The most vulnerable part of the oral cavity are the gums. Bad breath, changed color and structure of the mucous membrane, bleeding - all these are signs of their dysfunctional state. Gums can hurt both in the elderly and in young people. The disease usually begins with a mild form of inflammation, which can lead to more serious consequences without prompt treatment. That is why it is necessary to know the symptoms of gum disease in order to consult a doctor in time and begin treatment.
Causes of Gum Disease
Overwhelmingly Causes of gum disease are:
- improper and irregular oral hygiene;
- stressful situations;
- hormonal changes;
- genetic predisposition;
- age-related changes of the body;
- fungal diseases and viral infections;
- stressful situations;
- taking certain medications;
- pregnancy;
- diabetes.
The bacteria that accumulate in the form of a stone on the lower part of the teeth can also provoke diseases. Regular visits to the dentist and professional cleaning of the enamel will help get rid of stones, and, therefore, from bacteria.
Main symptoms
Problems with gums have more than half the adult population. The main symptom of the pathology is pain. However, at the initial stage of gingivitis, discomfort and soreness are almost not felt. Therefore, one should focus not only on the presence of pain, but also on other symptoms:
- bad breath;
- increased tooth sensitivity;
- red color swollen gums and their bleeding.
With regular oral examinations and visits to the dental clinic pathology can be detected early and start timely treatment.
Translated from Latin, gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. Deep-lying tissue does not affect this disease. Only the area adjacent to the tooth, that is, the marginal gum, is affected.
By type of inflammation distinguish The following types of gingivitis:
- Catarrhal It is manifested by itching and mild bleeding of the gums. Causes is improper oral care.
- Hypertrophic. The main symptoms of the disease include: profuse bleeding and bad smell from the mouth.
- Ulcer-necrotic. A large amount of gray plaque appears on the teeth, and sores on the gums. Pathology is accompanied by severe pain and putrid odor from the mouth.
The disease can proceed in an acute and chronic form. By the degree of spread, gingivitis can affect a localized area of one to three teeth or the entire gum.
The main cause of pathology is poor oral hygienein which a soft touch accumulates on the enamel. Bacteria that cause inflammation multiply in it.
Other causes of gingivitis include:
- food constantly clogged up between the teeth;
- traumatized by solid products or a toothbrush;
- a freshly installed filling or crown;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- blood diseases;
- lack of vitamins E, C, B1, A;
- hormonal disorders in pregnant women and adolescents;
- chronic poisoning with bromine, iodine, mercury, aluminum, bismuth, lead;
- reduced immunity.
Symptoms of the disease
The main symptom is redness and swelling of the gum area. It can be painful and bleed when eating or brushing your teeth. Perhaps the appearance of cyanosis, the appearance of an unpleasant smell and changes in shape due to edema.
Gingivitis treatment
In the initial stages of the disease, folk remedies can be used, in the form of mouth rinsing with anti-inflammatory herbs and plant antiseptics. Such procedures will help relieve some symptoms, but they will not cope with the cause of the disease.
Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor, who must first determine the cause of gingivitis. Treatment of pathology is performed using the following actions:
- Removal from under the gums and from the enamel accumulated deposits.
- Treatment of the oral cavity with special preparations - antiseptics.
- Appointment of applications or rinsing with antiseptic preparations at home.
- Anti-inflammatory therapy in the form of application to the painful areas of gels.
For the treatment of gingivitis, such measures are sufficient. In the absence of traumatic factors, compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor and normal oral hygiene the disease passes quicklyand gums are restored. In advanced cases, the dentist may prescribe a vacuum massage, ultraviolet therapy, electrophoresis.
Periodontitis is a disease in which inflammation occurs not only of the dental-toothed tissues, but also of the ligaments. In advanced cases, the inflammation affects the bone tissue. Periodontitis is a consequence of untreated gingivitis.
A distinctive feature of the disease is the formation of hard dental stones, which can excrete pus. Other symptoms of inflammation include:
- unpleasant smell from the mouth;
- holes between the teeth and gums;
- severe pain;
- reel, and subsequently and displacement of teeth;
- bleeding gums;
- bared dental necks;
- in the later stages - pain when biting on mobile teeth.
If an infection gets into the inflamed tooth pocket, then flux can develop.
In addition to dental deposits and gingivitis, lead to the development of periodontitis Some common diseases are:
- severe forms of chronic pathologies of internal organs;
- blood disorders;
- immunodeficiency;
- diabetes.
Inflammation can develop due to an abnormal position or crowding of the teeth, traumatic bite, hyper tone of the masticatory muscles, high attachment of the frenulums.
