Many people in childhood and in more mature age face such a problem as mouth sores. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon.
Sores in the mouth, and if expressed in medical language, then simply stomatitis, can occur at any time of the year for different people for various reasons, but most often this disease occurs in an unprotected organism during times of stress or illness.
Sores in the mouth interfere during conversations and cause discomfort, painful sensations at the time of eating. Anyone who has ever encountered such an unpleasant picture, wonders what is the cause of stomatitis and how it can be avoided in the future.
Almost every fifth inhabitant of the Earth suffers from stomatitis and most often it manifests itself on the most tender and vulnerable part of the mucous membrane - on the lower lip, although it is often found on the cheeks, on the tongue and on the inner surface of the upper lip. The oral mucosa has a huge number of blood vessels, especially their location in the zone separating the inner and outer parts of the lip. Thin delicate integuments of the mucous membrane are very sensitive and not protected in these areas, which is why stomatitis so often affects them against the background of a weakened and easily vulnerable immunity.
Stomatitis can be described as inflammation of the mucous membranes in the oral cavity, and it manifests itself in the form of small bubbles most often white, but possibly gray, yellow or red, appearing on the inside of the cheeks, lips or on the gums.
Causes of pustules
Let's look at the reasons for which sores can appear in the mouth.
The causes of the appearance of sores in the mouth can be a great many: they can arise from injuries (for example, you bit your lip), and from specific diseases (from candidiasis to HIV). Hence the conclusion that it is impossible to unequivocally indicate the specific factor that caused this unpleasant disease. But with a thorough analysis of lifestyle, it is possible with some degree of probability to identify a possible cause of the occurrence of sores in the mouth.
It used to be that mouth sores are especially childhood disease, which occurs as a result of the treatment of thrush or herpes. However, today, as we have already seen, the causes of mucosal lesions are diverse.
A huge number of infectious diseases can manifest itself in the delicate oral mucosa.
In the oral cavity of a person is a huge number of microorganisms (including viruses and fungi), which are conventionally considered dangerous to the body, but being at rest, do not represent any harm. But under the influence of various factors, they begin to have a sharp active negative impact on the body. Causes of their harm may be as follows:
- A wound was formed in the tissues of the body through which harmful microorganisms penetrated inside.
- A sharp decrease in local or general immunity due to antibiotics or cooling the body.
- The imbalance of microbes in the human body after taking some widows of drugs.
All of these factors can cause infectious diseases, which will cause the appearance of pustules in the oral mucosa.
The most common causes of stomatitis
- The most common cause of pustules in the mouth is herpes and other viral infections, which manifest themselves in a weakened body after various diseases against the background of unprotected immunity. In young children, chickenpox or measles can be the cause of stomatitis.
- No less frequent cause of ulcers can be various injuries of the mucous membrane - abrasions, chemical or thermal burns, cuts, aphthae.
- Pustules in the mouth can appear after diseases or treatments of bacterial infections (tuberculosis, scarlet-like, gonorrheal streptococcal, stomatitis), or fungal infections (consequences after treatment of thrush or candidiasis), as well as signs of the manifestation of syphilis.
- Also, pustules may appear as a result of some allergic reactions (drug, microbial or contact).
- Weathering on a cold autumn or winter day may cause a drastic reduction in the immune system and, as a result, the occurrence of stomatitis.
- A common cause is improper or inadequate oral hygiene, smoking, and problems with the care of dentures. As a rule, poor-quality and poorly installed dentures are the most common cause of stomatitis in the elderly. To the same factor can be attributed, and the use of toothpaste with a high content of LSN. According to recent studies, sodium laureth sulfate added to toothpastes may be a common cause for the appearance of sores in the mouth. Apparently, this is due to the fact that LSN dehydrates the mucous membrane, because of which it becomes vulnerable to other stimuli.
- Violations of the cardiovascular system, as well as diseases that are caused by a violation of the endocrine system or the gastrointestinal system.
- Avitaminosis, lack of folic acid or iron, as well as taking pills that reduce salivation.
- Anemia
- Female hormonal fluctuations during menstruation, pregnancy or in transition.
