General recommendations after removing wisdom teeth

Tooth extraction - when not to do without surgery?Most of us in life have been in the chair at the dentist. Each person has his own problem: toothache, tooth extraction and prosthetics, or various cosmetic procedures.

In this article, we will look at the more common problem of each person, such as the removal of wisdom teeth and what procedures should be carried out after dental surgery.

Wisdom Teeth: Removal and Recommendations

Not always, wisdom teeth removal operations are smooth and painless, since every human body is individual, has its own characteristics and therefore reacts differently in the postoperative period. Wisdom teeth often cause a person some troubles and anxieties, because they erupt much later than other teeth and are located very far in the depths of the mouth. These teeth do not always fall under a thorough cleaning, and therefore begin to deteriorate early. Most often, if a tooth is started, the dentist will recommend that you remove it, because during treatment it is difficult and inconvenient to reach it.

Wisdom tooth extraction and why?In modern pharmacology so many new discoveries and drugs, through which the removal process is completely painless. But there are cases in which simply can not avoid pain. An anesthetic may not work if the patient takes drugs of a narcotic effect, takes painkillers for a long period of time, and finally, if the patient has an inflammatory process.

Diseases after the removal of wisdom teeth, recommendations

Often wisdom teeth are not perfect in their structure and have certain defects. They, in turn, can lead to various diseases, such as caries, stomatitis and cyst formation. Removal of such teeth requires special attention and the approach of a qualified doctor. What can happen if you do not see a doctor in time?

  1. After tooth extraction, antibiotics may be prescribed.The process of inflammation during cutting is pericoronitis, that is, when the wisdom tooth does not have enough space, and its direction of the horses is wrong. Such a process can lead to the formation of a hood. This is when the soft tissues are on top of the tooth, under which bacteria often accumulate, developing their inflammation.
  2. Tooth crowding is the process of shifting healthy teeth. The reason for this is also a lack of space. This often happens when a wisdom tooth begins its growth at a mature age, for example, by the age of 25. At this age, almost all have already fully formed dentition.
  3. Damage near growing healthy tooth. In this case, the tooth can pinch the nerve, and the formation of a cyst can begin, which is bad for the health of the oral cavity.

After the removal of such teeth in a patient various complications may occur and symptoms like: fever, pain, hematoma, bleeding, swelling of the gums and cheeks. To alleviate pain and suffering after wisdom teeth have been removed, the attending dentist recommends the following remedies for dealing with discomfort and pain.

Complications that arise after the removal of wisdom teeth

Elevated temperature

It can happen after removing a wisdom toothwhen he was in the inflamed state.By the evening after the operation, the temperature can rise to 37.5 ° C - this is considered normal. But if you see a thermometer above 38 ˚C, then you should resort to antipyretic drugs, for example, Rapidol or Paracetamol. If the temperature has not decreased within three days, it is necessary to immediately consult a dentist for advice.

Pain sensations

In fact, a tooth extraction is the same operation, so the presence of pain is a natural phenomenon. As a rule, it appears after the duration of the anesthesia is terminated. Basically, the duration of such pain is not more than a day and is considered normal in the postoperative period.

If the operation took place with certain difficultiesthen such pain can be felt during the week and be acute. If the pain did not subside within these periods and intensified, then this is the first sign that you have started an inflammatory process. In this case, you should not postpone a doctor's appointment and immediately seek advice, especially if you notice cheek swelling or fever.


Wisdom teeth and their diseasesBecause of wisdom teeth are in hard to reach places for treatment and removal, then the injection of anesthesia can accidentally affect the blood vessel. As a result, cyanosis may appear on the cheek, that is, a bruise. Within a few days, this cyanosis passes by itself and is not dangerous. But if your temperature has risen, and a tumor has appeared at the site of the bruise, then these are the first signs of hematoma. Such a tumor should not be started and should be treated immediately with a dental surgeon.


If successful performing an operation bleeding from the well is stopped quickly, still in the dentist’s office. This occurs as a result of the formation of the so-called film, which consists of the remnants of coagulated blood in the hole. The film forms a barrier that prevents infection and food from entering the wound. In the event of damage to large vessels, the blood does not clot so quickly, so the doctor bandages them and stitches them.

What to do, if the bleeding has opened at home and long does not stop? In this case, you need to attach to the cheek ice or something cold. A tampon from a sterile bandage will also help, which should be applied to the wound and bit your teeth for 10–15 minutes. If, after carrying out these procedures, the bleeding does not stop, you must take a drug that promotes rapid blood clotting.

Puffiness of face

Cheek flux or swelling - possible causesOften after the removal of a wisdom tooth, after about a day, swelling of the gums and cheeks may appear. The cause of this swelling is complications after surgery, in which there was inflammation of the surrounding tissue, that is, periodontal disease. At the same time there is pain when swallowing food and even opening the mouth. Within three days, this pain and swelling disappears if the wound heals quickly. At the initial time after the operation, pain and swelling can be eased if a cold compress is applied to the cheek. But there can be complications if the swelling on the cheek does not decrease, but increases. With such a complication, you need to seek help from a dentist.

If you have the above symptoms after wisdom tooth removalIt is not necessary to postpone visiting the dentist for a long time. Inadequate treatment can lead to irreversible effects and diseases like alveolitis, abscess, phlegmon and osteomelitis. To avoid this, it is necessary to listen to the recommendations of the doctor and properly implement them.

There are several recommendations for rapid healing of wounds that should not be ignored:

  • after surgery, one should not climb into the open hole with tongue or other objects;
  • for a day to refrain from brushing your teeth, so as not to hurt or damage the open wound;
  • do not rinse the mouth and, if possible, do not soak or take a hot bath;
  • do not heat the cheek on the sore side, it can lead to inflammation and suppuration of the wound.

Nutritional features after wisdom teeth removal

Wisdom teeth - why are they removed?Many patients are interested in when and what food can be taken not only after a complex, but also a simple operation. This issue must be taken that the treatment is completed successfully. Doctors recommend eating after three hours after the procedure. You should reconsider your usual diet and refuse to accept solid, hot, spicy and salty foods. The peculiarities of this food are irritating to the wound and increase its healing time. Therefore, the attending physician recommends that you stick to the prescribed diet for three days or more, depending on how you feel.

Attention should be paid viscous, soft and liquid food: porridge, mashed potatoes, broth, juice and yogurt. When taking this food, make sure that it at least falls into the wound, so try to chew on the side that has not been treated. During this period, the body requires plenty of drink. For rapid healing will help regular rinsing of the mouth after each meal. This treatment can be carried out infusion of chamomile or calendula. They act as an antiseptic.

General recommendations

After removing a wisdom tooth the dentist covers the open well with a swab treated with an analgesic and hemostatic agent. To prevent bacteria from entering the fresh wound and prevent their reproduction, such a tampon should be spat out after 5–10 minutes. Before the patient is released, the physician specifies which tampon is in place and when it can be removed from the mouth.

It is not advisable to take food immediately after the operation, but it is allowed to drink water (at room temperature). To seams do not go apart after a difficult operation, you should not open your mouth wide. To avoid bleeding and blood flow, you should not drink alcohol, smoke, lift weights and play sports.

Exist separate recommendations for people who suffer from diabetes, hypertension and somatic diseases. They must notify the dentist about their disease in advance so that he will not allow complications and prescribe the correct treatment.

Also do not need to self-medicate and take painkillers without a doctor's prescription.


