Dantinorm Baby: use when teething, reviews

Painful teething in babiesEvery parent is confronted with sleepless nights when the child's teeth begin to erupt. Pain and discomfort can last up to 8 days. Dantinorm Baby is homeopathic medicinewhich will help reduce these symptoms. The tool is recognized as the best in Europe according to reviews.

Application Dantinorm Baby

Despite the fact that the tool is completely safe for children, parents need to know how to properly apply it. The drug is available in a plastic bag that contains 5 doses. It should be applied 3 times a day, when there is an intense dentition. And to relieve pain, one trick per day is enough.

Order of use Dantinorm Baby:

  • Homeopathic remedy Dantinorm BabySeparate the bag from the rest.
  • The container is opened and buried in the mouth of the child.
  • To the next reception should take at least 3 hours.

Packaging Dantinorm Baby is made so convenient that it makes it possible to use the drug even on the street. The drug begins to act within 10 minutes after consumption.

When teething in children, special ointments and gels are often used. These remedies relieve pain well, but the impact is local in nature. The drug Dantinorm Baby affects the body as a whole, which solves more problems. BUT natural composition does not cause allergies in the child.

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug has a number merits:

  • Dantinorm Baby can be used at any age.
  • Pharmacy chamomile, which is part of, helps to reduce the temperature, rhubarb - improves digestion, ivy extract - removes inflammation of the gums.
  • Dantinorm Baby can be used with any medication.
  • The composition does not contain preservatives.
  • Sold in a pharmacy without a prescription.
  • Convenient packaging, each capsule corresponds to a single dose.
  • Does not adversely affect long-term use.

But Dantinorm Baby has limitations: to get the result, the drug must be applied for at least 3 days, the medicine is quite expensive.


Despite the natural composition of the medicine, it has its own characteristics:

  • A single dose of dantinorm baby is enough at onceIf the child has other inflammatory reactions that are not associated with teething, then the tool should not be used.
  • One dose of medicine is packaged in a capsule and should not be increased. If you do not have enough three techniques Dantinorm Baby a day, then you need to contact the clinic.
  • Do not use the drug if the child has intolerance one of the components. The first time it is recommended to take the medicine before meals and carefully monitor the condition of the child. If side effects are not identified, then you can safely use the drug.

The only ones side effects Dantinorm Baby, about which you can read in the reviews, it is a rash and lack of effect of relieving pain.

Opinion of experts

Dentists have a positive attitude towards Dantinorm Baby, this is due to its effectiveness and natural composition. But there are some notes:

  • The drug should be used only after consultation with a doctorThis will avoid many troubles. Parents are not able to calculate all the factors that affect the health of the baby.
  • Take the drug you need, just following the instructions and instructions of the doctor.
  • The medicine works from the inside, and for this it is necessary that the child's food system works normally.

Dantinorm Baby is a good natural remedy that helps to cope with the negative effects of teething in children. To achieve a positive effect is possible only with the passage of the full course. Price Dantinorm Baby varies between 250-450 rubles, depending on the place of purchase.


Teething in a child is a long process that will end only with the appearance of the latter. My baby started it all in 7 months and immediately 4 pieces. I have already learned to determine that if the gum is swollen, then sleepless nights will soon begin. At the child appetite vanishes, whims and a bad dream begin.

Before using Dantinorm Baby, you need to consult a pediatrician.On the recommendation of the pediatrician, we tried a lot of tools, we have accumulated a whole regiment. Here are some of them:

  • Kangel - showed itself well, due to the content of lidocaine, very well relieves pain. But the effect was short-term and had to be combined with other drugs.
  • Gol Holisal is not a bad remedy, but it can be used only after a year, and our teeth started to appear much earlier.
  • Gel Bey doctor first teeth - well eliminated gum disease, but not the pain effect. Used with other drugs.

This is only a small part of the tools that we used to find the most effective. In choosing I helped reviews on the Internet. The last of the drugs were drops of Dantinorm Baby. Completely natural composition of the drug is very pleased. In the box are 2 bags that contain 5 ampoules. The drug is better to give the child before meals. It is not worth waiting for an instant result from a homeopathic medicine, our improvement came only on the second day. The child began to behave calmer, but the anesthetic effect did not appear, I had to use other ointments.

I gave drops according to the instructions 3 times a day, the packaging was enough for 3 days. Given the cost of 300 rubles, it turned out not too cheap, and all this without anesthetic effect. The drug did not fully meet my expectations, it eased the condition of the child, but not to the end.

To mitigate the condition of the baby when teething, you can:

  • Doing massage gums finger, be sure to clean.
  • Give the child a small piece of a chilled apple, but you need to watch carefully so that he does not choke.

Dantinorm Baby should be applied according to the instructions.Moms know how much the appearance of milk teeth in a child causes. He starts to act up, eat poorly, the temperature rises. In the pharmacy we were advised to drop Dantinorm Baby. As soon as the daughter began to sleep poorly and was constantly capricious, we began to give the drug. Used strictly according to the instructions 3 times a day. There are 10 capsules in the package, which is enough for a course of 3-4 days. The top of the capsule breaks off easily, my daughter really liked the taste.

After completing the full course, the child began to behave calmer, sleep returned to normal, and appetite improved. But after 4 days everything was back. In the instructions, except for the dosage and time of admission, it is not written when you can take a second course. Our pediatrician did not know either. I began to independently give 1 capsule at night. The child began to fall asleep again normally, only with this they were saved. I did not find any side effects.


Teething is a painful process that cannot be avoided by any child. To facilitate the process, we pediatrician advised drops Dantinorm Baby. The solution refers to homeopathic medicines and is taken orally.

The package contains the composition and detailed instructions. We took drops as needed. I was very surprised that the solution has no taste and smell. But at the same time, the baby calms down for 30 minutes.

The medicine has remained very pretty, this is our magic wand.


All babies have their teeth cut differently. For us it was a disaster, which was repeated time after time. It all started in six months, when he went to sleep, and then woke with a cry at 11 o'clock and cried without ceasing for an hour.No books and toys could distract. And then I began to look for any options.

The first thing we tried was Kangel, after reading reviews on the Internet. The application did not give any visible effect, while the child did his best to interfere with the procedure.

The second remedy was Kamistad, due to the lidocaine content, should have been well anesthetized. But the child did not like it very much, he cried without ceasing.

Then the pediatrician advised Holistal, but he did not have the desired effect on his son.

One day, Dad brought Dantinorm Baby from the pharmacy and it was our salvation. The first moment that surprised us was that the child was happy to take drops. We did not expect an immediate effect from the reception, but on the very first night my son fell asleep without whims. And now, as with the first signs of the emergence of new teeth, I give the child Dantinorm Baby 2 times a day.

Means for gums when teething in children
Anesthetic Kalgel gelGel kamistadGel DentinoxGel Dr. Baby First teethGel Pensoral First teethHomeopathic remedy Dantinorm Baby is assigned to children from birth to six years


