Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck due to the teeth and not only

Lymph nodes on the neckMany people often have enlarged lymph nodes. The reasons for this phenomenon can be many factors. And the sooner you determine the cause of an enlarged lymph nodes, the faster you will recover from this ailment. Most often, a person does not notice his lymphatic system until such time as it does not make itself felt.

Causes of inflammation and enlarged submandibular lymph nodes

The most important task for the lymph nodes - body filtration and protection from pathogenic microbes entering the body from the environment. When a virus enters the body, the immune system begins to fight it. This activates the production of lymph, and this, in turn, is the cause of changes in the size of the lymph nodes. As a result, they begin to hurt and grow, which serves as a signal about the virus, the cause of which should be immediately searched and eliminated. If, however, to start and in time not identify the cause, then you can continue to get unpleasant consequences, which will be much more difficult to get rid of.

It is impossible to visually see them in a healthy state, since they are not larger than a pea in size.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes - inherently resembles a ball under the jawwhich, when clicked, starts to hurt. Treatment will depend on changes in its size.

So the reasons may be:

  1. Neoplasms and tumors;
  2. periodontitis, pulpitis and some other infectious diseases associated with the teeth;
  3. upper respiratory tract and throat diseases associated with infection;
  4. dysfunction in the immune system;
  5. viral diseases (chickenpox, measles, parotitis, whooping cough);
  6. toxoplasmosis.

Symptoms for enlarged lymph nodes

At the initial stage of the disease it is possible not to reveal it, but a little later. symptoms such as:

  1. Inflammation or tumor damage of the cervical lymph nodessleep disturbance;
  2. swelling at the site of inflammation;
  3. slight redness at the site of inflammation, which then begins to turn blue;
  4. a rapid increase in lymph nodes under the lower jaw, pain when feeling and hardening;
  5. during swallowing, discomfort;
  6. elevated temperature;
  7. weakness;
  8. oral mucosa is inflamed;
  9. increased blood leukocyte count.

Lymph nodes in the neck and teeth

Swollen lymph nodeDiseases and diseases in the field of dentistry is the first reason, which is considered with an increase in lymph nodes. In turn, this is the second symptom after inflammation and acute pain near the affected tooth. It would seem, at first glance, just in time, not cured caries can cause purulent abscesslocated around the root of the tooth. If the case is running, then the tooth must be urgently removed. After the removal of such a tooth, the inflammation should go away on its own, and not increase the risk of further spread of the disease.

In some cases, an increase in lymph nodes can trigger the extraction of a tooth. This is possible if an infection, periodontal disease, tooth cyst, periostitis, all types of stomatitis got into the hole where the tooth was.

Inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes and contributes to the occurrence of lymph nodes in the neck. Such an inflammation in medicine is called cervical lymphadenitis. Cervical lymph nodes may be inflamed with infectious diseases of those skin areas that are located very close.

If any cervical lymphadenitis, the enlargement of the cervical and submandibular lymph nodes may accompany pain. The state of health worsens and has the following symptoms:

  1. decreased appetite;
  2. headache occurs;
  3. body temperature increases to 38 degrees.

If at this stage the development of the disease is not stopped, then the pain becomes shooting under the jaw in the neck. The skin in this case takes a burgundy hue and turns blue. The temperature rises to 39 degrees. These symptoms confirm that pus comes out of the lymph nodes.

Lymph nodes and their location

The location of the lymph nodesIn a healthy person, it is quite difficult to feel the lymph nodes, because they are very small in size. They do not give a person any discomfort, since they are mobile in themselves. In humans lymph nodes are located in groups, and not chaotically. Each group is responsible in the human body for a specific area. Submandibular lymph nodes number of 6-8 pieces are located in the submandibular triangle. It is very close to the facial vein and the salivary gland. In turn, they are located in the direction of motion of the lymphatic vessels. Blood vessels are also located in the immediate vicinity.

Enlarged lymph node on one side

There are many cases where the lymph node is enlarged only on one side - on the right. What should be done in this case?

Since the reason for the increase can only be determined by a specialist, for any pain or enlargement near the lymph nodes, it is worthwhile to immediately go to him for a visit. If suddenly you currently have no opportunity to consult a doctor and the pain needs to be removed immediately, then in that case use heat pack (soak a piece of cloth in warm water). Water and fabric in turn should be clean in order to avoid unwanted infection. Also use antipyretic drugs if you have an increased body temperature.

Treatment for unilateral inflammation of the submandibular lymph node does not differ from the treatment of ordinary inflammation in this area.

If you have a pain in the submandibular lymph node on the left side of the neck, there may be 3 reasons for this:

  1. the formation of a conglomerate (cluster) of groups of lymph nodes with tumor damage. They may not lose their shape or merge with each other;
  2. inflammation of the tissue that surrounds, with its collapse or in the presence of bacteria;
  3. pathology was found in the lymph nodes. This happens when the formation can not cope with a bacterial infection. With intensive reproduction of microorganisms, lymphocytes can not neutralize them. Chronic lymphadenitis may also develop.


To avoid inflammation of the lymph nodes, follow these tips:

  1. Why lymph nodes are inflamedneed to strengthen your immunity. Harden, exercise, eat fruit (containing vitamin C), honey, aloe;
  2. do not overcool. When hypothermia may reduce immunity, and this is fraught with diseases of respiratory viral infections and chronic infectious diseases;
  3. need proper nutrition. Include in the daily diet foods such as vegetables, fiber, fruits. They are able to protect the body from infectious viral diseases;
  4. wear scarves and hats. This will protect you from the cold wind, which can trigger an increase in the submandibular nodules;
  5. treat timely diseases that can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes.