Degree of periodontitis
According to the severity of inflammation divided into three forms:
- The mild form of the disease differs in the depth of the bone pocket not more than 3.5 mm. Symptoms of the form include hyperemia of the edge of the gums, their pain and bleeding when brushing teeth. After X-ray examination in the picture you can see a slight loss of bone.
- The average form of periodontitis is marked by an increase in pockets up to 5 mm. The patient has a more pronounced bleeding gums, which can be spontaneous. Teeth stagger and begin to shift. Brushing your teeth and eating is difficult.
- Severe form is inflammation in which pockets reach a depth of more than 5 mm. Expressed bleeding and unpleasant smell from the mouth. The teeth are mobile and able to fall out.
In any form of severity the treatment of periodontitis should be comprehensive. It is much more difficult to treat it than gingivitis, and it can be cured only in the initial stages. When the bone is partially dissolved, it is almost impossible to return it. Stable results are not even bone grafts.
Stages of treatment of periodontitis:
- Removal of tartar. The procedure should be performed at least once every six months. In some cases, cleaning is recommended every two to three months. This frequency of the procedure is due to the fact that the stone is growing rapidly, and it is impossible to clean it out with a simple brush from deep dental pockets.As a result, pathogenic microbes develop in it.
- Oral hygiene. Since microorganisms are the main cause of the disease, this stage in the treatment is very important. At home, after each meal, you should carefully brush your teeth and rinse your mouth. Toothpastes and rinses are selected individually. Be sure to use a dental floss, and for large gaps between the teeth and bare roots - brushes. It is recommended to use the device for washing your pockets with water, which is called an irrigator.
- Antiseptic treatment. The optimal variant of the procedure is selected individually. In the initial stages, you can do with gargles and ointments at home, and electrophoresis with the imposition of dressings with antiseptics. Currently, there are drugs that have a long antiseptic effect on the tooth pocket. They are gelatinous scales, which, when placed in a periodontal pocket, swell and prevent germs from entering it. At the same time, the antiseptic begins to stand out. The effect of such a drug is up to three weeks. However, it is quite expensive.
- Anti-inflammatory therapy. Also assigned individually, and depends on the form of gravity. Some patients are prescribed an overlay ointment on the gums, others - physiotherapy or dressing.
- Facilitation of the acute stage. In this case, antibiotics, vitamins, immunostimulants, and antihistamines are prescribed.
With the progression of the disease may require ultrasonic cleaning and surgical intervention in the form of curettage. During such an operation, an incision is made on the gum and special tools of the bone and the surface of the roots of the teeth are cleaned of stone and damaged areas. If necessary, artificial bone is added.
Periodontal disease
Periodontal disease is not an inflammatory disease. This is a rare pathology in which the patient is affected by the circulatory tissue. With periodontal disease gums do not blush, swell or bleed. Periodontal pockets also do not occur. A person feels awkward and unpleasant when brushing his teeth, eating and when he gets cold or hot on his teeth.
With periodontal disease, bone tissue is destroyed, which leads first to reeling, and then to tooth loss.
The causes of the disease are still not fully understood. The occurrence of dystrophic disease due to the following factors:
- old age;
- lack of certain vitamins in the body;
- abnormal tooth position;
- bad habits (alcoholism, smoking);
- heredity;
- hormonal disruptions;
- hardening of the vessels, in which their lumen is reduced, and the gums get less nutrition;
- chronic diseases of the internal organs;
- hormonal disorders.
Treatment of periodontal disease
The developing disease should be treated in a complex. The doctor identifies the cause of its occurrence and prescribe individual treatment.
First of all, a professional treatment of the oral cavity is performed, incorrectly positioned teeth are aligned, and the wrong bite is eliminated.
Physiotherapy is prescribed to improve blood circulation. This can be a periodontal massage using peppermint or coriander oil, electrophoresis, etc.
At home, various tinctures for mouth rinsing are used to alleviate the condition. It can be immortelle, propolis, calendula. Assigned to vitamins and esters, hormonal and antibacterial agents.
If the teeth have already started to fall out, then prostheses inserted or shunting prescribed. In difficult cases, bone tissue is grown with the help of surgical intervention.
Any disease is better to prevent than to cure.Therefore, in order to avoid problems with the gums, it is necessary to carefully monitor the oral cavity and regularly visit the dental clinic for preventive examinations and cleaning of dental plaque. At the first symptoms of inflammation of the gums, you should consult a specialist - a dentist or periodontist. The doctor will prescribe an individual treatment and will monitor its progress.