Hyperesthesia, namely the so-called in medicine, the increased sensitivity of the teeth is not so rare: about 40% of the population suffers from it. If your teeth are irritated apart from touching a toothbrush, almost everything: sour, sweet, salty, cold air and hot drinks and a sharp toothache literally immediately appears - this indicates an increased sensitivity of the tooth enamel.
But it is impossible to constantly deny yourself everything and eat only warm fresh porridges, so the problem must somehow be solved. Can you do it yourself and if so, how?
Why do teeth become sensitive?
Before answering this question, you should understand the structure of the tooth. From above it is covered with enamel, under which there is a tissue (dentin), resembling bone tissue, inside it there are thin canaliculi containing fluid.
These strings form a kind of system that connects the enamel with the nerve cells located in the pulp of the tooth. Inside the dentinal tubules, in addition to the liquid, there are nerve endings, which are give a painful reaction for all kinds of irritants: sweets, cold and sour drinks, hard toothbrush, etc.
The sensitivity of the teeth can be caused by various reasons. Hyperesthesia requires immediate treatmentotherwise there is a high risk of developing other diseases of the oral cavity.
Causes of hyperesthesia may be as follows:
- thinning of dentin or enamel;
- violation of the integrity of the nerve processes;
- erosion;
- mechanical damage to the teeth.
Quite often, the development of hyperesthesia occurs against the background of dental diseases carious and non-carious origin, as well as mechanical injuries and periodontal pathologies.
Hyperesthesia due to dental caries
The lesions are not carious nature of the following types:
- Abrasion of hard tissues due to bad habits, with improper bite and disorders of the neuropsychiatric nature often leads to hyperesthesia. To the bad habits, provoking the emergence of increased sensitivity of teeth can be attributed to the constant desire to bite hard objects, as well as the habit of gnashing of teeth.
- If there are disorders such as deep or direct bite, as well as crowded teeth, the enamel is experiencing excessive physical exertion, which contributes to its abrasion, and the fabric under it becomes open to all kinds of irritants.
- The gradual thinning of enamel and dentin can be caused by night involuntary gnashing of teeth (bruxism), which occurs during strong psycho-emotional shakes.
- The cause of the gum recession can be the use of a hard brush, dental floss, toothpicks, and improper brushing.
- In addition, the development of hyperesthesia may be associated with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrinopathy, metabolic disorders and psychoneuroses. This sensitivity is called systemic or functional.
Bleaching of enamel at home or in the dentist’s office, carried out unprofessionally, can lead to the loss of important trace elements from the enamel, which causes its increased permeability and sensitivity of dentin.
And if this is added to congenital weakness hard dental tissue, then very soon you run the risk of facing such a problem as very sensitive teeth.
Professional cleaning of the oral cavity should be carried out only by a highly qualified specialist, as hypersensitivity of the teeth can lead to non-professional actions of the dentist.
Violation of the integrity of the enamel layer when using dental instruments, as well as excessive efforts to polish the teeth in the area of the neck also contributes to increased sensitivity and destruction of the structure of dental tissues.
Carious lesions of the tooth itself do not cause hyperesthesia. When caries pain is not associated with increased sensitivity of teeth caused by the loss of minerals.
The nature of the pain syndrome in this case is determined by gradual the destruction of the enamel layer cariogenic microbes. However, violation of the rules of dressing and sealing of the wells can cause an increased tooth reaction to external stimuli.
Hyperesthesia is also caused by various damage to dental tissues that have appeared as a result of injury: cracks, splits, chips and breaks of crown pieces.
What to do if teeth become sensitive: home treatments
To reduce the sensitivity of the teeth, you can use medical manipulations or independently at home, using traditional medicine.
Common Daisywhich can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk, has strong antimicrobial and soothing properties. Grass simply boil with boiling water and insist some time. For the procedure will require 1 bag.
Oak bark. It is an excellent tool to reduce the sensitivity of teeth. It is necessary to take 2 tbsp. l oak bark, pour boiling water and evaporate over low heat until the amount of water is reduced by half. Get a thick and rich decoction, which can be used to treat hyperesthesia.
These decoctions are used as mouthwash. They should be applied directly after oral hygiene procedures 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. After some time, you will feel that the sensitivity of the teeth has decreased, and by themselves they have become stronger.
Serpent Highlander. A broom based on this plant helps to get rid of pain, and also helps to eliminate bad breath. To do this, take 5 grams. chopped highlander root and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes.
