A periodontist is a dentist who treats periodontal disease. These are the tissues surrounding the tooth, providing it with reliable fixation. In the article, we will consider what kind of doctor this is, what is in his remit and in what cases he is approached.
What does a periodontist do?
Periodontist belongs to highly qualified specialists. He studies the problem, carries out diagnostics and treats periodontal tissue. The term parodontal includes the circulatory tissue, i.e. gums, jaw bones and tooth ligaments.
A periodontist treats diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis. The disease is expressed in swelling, discoloration of the gums, bleeding, bad breath and painful sensations - burning, pain, itching. To treat a disease, the periodontist first diagnoses it. For this there are special methods, including visual inspection. If the stage of the disease is early, then the periodontist simply removes plaque from the teeth, removes stones in the pockets of the gums, and then smoothes the surface of the tooth root. In advanced forms, periodontitis is treated surgically.
The activity of the periodontist in dentistry can be decomposedl in three main stages:
- Elementary. This stage includes visual inspection, diagnostics.
- Surgical. Treatment is underway.
- Prophylactic. Includes supportive therapy.
A periodontist needs to have a broad knowledge of how to select the necessary antibiotic therapy. In his work, he resorts to resuscitation drugs and dental equipment.
When to contact a periodontist?
Visit the periodontist should, when there were diseases of the oral cavity. But it is better to carry out prevention, which will help prevent serious changes in the structure of tissues in the mouth. Periodontist can identify early signs of disease and carry out its prevention.
The help of the parodontologist will be required if the tooth neck is bare, there is bleeding gums with redness, there is an unpleasant smell and taste in the mouth. The doctor will cope with suppuration and will change the angle of inclination of the teeth, which appears due to inflammation and destruction of the circulatory tissue due to infection.
Regular check-ups of a dentist can help protect your teeth and gums from destruction caused by illness.
What tests to take?
If you decide to go to a periodontist, pass the following testswhich will be necessary for the doctor:
- General and biochemical analysis of blood.
- Immunogram Checking the state of the immune system through the analysis of venous blood.
- Analysis of the vitality of leukocytes. The study of cell activity, thereby checking the viability of leukocytes.
- Rotter's test is needed to determine the level of saturation with vitamin C. This analysis is carried out with a needle for injection, with its help a special reagent-solution is applied to the back of the tongue. If the speck disappears in more than 15 seconds, it means that there is not enough ascorbic acid in the body. Lack of vitamin leads to tooth loss.
- Evaluation of proteolysis activity is required to study the decomposition of proteins into enzymes.
- Swabs and prints of the oral mucosa.
- Microbiological research methods.
Methods for diagnosing a periodontist
To determine the disease, doctors use in their practice. various technologies and methods. What does a periodontist use to diagnose the disease?
- Visual inspection. It should be held every six months. If you visit the dentist in this mode, you will surely avoid many troubles with your teeth and gums. Visual inspection allows you to see the first symptoms of gum disease, assess the condition of the oral mucosa and tooth mobility. At this stage, you can identify problems of the teeth, resulting from caries.
- Radiography reveals lesions of the gums and bone tissue.
In addition to standard diagnostic methods, the doctor in his work uses index system, allowing to assess the state of periodontal disease. Thanks to the index system, it is possible to more accurately assess the condition of the oral cavity:
- Hygiene. An assessment of the presence of tartar and plaque is given.
- Inflammations Diseases are established: gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease.
- Combined diagnosis.
What are the diseases in the piggy bank of the periodontist?
The periodontist treats the following medical conditions:
- Periodontitis It is a chronic disease, characterized by a wave-like course, that is, it suddenly recurs and fades. In the oral cavity during periodontitis, inflammatory and infectious processes occur that have a devastating effect on the condition of the gums and teeth.
- Periodontal disease. This disease is not inflammatory in nature, affects the tissue around the tooth, in other words, periodontal disease.
- Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums.
- The root cyst of a tooth is such a neoplasm, it appears in the apex of the tooth root due to the occurrence of infection in the root canals.
Periodontist Tips
The doctor recommends carry out the following actionsTo avoid oral diseases:
- Prevention of periodontal disease is hygiene of the oral cavity. This indicates that the care of teeth should be carried out all life. Procedures for the care of the oral cavity should be carried out twice a day, while using dental floss. After a meal, you must rinse your mouth to wash off leftovers.
- The toothbrush should have rounded ends and soft bristles. It will allow you to carefully carry out the procedure of cleaning the teeth from plaque, to avoid damage to the gums. The brush is only 2-4 months, after which it must be replaced with a new one.
- Dental floss allows you to carry out quality oral care. It allows you to perform cleaning in the interdental space, where the brush access is closed.
- Toothpaste must meet the requirements of reliable protection of teeth and gums from bacteria. With its help, it is possible to carry out the prevention of a number of dental diseases.
The periodontist is a professional dentist, his responsibilities include the treatment of periodontal diseases. You need to contact him for preventive purposes, 2 times a year. Regular examinations and oral hygiene will help keep your teeth and gums healthy until very old age.