What is a fistula and how to treat a hole in the gum?

Any disease associated with the teeth or gums requires an urgent visit to the dentist. Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and perform the necessary treatment. With particular seriousness you need to treat the hole in the gum. Because it leads to fistula formation. And a fistula, as is known, is an inflammatory and suppurative disease, and one should not delay its treatment.

What is a fistula and the reasons for its appearance

Fistula is purulent formationwhich looks like a pouch on the gum or a small hole. In fact, it is a channel that passes inside the gum, and it connects the surface with suppuration, which was formed at the root of the tooth. Fluid and pus pass through the channel of inflammation through this channel. It can even be seen with the naked eye. The reason for the formation of growth on the gum is the activity of pyogenic microorganisms. Fistula pathogens are staphylococci, pneumococci and gonococci. But the main culprits for the formation of fistulas are diseases such as caries, periodontitis and pulpitis. During caries, the tooth tissue begins to rot, and thus forms caries on it, and due to the active activity of carious bacteria, a fistula in the gum is formed. Pulpitis is a complication.which appears as a result of undertreated caries. So that the decay does not reach the root of the tooth and does not fall into the bone and soft tissue of the jaw, it is necessary to seal the aching tooth and at the same time remove the nerve. Periodontitis is the result of an infection that inflames the tissue around the tooth. This disease, if not treated, also contributes to fistula formation. In addition to the above, the cause of the growth of the gums can be a cyst. It is formed on top of the tooth root due to not cured pulpitis. The cyst is filled with pus and can reach a size of 2–3 cm. When the pus overflows the cyst, it comes out and thereby forms a fistula on the gum. There is another disease - granuloma, which also provokes the formation of growth on the gum. A granuloma resembles a cyst, only has a smaller size and does not have a membrane. Granuloma is easier to treat than a cyst. These diseases also appear after neglected caries or improper treatment. During the filling of canals, voids should not remain, because it is they that cause inflammation, and then fistulas. Many do not know that wisdom teeth can cause a build-up on gums, and complex teething of milk teeth. Sometimes long teething of children's milk teeth or complex wisdom teeth contribute to the swelling of the gums and its inflammation, which leads to the formation of a fistula.


This dental disease has some symptoms by which it can be identified:

  • How to treat a fistula in the gums

    Fistula symptoms

    strong pain. Toothache in this case can be aching and increases with chewing or any other pressure on the teeth;
  • redness of the gums and its inflammation around the tooth;
  • mobility of a diseased tooth;
  • the appearance of purulent masses;
  • temperature rise.

Fistula on the gum can be of two types: external and internal. An external fistula can be detected by a person. But the internal fistula during a visual inspection can not be seen. To see it you need to undergo radiography.


This disease has several varieties that appear as a result of various factors. But separately we should highlight these types:

  1. Fistula formed after tooth extraction.After removal of the diseased tooth, a fistula may appear due to suppuration in the sinuses or gums. It should be noted that this species is rare and is the result of infection during tooth extraction.
  2. After tooth extraction, serious complications can occur, which is characterized by the appearance of a fistula from the diseased tooth to the maxillary sinuses, and therefore the sinuses of the nose can become inflamed.
  3. Fistula under the crown. This type of fistula can often be found. When a person often puts crowns, and this operation is not an easy one, inflammation is formed as a result of not healing the canals. The situation is difficult because the patient has already put on the crown and in order to treat the fistula, it will be necessary to remove it.
  4. After tooth implantation. This type of fistula is formed due to poor cleaning of the place where the implant should be installed or, conversely, its incorrect installation.


Hole in the gum what is it

Treatment of fistula in the gums

For the treatment of fistula to be effective, you first need to establish the reason for his appearance, namely to cure a tooth. The dentist must clean the dental canals well, remove the pus and all carious deposits. After this, it is imperative to treat the tooth with a disinfectant and seal it. At the very moment when the pus comes out, the patient will be able to feel a clear relief, while the toothache is noticeably reduced. But sometimes fistula rupture can occur before the visit to the doctor and at this moment the person thinks that he no longer needs to engage in treatment, but this opinion is erroneous. Affected tissue must be removed by scraping, otherwise inflammation can start anew. After the dentist opens the fistula itself, the wound on the gum should remain open, but it should be disinfected periodically. With the help of rinses, all exudate should come out, and due to physiotherapy, the inflammatory process is eliminated. Together with external treatment it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs. If the symptoms of the disease start to disappear, the patient will immediately notice this, because the puffiness subsides, the pus stops oozing, the redness disappears, and the wound itself begins to tighten. A sore tooth should put a temporary sealand after 10 days change it to a permanent one. This is necessary to eliminate the signs of a new infection. If a complication has arisen, for example, the spread of infection to the periosteum, then removal of the fistula is possible only by surgery. A timely visit to the dentist will help to avoid serious complications and surgery.

Pregnancy treatment

As a result of the fact that the organism of the future mother is highly susceptible to various infections, sometimes they may also have fistulas on the gum. Naturally, in this case it is impossible to treat fistula with antibiotics. Therefore, for pregnant women, the dentist takes completely different measures. Most often, the treatment of fistula during pregnancy is based on the use of drugs in herbs and ointment form.

Treatment of fistula in children

How to cure a fistula

Treatment of fistula in children

In children, the disease appears due to dysplasia of the growth of milk teeth. For a small child, this situation is serious, so you should immediately contact your dentist. If it is not treated in time, the child’s body may weaken, he will become irritable due to a toothache. Also running fistula can lead to chronic diseases of permanent teeth. Treatment in children based on two ways:

  • drug, with which the doctor selects drugs for the child and herbal teas to rinse the mouth;
  • tooth extraction, which is the cause of the disease. The dentist accepts this decision only if the fistula is serious and another treatment will not help.

Folk remedies

The method of treating a fistula on the gum should be chosen only by a doctor and this he does after the examination.After dental procedures, the patient conducts a course of treatment with antibiotics and at the same time caresses the oral cavity with medicinal solutions, for example, furatsilinom. But there are many herbs that have anti-inflammatory effects. Naturally, they can not eliminate the cause of the disease and lead to a complete cure, but for the purpose of rapid healing, they will perfectly help. Treat fistula rinses can using the following herbs:

  1. What tinctures help with fistula

    Folk remedies for fistula

    Tincture of chamomile and calendula. They can be used separately and together. They are great help to relieve inflammation and reduce pain.
  2. Eucalyptus ointment. For its preparation, it is necessary to chop the leaves of this plant and mix with sunflower oil. Then insist the mixture a day and add the finely chopped onion. Each ingredient is taken in equal proportions. A little of the mixture obtained should be wrapped in a bandage and applied to the fistula. This tool will help stretch the pus, and it is also suitable for quick wound healing.
  3. Bee propolis. After dental intervention, bee propolis will allow the wound to be disinfected. To do this, you need to dissolve under the tongue.
  4. With the help of decoctions of calendula, tansy and yarrow, you can get rid of inflammation. To do this, a decoction of any of these types of herbs taken in the mouth and hold for about 5 minutes.


Prevention as such does not exist, the only thing necessary keep your mouth clean. This can be done through daily hygiene and frequent visits to the dentist to clean the teeth from plaque and tartar. It is necessary to remember that everything depends on the person himself and on whether a visit to a specialist was made in a timely manner and how well control over dental health is exercised.


