How to remove the tumor, if the cheek is swollen from the disease of the tooth

Features of the treatment of cheek tumors due to tooth diseaseSince childhood, practically every one of us has been inspired by the idea of ​​compulsory visits to the dentist in order to prevent and early detection of diseases associated with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. However, few people comply with this rule and as a result, people go to a doctor already at the stage of full development of a particular disease, that is, only with the appearance of obvious clinical signs (discomfort in the mouth, cheek edema, etc.).

So what to do if the cheek is very swollen and how quickly to remove the edema? First of all, you should not engage in self-treatment, but it is better to immediately visit the dentist, who after conducting the examination, will prescribe the correct treatment.

This can cause a swelling of the cheek.

Reasons for the formation of cheek edemaThe internal swelling of the soft tissues of the cheeks can be caused by an inflammatory process occurring inside the diseased tooth or can result from abnormal surgery.

Almost all pathologies of the oral cavity are accompanied by the appearance of pain, so the doctor can prescribe adequate treatment only after identifying the cause of the pain syndrome.

Unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity can be caused by the following factors:

  • diseases of nearby organs (eg trigeminal nerve, maxillary sinus, etc.);
  • pathological changes in the oral cavity;
  • treatment carried out with any violation.

In addition, feelings of discomfort can be permanent or temporary, appear from the effects of external stimuli (sweet, hot, cold), as well as under pressure.

Cheek edema resulting from oral pathology, treatment

Description of the pathologies of the oral cavity due to which there may be a cheek tumorThere are several reasons provoking the appearance of a cheek tumor. Periodontal disease - with age, the gums lose their elasticity and begin to bleed, and their teeth become less stable. Gums and teeth affected by this disease are easily susceptible to various infections.

In some cases, an extensive tumor appears on the site of the remaining periodontal disease, from which it is impossible to get rid of using medical methods. The only way out in this situation is to remove the teeth with subsequent prosthetics.

Inflammatory Infiltration. The neglected state of the oral cavity, as well as non-professional dental treatment can provoke the emergence of diseases such as pulpitis and apical periodontitis. Usually, shortly before the onset of a human tumor, a toothache begins to bother.

In such cases, the focus of inflammation is located in the lower or upper jaw and tightly adjacent to the root canal. If you do not go to the clinic in time, after 4–7 days, a flux may appear, later turning into more severe forms, such as abscess or phlegmon.

The inflammatory process is accompanied by softening of soft tissues and accumulation of pus, which can penetrate to areas of the body adjacent to the diseased jaw, and even into the bloodstream, which can cause sepsis and in this case is not fatal. In order to avoid such consequences, you should immediately contact a specialist for therapy.

Wrong tooth formation wisdom. Cheek edema may occur due to impaired teething or the development of eighth teeth. On the affected area appears mucous sac, into which penetrate food debris.

Since it is very difficult to completely get rid of them, the remaining food particles can provoke irritation of the mucous membrane. This process is most often accompanied by pain, and in some cases, fever and swelling of the gums or the cheek itself.

If the wisdom tooth is cut only partially, then when eating and talking, it can have a traumatic effect on the soft tissues of the cheek, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the tumor. To the patient need to see a specialist, which will cut the slimy hood, thereby freeing up space for the further development of periodontal disease. However, in most cases, the doctor offers surgery to remove the problem tooth.

Cheek tumor due to non-professional treatment

Cheek tumor due to unprofessional dentistryCheek edema can also occur due to unqualified treatment. After removal of the dental nerve. Nonprofessional treatment, in which a small piece of nerve remains in a sealed tooth, can cause cheek edema, although on the whole there is no pain. It should be remembered that in such cases, failure to take proper measures can lead to complete loss of a tooth.

Allergic reactions. The specialist before the treatment must necessarily ask the patient about the presence or absence of allergic reactions to certain components that are present in dental materials.

