease, cholera and serious diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas.
  4. A touch of a different color. Any plaque other than white and yellow is considered a deviation from the norm. It happens very rarely - green, it occurs only with three diseases - this is: with yeast, mycotic and candidal glossitis. Brown - happens in heavy smokers and people who abuse alcohol, the reason lies in the problems with the lungs. Gray is a problem with the stomach or intestines.

Plaque on the language of how to get rid of if it happens to be stained, and this is the explanation. This usually looks like a "geographical map" because the tongue is covered in red spots. Just at this time, the language looks ugly, but over time it passes.

If the plaque on the tongue is normal and does not cause any discomfort, then this is considered normal.

How to remove plaque from the tongue?

A way to get rid of plaqueBefore you begin cleansing the language, you need first determine the cause of the raidbecause the reason for the plague may be that a person consumes too much coffee or strong tea, smokes or drinks a lot, and the reason may also arise from eating certain foods that aggravate the diseases that occur in the person’s body.

How to remove a raid - first of all, you need to clean your tongue every morning, also cheeks and gums while brushing your teeth, so that it is pink. To do this, you can use a toothbrush. It is necessary to clean it from the base to its tip. You can also use a teaspoon to cleanse the tongue.

Can clear language with vegetable oil (any: sunflower, olive). You need to take a teaspoon of oil in your mouth and gently rinse your mouth with it, the main thing is that the bulk of it should get on it. This procedure should take about 10 minutes, in this case, do not rush.When spitting out the oil from the mouth, one can notice that it has become brighter and the coating has decreased. This procedure must be repeated for at least two weeks.

After brushing your teeth, you can rinse the mouth with a special tool. This will have a great effect.

Folk cleaning methods

  1. What can be removed plaqueWhat to do if you don’t have a toothbrush or even a regular teaspoon under your arms? Just have to wrap your finger piece of gauze or bandage and gently wipe the tongue to remove all deposits. If it is very sensitive, then this method will not work.
  2. Can do chamomile decoction medicinal or sage, brewing a teaspoon of herbs in a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, and rinse with this broth during the day five or six times. Of course, such a decoction will not help to remove everything, but as a preventive measure it is very effective.
  3. By applying bee products, you can also clear plaque. You just need to chew pieces of propolis, and only rinse your mouth with an alcohol solution of propolis.

In order not to bother your head with how to get rid of a raid on the tongue, the best prevent its occurrence:

  1. You need to regulate the work of your intestines and better balance your diet.
  2. Regulate the humidity of the mouth, drying leads to the formation of plaque.
  3. We need a full rest, taking vitamins, gymnastics. In short, it is necessary to raise the immune system.
  4. Carefully and carefully take medications that are not prescribed by the doctor.
  5. Do not drink and stop smoking.

A good way to remove plaque is eat fruits and vegetables more often. But if all of the above methods do not help, then you definitely need to consult a doctor, and he will help not only to get rid of him, but also tell you what to do to prevent this from happening.


