Now a very topical question for young mothers: is it possible to treat teeth during breastfeeding. Virtually every nursing woman is faced with a dentist visit and dental treatment. This is due to the fact that when feeding calcium and milk passes to the baby. Thanks to this his teeth grow. Foods that contain calcium, do not help fully restore its full presence in the body.
Some moms postpone going to the dentist because of fear penetration of harmful substances into milkcontained in anesthesia. But do not pull to the last. In modern medicine, the doctor will select for you a suitable anesthetic that works for a small amount of time. The main thing is for a woman to warn him that she is breastfeeding her baby.
Treatment during lactation
With breastfeeding, the oral cavity can be treated at any time convenient for you. At the same time, you should not worry that harmful substances get into the milk and harm your child. You should only know that the doctor must be warned about feeding. It is forbidden to take drugs that contain adrenaline. In our century, in many clinics there are low-toxic substances, which, if released into the milk, should not be worried that they will cause any harm to the baby.
If you are still afraid to go to the doctor, so as not to harm the baby, then ask him whether it is possible to numb any other way. Find out all the options, then consult your pediatrician and choose the safest method.
Before you go to treat your teeth, feed the baby and strain the milk for further feeding. After you leave the doctor, you will also need to decant a portion of milk and pour it out, since any anesthetic drug is removed from the human body within 3-6 hours. After that, you can not worry about the ingress of unnecessary substances into the milk and calmly feed the baby.
X-ray during feeding
Many nursing mothers wonder if x-rays are dangerous when breastfeeding.
During lactation X-rays are not contraindicated and will not cause any harm if you wear special protective lead apron. After X-rays, it will be necessary to decant and pour out the milk, and then feed your baby.
If the amount of milk decreased after X-rays, then you should not panic ahead of time. It happens and it is normal. Very soon the amount of milk will return to normal. It is strictly forbidden to implant teeth during breastfeeding. Since today's filling materials are of quite high quality, you can safely fill your teeth. Possible treatment of periodontal disease. Also strictly prohibited admission and treatment with antibiotics. Even in the smallest doses, they are very dangerous and harmful to your child. If you do decide on antibiotics, transfer the child to artificial feeding.
Is it possible to nourish during lactation?
Many nursing mothers, delaying the trip to the dentist, begin drink painkillers. However, they do not think at all that these drugs are much more dangerous than painkillers used during dental treatment. But if you are still afraid to go to the doctor, then for a while you can anesthetize with soda solution, dental drops based on mint essential oil with valerian.
It should be noted that dental treatment during breastfeeding will make changes in mom's life. She will need to think about some things, ranging from feeding to the one who will sit with her baby. You will need to plan your menu for the coming days, in case you need to remove a tooth. After all, some time will have to refrain from solid food, and the baby should receive the right amount of nutrients along with the mother's milk.
Prevention of oral diseases
To avoid problems of diseases of the teeth and gums prevention is necessary. If you are planning a pregnancy, a thorough examination by the doctor of the oral cavity and teeth is necessary. Perhaps the doctor will make you a brushing that will help prevent loosening and, later on, tooth loss; bleeding gums. It is necessary to seal the damaged teeth, remove all foci of caries, replace old fillings (if necessary).
Prevention of brushing is carried out with fluoride-containing pastes after the next meal. Considerable attention should be paid to cleaning the tongue, because a large number of bacteria accumulate on it, which, in turn, can cause bad breath. You can hold and massage the gums.
During breastfeeding, a woman needs an increased amount of vitamin. Eating foods that contain calcium is very important for lactating. Such products can be dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese), and fruits and vegetables (spinach, sesame and others). It is necessary to limit the intake of products such as tea, coffee, salt and sugar.
Help with nursing teeth pain
Relieve and remove pain in the teeth before visiting the doctor nursing mother can be at home.
To do this, use the following methods:
- Using a toothpick, free the mouth from food debris;
- Rinse your mouth with alcohol and put a cotton wool or tampon soaked in “Denta” drops into it.
- If the tooth continues to hurt, then you can take a pill of one of the safe for nursing painkillers. These include: Paracetamol, Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen, Naproxen.
Such drugs as "Citramon" and "Analgin" are strictly prohibited.
To relieve pain and inflammation in the gums use at home the following:
- A solution of potassium permanganate. Prepare it from a glass of warm water and 2 manganese crystals.
- "Chlorhexidine". In addition to the anesthetic, it also has a disinfecting effect.
- 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
- "Furacilin". 3-4 tablets are dissolved in 200 ml of water.
All these drugs need rinse the mouthand not take them inside.
Prevention of caries in nursing mothers
- Be sure to use dairy products (cheese, kefir, cottage cheese).
- The best treatment is prevention. Despite the fact that the baby needs to pay maximum attention, take time for yourself. Visit your dentist at least once every 6 months.
- During the feeding once a month during the week, drink calcium supplements. You can do it yourself. For this you need to take a pair of home eggs (store will not work). Wash them and cook until ready. Peel the shells and grind them finely. Take on an empty stomach in the morning 0.25 tsp with a drop of lemon. Drink water.