Scientifically called flux acute periostitis. It is a rather unpleasant inflammatory disease of an infectious nature. The flux affects the jaw and is always associated with a disease of one or more teeth. For this reason, the disease is often popularly called dental flux.
If a person ignores his dental illnesses, then ultimately the sore teeth will cause serious complications. One of them is periostitis.
When periostitis occurs infection of the periosteum jaws in close proximity to the diseased tooth. In the absence of treatment, the infection begins to move quickly enough deep into the tissues and infects the bone itself.
It is believed that flux most often occurs due to staphylococcus, since it is this pathogen that can provoke acute inflammatory processes that are accompanied not only by fever and pain in the affected area, but also by a general deterioration of human health.
Dental flux can be provoked by the following diseases:
- Boils.
- Angina.
- Damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.
- Septic lesions.
Often the cause of the development of flux becomes chronic periodontitis. In this case, we can talk about the initially chronic development of the inflammatory process. Such a flux captures a vast area and does not pass without a trace. The disease leads to structural damage in the tissues. In particular, there is a thinning of bone structures.
Development of dental flux
Most often odontogenic periostitis appears due to neglected caries. This is the most common disease that people ignore to the last in their ignorance. Caries very quickly destroys the enamel, affects the pulp, and then leads to infection of the periosteum and the tooth root. As a result, large cavities appear, inside of which there is an infection and destroyed dentin.
The task of the doctor is to completely clean these cavities and close them with a filling. If this is not done in time, the infection goes beyond the limits of the tooth root and affects the periosteum of the jaw, and then the alveolar bone. As a result, periodontal abscess develops. The patient begins to experience general malaise, his appetite is lost, sleep is disturbed. The person becomes irritable and gets tired quickly.
Development of periostitis - the reason for the emergency treatment to the dentist. At home, you can only try to remove the swelling and pain until you visit the dental office.
Symptoms of the disease
The first symptom of a flux is severe pain in the affected area. The pain intensifies during the meal. Behind the pain comes swelling of the gums. At this stage it is very important to consult a dentist. Without adequate treatment, the puffiness will quickly capture the adjacent tissues, and the patient will begin to experience severe pain in the entire jaw.
If at first the pains in periostitis are periodic, then with the appearance of severe edema, which has captured the tissues adjacent to the diseased tooth, the pain will become permanent. Moreover, the patient will not be able to localize it. In addition to the jaw, it will seem to him that the eye socket, the ear and even the back of the head are sore.
All this will be accompanied by a change in the symmetry of the patient's face due to swelling of the tissues. The surface of the skin and its color will not change.
During the development of flux occur The following changes are:
- The temperature rises.
- Lymph nodes are enlarged.
- Lost your appetite
- Sleep disturbance occurs.
For the patient, the main problem is not the swelling, but the pain that accompanies it. Therefore, when the question arises how to remove the flux at home, then we are talking about eliminating, first of all, pain, and only then edema. And with these tasks you can really cope at home, but you can completely cure the flux only in the dentist's office.
If, however, the disease is ignored, cysts with aggressive pus, rich in microbes, which begin to destroy the surrounding tissues very quickly, will appear in the tissues. At best, a fistula will appear in the gum, through which pus is released into the oral cavity. At worst, the pus will go inside the jaw, which will lead to the appearance of multiple foci of abscess.
Forms of periostitis
Flux occur in two forms: acute and chronic. To distinguish one from the other is not difficult:
- In the case when the patient complains of acute throbbing pain in the jaw, radiating to the neck and accompanied by hyperthermia with fever, then we can speak of an acute form of the disease.
- The chronic form of periostitis is characterized by aching pain and lack of temperature. In this case, the swelling is preserved. Moreover, it will gradually increase. Its localization will shift from the jaw towards the temple and neck.
Treatment of periostitis
At home, it is impossible to completely remove the tumor with flux. Moreover, self-medication dangerous development of complications. The main condition for getting rid of periostitis is treatment at the dentist. And go to the dentist as soon as possible. Thus, the patient will relieve himself from unnecessary suffering.
Treatment of periostitis in dental clinics is common. The dentist relieves the patient's jaw, so all procedures do not cause discomfort. Then, the doctor opens the gums and periosteum, which allows you to remove pus. After cleansing the cyst cavity, a drainage in the form of the thinnest strip of rubber is placed in it, which for some time will drain the fluid that appears in the cavity.
Antibiotics help to cope with the infection. They can be taken at home, but only after the appointment of a doctor. Only in this case can we ensure that the infection is completely gone from the body.
After treatment in the dental office, the patient is greatly relieved after a couple of hours. After 2-3 days, swelling passes.
How to quickly remove edema with periostitis at home?
Many people claim to be able to eliminate the flux at home without the help of a dentist. It is simply impossible. If they coped with periostitis on their own, then they had no flux.
At home can remove the pain, swelling of tissuesBut you can’t get rid of inflammation. It should be understood that the pain and swelling will definitely return later if you do not seek help from doctors.
This method allows you to significantly muffle or even relieve pain for some time. The main condition for success is consistency. Rinse must be repeated every 20 minutes. As solutions for the procedure The following solutions will do:
- A mixture of soda and water. This solution effectively disinfects the mouth and helps eliminate edema. The final effect of the procedure will depend on the form of periostitis and the stage of the disease.
- Herbal tinctures. To create them, you can use a series, chamomile, oak bark.
- Chlorhexidine solution. This tool is advised by the doctors themselves, since it has a pronounced antibacterial effect.
- Malavit This tool can remove swelling and pain.
Note that herbal tinctures for mouthwash only slightly relieve inflammation and swelling. This cannot be called a full treatment.
Herbal decoctions for drinking
They are needed to maintain the internal forces of the body. It is important to be sure that the herbs will not cause an allergic reaction.
The following remedies help eliminate edema:
- Broth based on the plantain and knotweed. It can be used simultaneously with the intake of other medicines, as it enhances the effect of the latter.
- Green tea with sage. This tasty drink will quickly reduce pain and give tone.
Lotions and compresses
The main condition for the effectiveness of compresses - they should all be cold. Any warming and warming is contraindicated, as it causes an increase in the inflammatory process. But if you do everything right, then the swelling will start to pass quickly enough. Therefore, to combat the tumor from the flux of the house you need to use only cold compresses.
Good performance demonstrate lotions with propolis. This remedy is famous for its anti-inflammatory effects. Prepare a lotion is easy. It is only necessary to dissolve propolis in warm water. You can also take some propolis inside.
Propolis is also good in alcohol tincture. She needs to lubricate sore gums. This will, if not completely, then largely remove the tumor from the flux.
Ointments and gels
At home, to cope with the manifestations of periostitis help such tools as: maz Vishnevsky, Metrogil gel, Levomekol.
- Vishnevsky ointment is effective in the initial stage of the disease. It effectively relieves swelling and reduces pain intensity. This ointment can even completely localize the purulent process.
- Metrogyl gel best of all prevents the spread of purulent process to neighboring tissues. Swelling and pain he relieves to a lesser extent.
Warn flux much easier than cure it. Especially since the prevention of the disease is not difficult. It is only necessary to prevent the development of caries, brush your teeth with fluoride paste and a soft brush, do not forget to visit regularly to visit the dentist for a routine examination.