Melissa and Chamomile. Pick up dry herbs in a thermos and pour boiled water, leave for 1 hour. Can be used as a rinse after brushing.
Eggplant Peel Broth will help strengthen tooth enamel. It is necessary to take freshly peeled fruit peel, brew with boiling water and leave in a dark place.
Sesame oil will relieve you of pain, regardless of the nature of its origin. A few drops of this product are applied on a gauze tampon and applied to the aching tooth.
Useful advice of dentists
And also to reduce the sensitivity of teeth, you can use the following tips:
- Balance your diet: the body needs enough vitamins A, C, E, D, as well as trace elements, which is especially important for pregnant women.
- An ordinary instant coffee can help dull the manifestations of hyperesthesia for some time: you just need to apply it to problem areas of the teeth.
- Refuse for some time from the use of citrus.
- You can remove the increased sensitivity with the help of tea tree oil, a few drops of which are necessary to drip into a glass of warm water and rinse the mouth cavity.
- Rinsing the mouth with broths of Hypericum, sage, yarrow, calamus root makes the teeth less sensitive.
- For a long period, you should completely abandon the use of sweet food, alcoholic beverages and smoking.
- Avoid too hot and too cold food.
- Do not overcool the head.
And, of course, any healing therapy, the purpose of which is to reduce the sensitivity of the teeth, necessarily involves the use of preventive measures.
Prevention of hyperesthesia
The prevention of the development of hyperesthesia is largely determined by the organization of the person himself and his desire to preserve the health of the teeth. Frequent use of whitening toothpaste is not recommended, since the harmful chemicals contained in it negatively affect the tooth envelope and cause its thinning.
To carry out oral hygiene, it is necessary to use a paste that contains fluoride. And also you can apply special rinses, especially those that contain calcium. However, it must be said that the effectiveness of these toothpastes is much lower than the professional tools that are used in a dental office.
This is especially important if you want to relieve symptoms of hyperesthesia, and the full restoration of weakened tooth enamel, which has lost a large number of minerals. After all, the thinned layer of enamel opens the way to the development of caries.
There are several types of semi-professional and fairly effective tools that can be purchased commercially. Drugs that make teeth less sensitive: Elmex gel and mineralized gel R.O.C.S. Medical Minerals. You can learn more about the use of these drugs by reading the instructions attached to them.
Avoid eating foods and drinks that contain aggressive substances, such as acids. Their regular exposure to the oral cavity can cause rapid thinning of the tooth enamel, which, in turn, will lead to the emergence of pain.
Not worth it gnaw hard foods and objects, endangering the health of their teeth. In addition, the observance of some rules will help to avoid the development of hyperesthesia:
- Do not use aggressive methods of influence on dental tissues, such as using lemon juice, as well as cleaning with soda or salt to whiten enamel;
- Do not forget about daily oral hygiene procedures;
- Eat more foods containing fluoride and calcium to help reduce the risk of hyperesthesia;
- for brushing your teeth, use only high-quality toothpaste and a toothbrush, which is to be replaced when loose;
- after eating food containing acid do not forget to rinse your mouth with warm water;
- Visit your dentist regularly for a routine checkup.
To prevent tooth sensitivity is much easier than getting rid of it.
Dental treatment of tooth sensitivity
A visit to the doctor will help you get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as hyperesthesia. In the arsenal of dentists there are a large number of different tools and ways to prevent tooth hypersensitivity:
- Defect Filling. The procedure is carried out with the aim of reducing the hypersensitivity that occurs with wedge-shaped and carious defects.
- Laser therapy. This modern and quite effective technique is used to relieve the patient from pain. Under the action of a laser beam, the endings of the dentinal tubules are sealed, which limits the movement of fluid inside the tooth.
- The closure of the bare dentinal tubules. This helps to reduce the message of the tooth pulp to the environment. For this purpose, topcoats, adhesives and medical sealants are used.
- Depulping Removal of the dental nerve is an extreme option if previous methods have not yielded the desired result.
For the prevention and treatment of the possible effects of neglected hyperesthesia, it is recommended at the first sensations of oral discomfort. consult a specialist.
When the sensitivity of teeth is exacerbated, the oral microflora changes, which can lead to the appearance of pathogenic plaque and the development of caries, followed by increased hyperesthesia, hyperplasia or gingival recession, and the onset of other diseases.