Any pain gives a person a lot of anxiety and anxiety. In the age of acceleration and against this background of fast-flowing intense mental and physical processes, as well as full employment and workload of the population and household chores, many people experience constant stress and pain in the head, tinnitus, chronic fatigue, insomnia, irritability, lack of appetite, difficulty breathing, allergic reactions, but do not pay or try not to pay attention to this pain and painful symptoms.
Cause of pain
People suffering from persistent or very frequent headache, in order to somehow alleviate their painful condition and instead of turning to the attending physician in a medical institution, begin to resort to self-treatment. They use advertised painkillers and pills, which for a short period relieve acute pain, but do not cure the very cause of this pain.
There are a lot of causes of headache, but one of them can be associated with the formation and growth of wisdom teeth, which a person may not have guessed for a very long time (from two weeks to a month) until wisdom teeth are fully formed and erupt, i.e. the "culprits" of pain themselves will not appear - these are wisdom teeth, they are also called "eights".
Wisdom teeth growth
So original name wisdom teeth received for appearing at a more mature age, when the biological and mental growth of the organism already stops its active phase, that is, it has been completed, formed and then the stage of development of life wisdom begins. This stage occurs between the ages of 14 and 25 years (plus minus one or two years).
Wisdom teeth are appearing - the “eights” are not for all people, but for people in whose diet dominated by soft and refined food. The maximum number of wisdom teeth "Eight" in humans can reach up to four units, in rare cases, up to five units. The appearance of each wisdom tooth may be accompanied by pain in the head, neck, ear, eyes, and other organs of the face and body.
The problematic formation of wisdom teeth is caused by the evolutionary development of mankind, namely, the reduction of the jaws, there is no room left in them for the unfolded free formation and growth of the “Eight”.
Changed human type of foodbecause it has become thermally, physically and chemically treated, there is practically no need to chew it carefully, the amount of coarse and unprocessed fiber and vegetable fiber has decreased. Consequently, the gums have become underdeveloped and have soft and smooth outlines.
The question is, who and how much wisdom teeth can grow, and how and when will they be formed?
It depends on the following factors:
- genetic predisposition
- the shape and size of the jaws,
- number of dental rudiments.
Medical statistics of recent years shows that wisdom teeth removal rates are growing. Indeed, despite the restructuring of the human body under modern living conditions, when the need for additional teeth disappears, genetic codes take their own and wisdom teeth continue to form in the mouth and grow.
Pain symptoms
The growth of wisdom teeth and the appearance of their crowns on the inner surface of the jaw accompanied by unpleasant and painful sensations, there is redness and inflammation of the mucous membranes in the oral cavity, increased body temperature, the occurrence of pain in the head in her occipital, temporal or parietal region. All these painful symptoms are aggravated in the evening, when a person especially needs rest and proper sleep.
Person experiencing severe discomfort, headache, sore jaw, difficult to open mouth, tormented by copious salivation, or there may be dry mouth and a desire to constantly drink cold water if it “shoots” in the ear or eye if chills or other unpleasant pains occur.
When the process of education and teething of wisdom begins, a person especially complains that he has a headache:
- A headache in a person can be acute, pulsating in the temple and extending into the parietal part of the head or ear, as well as in the eye socket, when the eyeball rotates on the sides and even when blinking, if these pains of unknown etiology occur exactly on that side, where is the formation and eruption of the wisdom tooth, it is urgently necessary to contact the hospital,
- the growth of wisdom teeth occurs in the upper jaw, then it can be intensified at the same time not only with head pain, but also tooth pain, sometimes the cheek jerks, an increase in volume, compaction and reddening of the cheek appears,
- pain, as it is also called popularly, “headache” of the head can be overflowing and pulling, giving to the back of the head and neck or shoulder, this pain occurs with the growth and eruption of the teeth of the “eights” in the lower jaws, but it can also cause and provoke headache
If your head hurts and this process does not stop either during the day or in the evening, and at night also intensifies along with the toothache, then it is necessary to take pain medicine. Then turn to the local GP or better to the dental office to the dentist, maybe your wisdom teeth in the gums cannot erupt and need help with this surgical method.
After all, when relevant medical indications It is also possible to have an abnormal "eight" surgery to remove a tooth or a wisdom tooth grows under a bias in the wrong direction. If this is not done, internal gingival inflammation, inflammation of the oral mucosa, the appearance of a flu and even blood poisoning can occur.
Failure to go to a medical facility in time may result in the death of a person.
Self treatment errors
Person does not understand what is happening to him and thinks it is an acute respiratory disease or blew through, nastily legs and begins to heal himself, that is, to self-medicate: drink painkillers or alcohol, begins to warm and take hot baths, put mustard plasters or banks, make warming compresses or visit the bath and steam room to relieve pain, all these procedures can not be done absolutely!
From the above can conclude: Do not tolerate, even if the usual headache, do not self-medicate, but need to consult with your doctor and find out the cause of the pain, as well as ways to eliminate the cause of pain and familiarize yourself with the methods of treatment.
Get sick and endure pain there is simply no point, you need courage and visit the doctor.