- As a sign of malignant tumors of the upper body or a consequence of chemotherapy after treatment.
Types of stomatitis
Aphthous stomatitis
Painful ulcers, which cause tremendous discomfort for the sick - the main symptom of this type of stomatitis. Aphthae arising on the affected mucosa, as a rule, take the form of yellow-gray round ulcers with a bright execution rim. Aftas are very painful, cause problems during conversation and eating.
The causes of this disease.
- Various damage to the oral mucosa, which can be attributed to biting, damage to the lips with a sharp tooth cream or coarse food.
- Burn mucous hot food.
- Caries, dental deposits, pulpitis.
- Bad heredity.
- Diseases of the digestive tract.
- Vitamin deficiency or lack of trace elements.
Aphthous stomatitis begins to appear in children, and by the age of twenty he develops into chronic stomatitis.
The development of aphthous stomatitis goes through several stages. At the first stage, it is practically indistinguishable from colds and is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of them: high fever, swollen lymph nodes, general malaise. And only in the second stage, the main symptom appears - the occurrence of round ulcers up to 5 mm in diameter in the oral cavity.
Aphthae occur on the inside of the cheeks, lips, around the perimeter of the tongue, at the bottom of the mouth and are covered with a gray or yellowish patina with a red halo.
By nature, aphthous stomatitis can be acute, that is, occurring only after viruses or infections, or chronic, which means that it will periodically form within a year, most often in spring and autumn. If chronic stomatitis recurs, the number of lesions may increase, and their healing time will stretch from 5 days to a month.
Herpetic stomatitis
The reason - the herpes virus, which, once in the body, remains in it forever. This type of stomatitis is characterized by the appearance of small gray sores visually resembling herpes on the lower surface of the tongue and around the floor of the mouth.
Most often this disease occurs in women 30 years and after 7 days the sores are scarring.
Children up to three years old suffer from herpetic stomatitis and it is not so easy to treat. In babies, the temperature may rise, inflammation begins in the mouth, accompanied by bleeding gums and breath odor. Herpes rash can be localized on the face.
Recently, outbreaks of acute herpetic stomatitis are quite common among children, in which nausea and vomiting can occur among the symptoms. In this case, the child must be isolated and provide him with comprehensive treatment.
Candida stomatitis
Human microflora has a huge number of organisms from which Candida fungi are inseparable. But in some cases their quantity begins to grow inexorablythat causes severe damage to the body. And one of the side effects of the growth of their population is the appearance of candidal stomatitis - round ulcers that occur on the inner side of the lower lip and are covered with white patches.
Allergic stomatitis
Occurs due to contact with allergens. As an allergen can act as a food product, and medication. Signs of allergic stomatitis are puffiness and bright red mucous membranes.
How to treat sores on the lip and mouth
What is the treatment of ulcers in the mouth, if you bit your lip and a abscess popped up at this place.
As a rule, for the treatment of stomatitis optional use of medication, because it passes by itself within a week. But for the speedy healing and scarring of wounds, treatment with folk and traditional medical methods is possible.
Medical treatment
Most often, stomatitis does not cause anxiety and worry, and going to doctors may seem like anxiety. However, it is a specialist, and especially in severe, advanced cases of multiple ulcers on the background of elevated temperature, able to build the correct and timely system of therapy with subsequent insurance against relapse.
Depending on the cause of the boils, the specialist may assign an appropriate antiviral or antifungal treatment. Therapy does not require any special skills or expensive drugs. In most cases, it is enough to follow a special diet and rinse with antiseptic solutions. For pain, the doctor may prescribe an anesthetic ointment (for example, Kamistad).
It is possible to use lollipops to increase salivation.
Helps lubrication abscesses ascolina or retinol ointment. In candidal stomatitis, antifungal agents may be prescribed (for example, lamisil), for viruses, interferon ointment.
Treatment of folk remedies
The most popular remedy for the treatment of stomatitis are infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, eucalyptus, cedar, calendula, etc.).
A good antiseptic effect is achieved by rinsing the mouth. a solution of baking soda and water.
Also, as an antiseptic it is recommended to take honey.