What to do if a tooth ache after filling the canal?

Hurts a tooth after fillingEvery person has experienced a toothache. In this case, an urgent need to consult a doctor to undergo the necessary treatment. It would seem that after this all the unpleasant sensations must pass. However, sometimes even after filling the canal pain persists.

The reasons

Tooth treatment is an intervention in the functioning of the body. Naturally, after such a procedure pain may remain for several daysthat will subside every day. If the gum was damaged during the treatment, the tooth will stop hurting after 1-1.5 weeks. When the unpleasant sensation only intensifies, it speaks of possible problems and complications.

Most often the tooth aches after filling for such reasons:

  • Sensitivity to cold and hot food, which occurs due to the involvement of soft tissues in the treatment process. In most cases, the tooth quickly gets used to the foreign body and hurts more when exposed to heat and cold.
  • When running dental disease inflammation can go to the soft tissues of the gums. First of all, the hard part of the tooth is destroyed, after which the infection penetrates the pulp. If you do not start treatment, the disease will affect the periodontium, as well as the root of the tooth. Therefore, it is important to cure pulpit before filling the canal. If any of the parts remain undertreated, then even under the filling the pain will increase. With the development of periodontitis, symptoms such as fever and general weakness are usually observed. It is important to note that during a visual examination, even an experienced dentist will not notice pulp inflammation, so you will have to remove the filling.
  • If a teeth hurt after filling the canals, the reason may be intolerance to filling material. So, in some cases, there is an allergy to silver. The dentist can guess the presence of an allergic reaction to the formation of a rash and severe skin itching in a patient.
  • The dental instrument may break down during the filling process. Accordingly, the debris is likely to remain in the oral cavity. To eliminate such a cause of discomfort, it is necessary to take a picture immediately after treatment.
  • Inexperienced doctors sometimes inflammatory tissue not completely removed. Moreover, in the treatment of caries there is a chance of burns of the pulp, which is why after the filling, the development of the inflammatory process will begin. Naturally, in this case, the tooth will hurt very much. If acids were used during the treatment, then injury to hard tissues is possible.
  • Severe pain can cause gap formation between filling and crown, as well as getting a significant amount of filling material inside the tooth.
  • After a few months and even years after professional tooth treatment, the filling may be damaged, due to which the tooth starts to hurt unbearably. This is due to the wear of the material, as a result of which the cavity is not tightly closed. Respectively, between tooth and the filling itself appears a gap where plaque is formed, and where food particles get. All this provokes the development of inflammation.
  • Sometimes teeth hurt after filling, which was performed recently. This is due to damage or loss of filling caused by insufficient or improper preparation of the tooth for treatment.
  • If the canal was sealed, the cause of the pain is violation of technology.

What to do in case of severe pain?

What to take from severe painMost patients at dental centers after the treatment of teeth feel pain. Do not immediately go to the reception, if the tooth does not hurt very much. It is enough to wait 2-4 days. During this period, the pain will decrease.

If the pain is almost unbearable, you can rinse your mouth with herbal decoction or saline, as well as take an anesthetic drug. When the pain does not go away for a long time, you should not think why it arose. An urgent need to visit the dentist. So, with the wrong treatment, the removal of the filling is performed, periodontitis or another disease is cured, after which a temporary filling is established. If within 2 weeks the patient has no complaints, then a permanent seal is installed. To ensure that there is no allergy to the filling material, the dentist must first carry out special tests.

General recommendations

After treatment is important follow all recommendations an experienced dentist.

  • Recommendations after sealingAfter filling it is impossible to eat very hot or cold food. This is due to the fact that the teeth have not yet adapted to the foreign body, which means that they will react to almost any changes.
  • Within a few days better chew the other side of the mouth. Moreover, it is recommended to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth even after a small snack.
  • To reduce pain, should use clove oil. So, a cotton swab is moistened in this tool and applied to the aching tooth. It also helps the solution of sea salt. Rinsing with such a liquid helps to remove food particles between the teeth and high-quality disinfection of the oral cavity.
  • If there are no pathologies, but the pain remains even 1-2 weeks after filling, you should go to the doctor. If, as a result of a thorough examination and various tests, the cause is not found, the use of toothpaste for sensitive teeth is prescribed.

In the absence of inflammation, aching pain after filling is observed for a maximum of 2 weeks. Painful sensations occur periodically and do not cause any particular torment to the patient. If the pain becomes pulsating or gradually increases, it is necessary to visit the dentist.