Cheek tumor, as a manifestation of allergies, occurs some time after medical intervention. In this case, the dentist should remove the filling containing the allergenic substance and replace the material with a more neutral one.

After gum incision. Such an operation is carried out in the case of the formation of swelling with purulent contents in order to ensure the outflow of fluid. On the first day thereafter, an increase in the cheek tumor is possible.

After tooth extraction. Surgical intervention performed with complications can also cause swelling of the cheek. Therefore, experts advise not to touch the affected area with the tongue or hands for another 24 hours after the procedure, as well as to give up the use of alcohol, irritating and hot meals.

If a tumor appears, it is necessary to apply ice to the sore spot, but for no more than 10–15 minutes, in order to avoid overcooling of the cheek. The procedure can be carried out several times.

If one (or several) of the following symptoms become a consequence of a dental operation, the patient should immediately contact the clinic:

  • Increased body temperature and a feeling of swelling at the site of edema.
  • Pain in the affected area is increasing every day.
  • Increasing edema may indicate an increase in the inflammatory process, which leads to suppuration.

Other diseases that cause cheek edema

Description of possible diseases and causes of a cheek tumorIn addition to the above pathologies of the oral cavity, a cheek tumor can be caused by the presence of other diseases. Infections. When viruses enter the human body, specialists are prescribed a course of antibacterial therapy, which allows to get rid of the underlying disease and, as a result, cheek edema. Most often, such cases occur in children during the occurrence of diseases associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Neurological diseases, accompanied not only by the appearance of cheek edema, but by such signs as congestion of the auditory passages, painful sensations in the throat and others. In this case, to find out the cause, you should consult a neurologist.

Cyst sebaceous gland may provoke a change in the shape of the face.If there is a constant growth of a neoplasm and at the same time the swelling of the cheek increases, you should seek the help of a surgeon for the purpose of the operation.

Pathology of internal organs. Excess water in the body, causing swelling of the cheeks, may indicate the presence of serious diseases that require medical intervention.

Injuries and bruises. Cheek edema can also occur after mechanical damage. If there is no fracture, a cold compress will help reduce the size of the tumor. Otherwise, you have to show the damaged place to the traumatologist.

But you should not make the diagnosis yourself, but rather go to the dentist, as in most cases the cheek is swollen due to problems of the oral cavity.

Swollen cheek from tooth: what to do, prevention

Cheek tumor treatment and prevention methodsEvery person should know that swelling of the cheek, not passing for two days can indicate the presence of an inflammatory process, the result of which can be occurrence of complications or loss of a tooth.

There are several ways to help reduce the tumor, but in no case are not the reason for refusing to go to the dentist:

  1. Rinsing with chlorhexidine, sage or chamomile will help to get rid of the tumor resulting from the removal of the wisdom tooth.
  2. An effective remedy for removing cheek edema is also a saline or soda solution, which can also be used as an anesthetic and antiseptic. Rinsing the mouth with such a solution will prevent the occurrence of harmful microorganisms and help to reduce inflammation.
  3. Teething in children is also often accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues of the cheeks, and in this case, special cooling gels, ointments and creams have shown themselves well, with which you can get rid of pain, as well as relieve swelling.
  4. If a tumor appears on one side, you can use a cotton ball soaked in Kalanchoe juice or aloe. Fleece is applied to the gums or the inner surface of the cheek.
  5. Insect bites can also cause puffiness. In this case, it is recommended to apply a compress with a decoction of chamomile or aloe on the sore spot and take an antihistamine once.

In order to prevent painful swelling of the cheeks, experts recommend choosing toothpastes and brushes appropriate for your type of gums and teeth. And it is also desirable to take vitamin complexes to maintain immunity, to carry out daily massage of the gums and reduce (and better completely eliminate) the use of sweets.

In addition, preventing unnecessary problems will help hygiene rules and regular dental check-ups. And remember, unreasonable postponement of a visit to a specialized clinic can provoke dangerous complications.


