Virtually none of the young people under the age of 18 can boast the presence of all 32 teeth, and in an adult this number varies from 28 to 32.
It's all about the eights (the so-called wisdom teeth), which appear much later than the rest and cause a lot of inconvenience to their owners.
Our ancestors believed that the appearance of such teeth means the maturing of a person and the attainment of a wise age. However, now we all know that the process of cutting through 8s is in no way connected with the addition of intelligence, and for some people they may not appear at all.
As a rule, the eruption of wisdom teeth gives a person many unpleasant feelings and in most cases is accompanied by a strong pain syndrome, which indicates the beginning of inflammation.
The wisdom tooth grows and the gum hurts: what to do?
The main cause of pain is that the tooth erupts through the already formed bone tissue of the jaw section, which by this time already has a fairly rigid structure. The elasticity and relative softness of the human bone tissue persists until about 13 years of age, after which it begins to harden and the body is no longer ready for new tests, similar to those that it had in childhood.
Signs of
The growth process of the wisdom tooth is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Pain syndrome. Each person suffers the appearance of 8s in his own way: some pains are slightly noticeable and do not cause any particular problems, while others become just unbearable pain and can even lead to loss of consciousness.
- Tongue, cheeks or gums swell.
- Body temperature rises to 40 degrees.
- Possible complications of inflammatory nature: osteomyelitis (destruction of bone tissue under the influence of pathogens), phlegmon (infection and discharge of pus from the problem area), periostitis (inflammatory process of the jaw bone tissue), pericoronite (inflammation of the gums surrounding the site of eruption).
Ignoring these symptoms and not seeking professional help, you only exacerbate the situation. Indeed, in this case, in addition to complications, you can get a number of adverse effects.
The third molars, unlike their permanent brethren, do not have dairy precursors, therefore, there is no ready conduction channel for such teeth. This creates difficulties in eruption.
Eight can be cut for the following reasons:
- Are commonimpeding teething wisdom
- The presence of osteodysplastic processes (violation of the formation of bone tissue).
- Various pathologies of metabolic processes.
- Violations of the hormonal background.
- Local factors
- Benign lesions in the problem area, due to which gums swell.
- Incorrect rudiment position.
- Excessive teeth.
In addition, the location of the third molars is very disadvantageous (deep in the jaw) and for normal development they simply do not have enough space. Therefore, wisdom teeth often rest on a neighboring tooth or grow to the side, which also can explain why the gum hurts.
In a word, the eights begin to erupt in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Additional reasons, causing unpleasant sensations, while the eight is growing may be:
- non-professional treatment;
- started caries on a partially erupted tooth;
- infection of the dental canal.
In any case, do not delay the visit to the dentist and try to get rid of the pain, swallowing drugs in large quantities.
A wisdom tooth is growing: how does it threaten, why do gums swell and ache?
Even if you find a way to relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process, this will not solve your problem. The eruption of eights is fraught with the appearance of a number of complications.
As you know, wisdom teeth do not take any part in the chewing process, and therefore are incapable of self-cleaning from tartar and bacterial plaque. Yes, and a toothbrush to clean the third molars of high quality is very problematic. As a result, the coated gums and teeth become a favorable environment for the rapid development of caries, which can later affect both completely healthy and necessary teeth.
Teething, as a rule, is accompanied by the presence of a layer of immature cells that continue to grow and divide. The inaccessibility of the location of the eight excludes the possibility of cleaning the tooth from these cells, which leads to the appearance of a tumor or a cyst. In this case, only surgery to remove the arising formation can help.
Due to the growth of the third molars, the teeth adjacent to them are displaced, as a result of which zones (traumatic nodes) appear in the oral cavity, which experience an uneven load. This can lead to poor occlusion, headaches and even the appearance of a nervous tic.
In some cases, partially cut through eights can cause empty space between the adjacent tooth and gum. It is there that the accumulation of bacterial plaque occurs and a pathological process occurs, which is accompanied by swelling and soreness of the gums, as well as the appearance of the smell of rot from the oral cavity. All these signs in the complex indicate the presence of pericoronitis, the consequence of which may be the extraction of a tooth.
What to do if a wisdom tooth climbs, gum pains during pregnancy?
As you know, during pregnancy, a woman is most susceptible to the emergence of various kinds of diseases, as well as unpleasant phenomena, including the eruption of wisdom teeth.
