Is it possible to cure a tooth cyst without removal?

Methods of treating cystsA maxillary cyst or a tooth cyst manifests itself as an inflammatory formation affecting the soft tooth-toothed tissue. This formation is a capsule filled with purulent contents.

The disease develops as a result of infection of damaged areas of the gums.

Only relatively recently, it was possible to get rid of the maxillary cyst only by performing a tooth extraction operation. But the development of technologies, including medical ones, does not stand still and today has become possible treatment of cysts without removal.

Tooth cyst: symptoms and causes

Tooth cyst has hidden symptoms and at first practically does not manifest itself. However, in most cases, the disease is still able to diagnose in a timely manner.

Primary and secondary symptoms

A tooth cyst occurs as a result of infection penetration (for example, in case of poor-quality filling of the dental canal) or traumatic exposure. Often the disease develops against the background of recurrent sinusitis and sinusitis. Therefore, the initial stage of the disease can only be detected if the clinic is visited and an x-ray is taken.

At first, the patient appears only discomfort when biting hard foods or chewing food. However, the primary symptoms may not be at all.

After some time, there are pains in the region of the affected tooth, which are of a periodic nature. The tooth becomes very sensitive to everything cold and hot. Also, pain syndrome appears when eating solid foods and sweets. However, further pain disappears and the patient calms down, and the disease, meanwhile, flows into the last acute stage, often requiring surgical intervention.

Symptoms of the acute stage

The patient has acute pain, often against the background of a weakened immune system. Factors such as the recurrence of chronic pathologies of internal systems and organs, the taking of aggressive drugs, as well as transferred infectious diseases.

Among the most pronounced characteristics of a tooth cyst are the following:

  • Causes of cystDecrease or complete loss of appetite;
  • increased body temperature (caused by the presence of bone inflammation);
  • pain in the tooth and the dental-toothed tissues;
  • headaches (sometimes can be accompanied by increased blood pressure);
  • development of swelling of the face (on the part of the affected tooth).

Such symptoms are characteristic of the last stage of cyst development.

Is it possible to identify a tooth cyst yourself?

Patients who very rarely visit the dentist's office and do not want to undergo routine inspection every 3-6 monthsshould monitor the condition of the oral cavity more carefully. Indeed, the development of cysts can be triggered by poorly healed or untreated caries.

Therefore, to prevent the disease should pay attention to the following signs:

  • Headaches that are periodic;
  • slight displacement of the affected tooth;
  • partial loss of filling, which is often accompanied by a bone break;
  • slight discomfort during chewing (especially hard foods);
  • darkening of the tooth.

Features of the disease associated with its symptoms

How to treat a cyst without deletionThe main feature of the appearance of a cyst is its slow growth. Therefore, the initial signs can occur only after the destruction of the root system of the tooth and jaw tissue began. A small displacement of the tooth and its darkening appear already when the size of the formation reaches 2-3 cm. The more education - the more pronounced the symptoms.

Often the patient complains of an increase in the lymph nodes, mistakenly believing this to be a sign of any infectious or endocrine disease. Frequent colds, weakness, sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue - the presence of these seemingly unrelated factors in dentistry should be the basis for visiting the dentist. After all, the external signs of the disease - the occurrence of fistula, flux, as well as edema and suppuration indicate a very large education.

If you have found the above symptoms, do not expect that the disease will disappear by itself and do not self-medicate. In this case, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible for timely treatment.

This will help avoid surgery and save teeth.

The reasons

A tooth cyst appears as a result of its injury or root canal infection. The development of cysts may be due to the following reasons:

  • Complications of chronic sinusitis;
  • poor endodontic treatment;
  • wisdom teeth teething complications;
  • chronic periodontitis;
  • chronic inflammatory processes under the crown;
  • the consequences of infectious diseases in which harmful microorganisms penetrate the gums along with the bloodstream.

Tooth cyst: treatment

Drug treatment of cystsIs it possible to cure a cyst without tooth extraction?

Treatment of cysts can be carried out in two ways: therapeutic and surgical. Conservative, that is, drug treatment is possible only with timely detection of the disease at an early stage. This method is used for small education sizes (up to 8 mm.).

Conservative treatment

Therapeutic treatment of a cyst consists in carrying out procedures such as antiseptic treatment, tooth brushing and tooth filling. An alternative option for conservative treatment is the use of depophoresis. In this case, the root canal is entered copper-calcium suspensionafter which the dentist with the help of a special apparatus acts on the affected tooth with an electric current (at low power).

