What is a doctor orthopedic dentist: treatment and prosthetics of teeth

Describing the profession of orthopedic dentistOrthopedics is a huge section in medicine, but it is not related to dentistry. The task of the orthopedist to solve and treat the problems of the musculoskeletal system. And such a specialty as an orthopedic dentist appeared relatively recently, and such a specialist is engaged in diagnosing, studying and treating any defects that are associated with a masticatory and speech apparatus.

What is orthopedics in dentistry

To date, dental services have received rapid development, and for a long time not only limited to treatment. Modern dentistry every time offers more and more specialized services. For this reason, there are several qualifications of dentists:

  • Purpose of orthopedics in dentistrya dentist therapist whose duties include treatment only;
  • a dentist-surgeon who already uses surgery in the treatment of a tooth;
  • orthopedic dentist, conducting prosthetic teeth or their restoration;
  • orthodontist, whose job is to correct the defects of the bite.

Usually people confuse orthopedists with orthodontists, but these are completely different specialties. Orthodontists correct bite or crooked teeth, but orthopedist performs prosthetics or, in other words, restores the external or internal part of the tooth. Patients come for help to the orthodontist dentist only in the most extreme cases.

Orthopedic dentists most often undergo a general practicetherefore, sometimes they can even do the work of a surgeon, because this part of dentistry is also associated with prosthetics.

What does an orthopedic surgeon do?

Professional duties of an orthopedic dentistFrom this point on, you can describe the activities of this specialist in more detail. The main responsibility of the orthopedist - restore teeth and hold prosthetics. What is the difference between the restoration of prosthetics?

Tooth restoration occurs only if the tooth is completely healthy and its root is not damaged. If the tooth is damaged and the root is badly damaged, then it is implanted or, in other words, prosthetics.

Presently orthopedics in dentistry is a popular service. Thanks to it, they restore not only the appearance of the teeth, but also their functions. Under what circumstances do people resort to using an orthopedist:

  1. Destruction. Tooth can collapse from caries and physical damage. In this case, it is given a beautiful appearance, as well as its functional side is restored. Even molars can be restored, and at the same time it should be done as quickly as possible. After all, a person loses chewing ability, which greatly causes inconvenience.
  2. Protection against destruction. It is not always possible to completely restore a tooth with the help of a prosthesis, because they are designed to restore a separate part. Usually a crown is installed on the part of the destroyed tooth, which does not allow the tooth to collapse further. When the enamel has certain defects, the tooth is able to break at any time, so this defect is prevented with the help of a doctor.
  3. Correction of minor defects. Sometimes it happens that the teeth are completely healthy, but their appearance leaves much to be desired. And in such cases the help of an orthopedist can be useful. Thin ceramic plates can hide some defects, for example, chips, scratches and cracks.

The success of a beautiful smile depends entirely on an experienced orthopedic dentist. But before treatment the doctor must prescribe the necessary examination. It includes the following:

  • Orthopantomogram.
  • CT scan.
  • Wax modeling.
  • Another highly specialized survey.

After that, the doctor will determine the real state of the dental system. He then proceeds to work on the prosthesis in his laboratory. After all, the main goal in the work of an orthopedist is restore all functions the destroyed tooth and the main one is the chewing function.

Types of prosthetic teeth

Description of types of prosthetic teethMost often in his work orthopedist uses special tabs. Even at the moment, it is not clear to what ceramic tabs can be attributed: to prostheses or fillings. Tabs should be made of durable material and mostly ceramics.

They are designed to close and protect the root canals, which greatly expand after caries or pulpitis. But, besides this, they restore the appearance of the tooth.

There is such a thing as lining, they differ in that they repeat the bending of the tooth and acquire its color. Ceramic lining and tabs are durable, and they are not afraid of any food. To fix them, cement is used, it fastens them perfectly and does not harm the body.

Veneers - the thinnest ceramic platebefore the establishment of which the tooth is severely grinded, and then it is planted on dental cement. They are usually used for chipping. Sometimes they are placed when a tooth acquires a strong yellowness.

You can also use them with a slight curvature, so as not to resort to braces. However, they are not afraid of scratches and dyes, but still prone to chipping.

Use lumineers. With the help of lumineers, small defects of the teeth can be corrected without harming the enamel. But, besides this, they are designed for those patients who can not install veneers.

To install the Lumineers, a small drain is needed, because they are only 0.3 mm thick. Lumineers are too thin and this is not only their advantage, but also a disadvantage. They can not hide the entire defect.

The orthopedic dentist also deals with the well-known prosthetics, which are the crowns. Crowns look like a tooth and have a cap shape. Crowns come from different materials: metal, ceramic or plastic and their strength depends on it.

The most expensive type of prosthetics are ceramic crowns. They are able to completely replicate not only the shape of the tooth, but also its color and naturalness.

Metal crowns differ in availability at the price. But the teeth will no longer look natural and usually such a prosthesis is placed on the molars. But the metal crowns perform an excellent chewing function.

Plastic crowns rarely used in dentistry. Usually they are used when the patient is waiting for a permanent crown, but at the same time he cannot walk with a bare gum. In other words, such crowns are temporary.

Bridge prosthesis

The design of the bridge dentureIf several teeth are missing in the same row, then it is expensive to put single ceramic crowns, therefore, an implant is used. But here the bridge is installed without it. The bridge is a structure that looks like crowns, but only for several teeth at the same time.

This helps to restore the condition of not only destroyed teeth, but also those that are missing. Another advantage of such a crown is that doctors give them a lifetime warranty.

Plate prostheses. This type of prosthesis is removable and is used quite often. It is usually placed with the complete or partial loss of all teeth. Most often, old people resort to such prosthetics, because they cannot afford another kind of prosthetics. They are attached with suction cups or glue.

Clasp prostheses

Features of the construction of clasp denturesSuch prostheses are a system of fasteners, locks and clasps. The latter are the mount for the removable denture, which capture the teeth from different sides. Metal is used in such prostheses, and this has a bad effect on the appearance.

Naturally, the important work of the orthopedist is to fully restore lost or destroyed teeth, so now the orthopedic surgeon provides one of the most expensive services in dentistry. But such doctors are able to select the material based on the capabilities of the client, and this is their advantage.

Choosing a good and qualified orthopedist

When choosing an orthopedic dentist, consider the following:

  1. Rules for the selection of a good and qualified orthopedic dentistA good specialist must have licenses and certificates of qualification.
  2. Professionalism of the doctor will confirm diplomas and certificates.
  3. During the consultation should see the office of a specialist, usually all documents on the qualification hung on the walls.
  4. A good doctor will tell about the quality of all his services, and not about the number of procedures and their cost.

Permanent control over the oral cavity is able to save a person from many problems with teeth and gums. Timely treatment and elimination of defects produces an orthopedic dentist, with which you can forget about broken teeth or their absence. It should be remembered: the less healthy teeth in the oral cavity, the harder it is to restore them and make prosthetics.