During this period, many wonder: can wisdom teeth be treated and how to deal with the use of anesthesia?
Experts advise treatment of the teeth, including the third molars, not earlier than the 17th week of pregnancy. During this period, the formation of all the systems and organs of the future child is already being completed, so the use of anesthesia will not have any negative effect on the fetus.
Indications for the removal of wisdom tooth
If a wisdom tooth is cut and a cheek or gum swells up, this may indicate complications that cannot be cured by a therapeutic method. So what to do? In this case, the doctor makes the decision to remove the problem tooth. The wisdom tooth must be removed with the following indications:
- The emergence of pain along the trigeminal nerve, sore gum.
- Detection of cysts of the lower jaw.
- With partial eruption of the wisdom tooth, periodic pain in the gums is observed and an inflammatory process occurs.
- The presence of reticulated wisdom teeth. Third molars, which are incorrectly located in the jaw, are called retorted, which cannot be completely cut through, since they partially or completely abut against the adjacent teeth.
- Defeat caries. The structural features of the root system, as well as too tight fit to the neighboring teeth, exclude the possibility of high-quality filling of the wisdom tooth, therefore, it is better to remove eights at the initial stage of carious disease.
When the third molar is cut and there is no opportunity to see a doctor, you can alleviate your condition by taking the following medications:
- Lidocaine vial. Available as a spray. In dental practice it is used as a local anesthetic. The drug must be sprayed in the area of the patient's tooth.
- Doxycycline. Release form: capsules. It is an antibiotic and is used to prevent the development of the inflammatory process. Take twice a day, but first it is better to consult with a specialist.
- Furacilin. Available in pill form. It is an antimicrobial drug, which proved to be good for pustular inflammations. It is necessary to dissolve 2 tablets of the drug in water and rinse the oral cavity with the resulting solution.
- Holisal (gel). It relieves and relieves inflammation. The tool is applied to the gum to the place of teething. Holisal helps a lot when the tooth is not cutting yet.
- Ketanov. It has a powerful analgesic effect, the duration of which is 5-6 hours.
Folk remedies
Severe pain and inflammation can be removed using folk remedies, the recipes of which were transferred to us from our ancestors.
Oak bark decoction. Bark (6 tbsp. L.) Pour boiling water (400 ml), place on low heat and bring to a boil. Then add sage grass (4 tbsp.) And remove the container from the stove. After complete cooling, drain the broth, rinse your mouth several times a day.
Grass sage (2 tbsp. L.) Pour boiling water (400-500 ml) and infuse for one hour, drain. Rinse the mouth as often as possible to alleviate the condition.
Decoction of chicory root. Used for rinsing the mouth. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Chopped chicory root (1 tbsp. L.) Pour boiling water (250 ml) and boil for five minutes. Broth insist 1 hour. Rinse 3-4 times a day.
Infusion of lemon balm. Add lemon balm herb (2 tbsp. L.) And pour hot water (500 ml) and leave for 4 hours. Then strain, rinse the oral cavity 3-4 times / day.
Has an analgesic effect saline solution with the addition of camphor and ammonia. For its preparation you will need: cool boiled water (1 l), sodium or salt (1 tbsp. L.), 10% ammonia (100 gr.), Camphor alcohol (10 g.). Shake all ingredients thoroughly and apply a cotton ball soaked in the resulting solution to the sore gum. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. Repeat several times a day.
If you have a home turnip, you can do the following: chop the vegetable, take a small amount of the resulting mass (2-3 tablespoons) and pour water on it. Bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes. After complete cooling, the decoction is ready to use.
It is also recommended to rinse the oral cavity with a cold solution consisting of water (1 tbsp), soda and salt (1 tsp each).
Application acupressure also help relieve pain. Of course, ideally, it is better to learn such a massage in advance, but a toothache, however, like any other, can appear quite unexpectedly and at the most inappropriate moment. You can help yourself in the following way: find the point between the thumb and index finger on the back of your hand, exactly in the middle and massage it for 3-4 minutes.
The use of drugs, as well as the use of folk remedies is possible only to alleviate the condition of the patient and in no case does not cancel the visit to the doctor. Only a dentist can accurately determine the method of treatment, as well as consider the possible removal of a wisdom tooth.