How and what to clean the plaque on the teeth at home?

Pigment plaque - what is itAlmost everyone dreams to have a snow-white smile. For this it is not enough to have beautiful and even white teeth. They require careful care, otherwise numerous microbes will settle in the dentition, stones will form and an unpleasant smell will appear. Soon the teeth will begin to deteriorate.

To prevent this from happening and breathing has always been fresh, it is necessary to properly care for the oral cavity. There are a number of preventive measures and one of them is the removal of plaque from the teeth. How to properly perform this procedure, what tools to use?

Why does plaque appear?

Even after the most thorough teeth cleaning pigmentation on the chewing organs is formed. After a while, yellowness, gray color appears on the tooth enamel, stones and a black edging in the dentition. What could be the cause of these unpleasant phenomena and how to get rid of them?

Irregular brushing of teeth, frequent use of sweets, greasy food and alcohol most often lead to plaque on the organs of chewing.

Strong tea, coffee and other coloring drinks contribute to the appearance of pigmentation. If they are used too often, the pigmentation process will be stronger and more intense.

How to remove plaque at homeNicotine also promotes the appearance of yellowness on the teeth. Tobacco has the property of a natural dye and in the process of smoking eats into tooth enamel. In smokers often except for plaque appear tartar.

Damaged enamel (microcracks, worn out) is a good place for food after meals. After rinsing, brushing your teeth is very difficult to remove from there. Spots appear on them, enamel looks unattractive.

In addition, ugly film on the tooth enamel bacteria begin to multiply. As a result, caries, gum problems and other dental diseases appear.

What does dentistry offer?

Most people most often go to dental clinics to have a tooth cleaning procedure. Experts offer two options for removing plaque on enamel:

  • jet method;
  • ultrasound.

In the first case, sodium bicarbonate under high pressure from the tip gets on the tooth enamel and knocks out pigment spots and various plaque from it.

Often, besides, flying there are also tartar in this case, it is better to use the procedure using ultrasound. The cleaning process takes place with the help of a special nozzle under the influence of oscillations of a high-frequency generator. Vibrational waves provoke the destruction of deposited deposits, after which they are washed off from the teeth with water. A special saliva ejector removes everything from the oral cavity during the procedure.

Teeth cleaning - sequence of actions on the advice of the dentistThese hygiene procedures are simple but cost money. Ultrasound removal is expensive, therefore not everyone can afford visit the dentist regularly for this purpose. A good alternative to dental procedures are folk remedies. They are less secure, but will cost much less. Also sold special tools for whitening tooth enamel. All these methods will be able to benefit only if daily and timely monitor the oral cavity.

Special means

The specialists recommend the use of hygienic attack at home, to return the teeth lost whiteness. You must do at least two times rinsing the mouth with a special liquid. After eating, it is advisable to use dental floss.It is best to brush your teeth with toothpaste with a whitening effect. They contain special substances with abrasive polishing action. In the process of brushing their teeth, they help eliminate plaque and do not harm the enamel.

Also available special preparationsloosening pigment on enamel. There is a tool based on the plant enzyme "Bromelain". All these tools can not be used daily, but only 1-2 times a week.

Dentists are recommended to change the toothbrush on time. Be sure to remember to clean the tongue while brushing your teeth. A lot of bacteria accumulate in the tongue area.

Folk remedies

There are many simple ways to solve the problem of plaque on the teeth at home. Everything they are affordable and inexpensive. Baking soda is considered the most common and effective remedy. It must be added to the toothpaste on the brush and brush your teeth. During the cleaning process it is impossible to press on the enamel, because soda has abrasive properties. How much to make such procedures will depend on the degree of neglect of the enamel. Often you can not brush your teeth with this method.

Bleaching property has hydrogen peroxide. She will always be in the home first aid kit. For the procedure, you need to take the peroxide and make a solution:

  • How to get rid of plaque at homehalf a glass of water;
  • 1 tsp. Hydrogen peroxide.

Rinse your teeth after brushing your teeth and do it very quickly, no more than 1-2 seconds. If you hesitate may suffer gums. At the end of the procedure, rinse your mouth with clean water.

Peroxide is also used in pure form, but not for rinsing. It moistened with a cotton disc and applied to the teeth without affecting the gums. After the procedure, the mouth must be rinsed with clean water.

In the old days, people used wood ash for bleaching. This method is still relevant at home. Ashes can be bought at a flower shop. It is used as a fertilizer for flowers. Ash is added to the toothpaste in equal proportions. You can also apply the ash in its pure form on the enamel and rub. The procedure can be performed no more than 1 time per week, since the ash has abrasive properties.

Strawberries are considered a good remedy. This berry useful not only for its valuable vitamins. She has whitening qualities. It is advisable to chop strawberries for 1 month and apply on a toothbrush instead of toothpaste. After that, take the paste and brush the teeth again with one paste.

Essential oils have very beneficial properties. For example, tea tree oil and lemon can be added to toothpaste and brush your teeth. It will take only one drop of oil from each plant to the composition gave a positive result. This will help remove plaque, as well as help in the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease.

Possible causes of plaqueUnique properties attributed to horsetail. This herb is recommended to brew and decoction mouthwash twice a day before bed and morning. Procedures must be done for 3 weeks. To cook the broth you need to take 30 grams of dried grass and pour it into 1 cup of boiling water. After the herb is infused, the remedy is ready for rinsing.

For smokers Enamel cleaning will do using activated carbon. The tablets are crushed to a state of powder, after which you can brush your teeth with the finished powder. The brush should be wet, moistened in clean water. The effect is fixed with the help of toothpaste.

Preventive measures

To ease the task and do not fight plaque, it is better to prevent its occurrence. To do this, follow the oral cavity and try to get rid of bad habits:

  • teeth should be cleaned in the morning and before bedtime;
  • try to quit smoking occasionally;
  • do not abuse coffee and tea;
  • brush change every 3 months;
  • It is advisable to rinse your mouth after every meal, drink;
  • not to brush the teeth with the same paste all the time, replace the other;
  • visit the dentist to clean the tooth enamel.

If a follow all these recommendations, you can keep your teeth healthy and not torture yourself with questions about the means of plaque.