In some cases, with the development of cysts, antibiotics can be prescribed, but only as an auxiliary method of treatment, the purpose of which is to prevent the development of the pathological process and its further spread. Antibiotics can not be used as the only and independent method of treatment, as a drug that provides complete deliverance from a cyst without the participation of the dentist, in principle, does not exist.

A small cyst found in the early stages can be cured in a conservative way.

The dentist fills the capsule with a special cement composition, and, as an additional method of treatment, prescribes the administration of antibiotics, which makes it possible to stop or prevent the development of the purulent process.

Stages of therapeutic treatment of the tooth:

  • opening of the affected tooth and expansion of root canals;
  • canal treatment with disinfectants and blocking the lesion;
  • cyst tissue etching by medical devices;
  • filling the cavity of education with a special filler;
  • tooth filling.

Surgical treatment: is it possible to remove a cyst?

How to remove a tooth cystIf therapeutic manipulations have not yielded the desired result and the education continues to grow and develop, surgical treatment is applied, which in no case should be abandoned. Is it possible to remove a cyst, while maintaining the tooth itself?

When reaching the cyst significant size, it must be removed. Remarkably, relatively recently this was possible only after the removal of a diseased tooth, however, now there are a number of ways to get rid of a cyst without the use of radical methods.

Due to the fact that the removal of a cyst is performed under the influence of local anesthesia, the patient practically does not feel pain. In case of a complicated course of the inflammatory process (complete destruction of the tooth, up to the root system or germination of the tooth roots inside the cyst), an operation is performed to remove the formation together with the tooth. In other cases, dentists are trying to save the tooth.

There are the following methods surgical removal of cysts:

  • cystotomy;
  • cystectomy;
  • hemisection.

Which of these methods is appropriate for a particular patient is decided by a dental surgeon.


This method of treatment of cysts has been used in dentistry for a long time. For the operation, the doctor carefully removes a part of the cyst, which is located near the dental root through the root canal. Since the formation is in the depth of the soft tissues, the root canal must be thoroughly cleansed, after which the removal of the dental nerve is carried out.

Having provided open access to education, the dentist pumps out all the fluid from the cavity. This method does not completely get rid of harmful microorganisms, which makes it necessary to use antibacterial ointment.

After filling the channel with a special solution, temporary filling is established.

About a week later, the patient’s oral cavity is re-examined and the cleanliness of removal of the affected cells is checked, after which a permanent filling is put. The use of cystotomy allows you to save a tooth.

However, despite the high efficiency of this method, there is a risk of remission. This happens in the case of unfinished treatment.


Compared with the previous method, this method is more complex, but no less effective. Such an operation is carried out only in the case of the strongest complication, when there is a huge risk of tooth loss, but there is still a chance to save it.

When cystectomy, along with the removal of damaged tissue, it is necessary to remove part of the dental root. After surgery, anesthetics and anti-inflammatory therapy are prescribed.

In the case of joining a fistula, an operation to remove a cyst cannot be performed. It will only help complete removal of the entire tooth.


How to treat a tooth cystHemisection is prescribed to preserve at least part of the tooth. with extensive soft tissue infection.

The method consists in the complete removal of a tooth cyst along with its root. The main condition for using this method is that the inflammatory process affects only one tooth.

Affected tooth root is detected by X-ray. In the absence of contraindications, this rather painful procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

The void formed after the removal of the cyst and the root of the tooth must be filled with artificial bone material, otherwise it will overgrow with gum tissue. Artificial bone material is created on the basis of the plasma obtained from the patient’s blood. This is done so that it will not be rejected later on.

Before performing a two-hour operation, the dentist, using special surgical instruments, pushes the gum, the integrity of which is restored at the end of the procedure. Then assigned long-term therapeutic treatment. The tissue and the remaining part of the tooth must take root.

As a result of hemisection, it is possible to preserve at least a part of the tooth, which can later be used as a material for prosthetics.

We should also talk about laser treatment. In this case, the formation is removed without any pain and difficulties. In addition, the use of laser therapy allows not only to remove the cyst, but also to disinfect the affected area, which ensures the cessation of the growth of harmful bacteria and preventing their further spread.

When symptoms appear, indicating the development of a tooth cyst, it is necessary urgently contact a dentist for therapeutic interventions. Otherwise, you risk losing a tooth, or even a few.


