What to do if a tooth ache under the crown?

Dental crownsThe most popular type of prosthetics is the installation of a dental crown. This type of prosthetics preserves the integrity of the dentition and allows you to restore the function of a lost tooth. Modern materials reliably protect the tooth from the destructive temperature and mechanical effects, as well as being a reliable barrier against the penetration of various microbes. However, no one is immune from risks. It is not uncommon when, after prosthetics, patients turn to a doctor for help. And the most common cause is pain under the crown. And why I have a toothache under the crown? What to do if a tooth hurts under the crown? The answers to this question, we learn below.

Causes of pain

Sometimes the crown is placed on a tooth in which a nerve is not removed. Untreated caries will definitely cause the appearance of pulpitis and toothache. If the tooth under the crown is pulpy, then the cause of pain can be an inflammatory process that has affected the periodontal tissue or gum.

There are several reasons the occurrence of inflammation under the crown:

  • Sick teeth under the crownPoor tooth preparation (poorly filled roots or tooth cavity).
  • Perforation of the root canal (when installing the pin or channel expansion).
  • Tool fragments in the root canal of a tooth.
  • Damaged or badly worn tooth crown.
  • Poorly installed denture (the fit of the denture to the tooth surface and gum is not sufficiently dense).

In the last two cases, food remains will accumulate between the gum and the crown, which will lead to the creation of a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. This can cause inflammation or the development of secondary caries, which lead to tooth decay. Therefore, the tooth starts to hurt under the crown. If you experience pain under the crown, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you do not turn to a specialist in time, the likelihood of complications increases.

Complications in the development of the inflammatory process:

  • Flux. When appearing flux swelling of the gums may form, as well as tooth mobility.
  • Fistula. Fistula under the crown appears in the absence of proper treatment of the flux.
  • Cyst. The appearance of a cyst is the last stage of periodontitis. The main symptoms of the appearance of cysts: swelling of the gums, pain when biting. But sometimes the symptoms may be absent.

What to do if a tooth hurts under the crown?

Painful tooth

The first step is to visit a dentist. The doctor will assess the condition of the crown and tooth, and then prescribe the appropriate treatment. Treatment depends on the stage of the inflammatory process and the reasons for its occurrence. Before visiting the doctor, you can take the pain off yourself. For pain relief you can use:

  • Medications.
  • Folk remedies.
  • Phytotherapy.
  • Massage of biologically active points.

Drug therapy

There are a number of tools that can relieve the attack of pain in the tooth under the crown.

Drug medications that can be used to relieve pain:

  1. Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal means. They not only relieve pain well, but also reduce inflammation. But it is important to remember that long-term use of these drugs, without a doctor's prescription, is prohibited.
  2. Rinse solution. You can cook it yourself. To do this, mix 1/2 cup of novocaine (10%), fresh egg white and 5 g of salt.
  3. Gadgets with hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Rinsing soda solution. For this dissolve 1 tsp. soda in a glass of warm water.

Folk remedies

Garlic and toothache

Recently, people have less confidence in modern medicine and are trying to use folk methods more often.

Garlic helps relieve acute pain. To do this, take garlic, hydrogen peroxide (10 drops), salt and water. Everything is thoroughly mixed and twice a day brushing the teeth with the resulting solution.

Slice of lard. A piece of fresh pork fat is applied to the place where the inflammatory process develops.

Instant coffee. A pinch of instant coffee is applied to the affected area. The pain gradually goes away.


Plant-based rinsing is the easiest way to get rid of pain. Any of these drugs can be replaced with infusions and decoctions that can be prepared independently. To relieve inflammation and pain help such herbs:

  • Chicory root.
  • Oak bark.
  • Chamomile.
  • Thyme.
  • Yarrow
  • Calendula.
  • Sage.

Herbal medicine and bad teethPrepare broths at the rate of 1 tbsp. l plants in a glass of water. Boil the mixture in a water bath for at least 20 minutes. Then insist until it is completely cooled.

From pain will help calamus root. To do this, calamus root is poured boiling water and gradually cooled. The resulting decoction is collected in the mouth and keep the liquid in a sore spot. The procedure lasts at least 15 minutes.

As an emergency use raw beets. Slices of raw beets are applied to the site of inflammation.

Massage of biologically active points

Massaging biologically active points of the human body is also an effective method of getting rid of pain. But this technique will not help stop the inflammation.

In order to remove the attack of pain, you need to gently massage biologically active points. These points are located in such parts of the body:

  1. Between lip and the tip of the nose.
  2. In the corner of the lower jaw (where the tooth hurts).
  3. At the intersection of two lines on the palm. It is necessary to visually draw a line from the thumb and index finger.
  4. You can influence the point that is located on the wrist, where the pulse is felt. However, it is necessary to act not with a massage, but with garlic. Garlic must be crushed and attached to this site.

Tooth treatment

Cure a bad tooth - it will the most correct decision. But stopping the developing inflammatory process is not as easy as it seems. In the course of treatment, both the doctor and the patient will have to face some difficulties:

  1. How to treat a tooth under the crownRemoving the pin from the root canal can lead to perforation and root fracture. In this case, the tooth can not be saved.
  2. Re-sealing of the channels can be carried out only after removing the old seal. This procedure may lead to perforation of the tooth root.
  3. After removal of the filling material, long-term treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs will follow.

After all these problems are fixed, you can re-fill the tooth and installation of the crown. If the inflammation affected only the upper part of the root, then treatment can be carried out without removing the crown. A small hole is drilled into the bone tissue through which a purulent formation is removed. This is the most convenient and easiest option for both the doctor and the patient. The operation lasts no more than an hour.


For high-quality dental prosthetics please contact experienced professionals in specialized clinics. A professional doctor controls all stages of prosthetics by radiographic method. This helps to avoid loose filling of the roots and cavity of the tooth, perforation, and also helps to eliminate the presence of inflammation and cysts.

Proper and regular care for oral cavity will reduce the risk of inflammation and toothache under the crown:

  1. Teeth crownsIt is necessary to brush teeth in the morning and in the evening, and also to rinse after each meal.
  2. It is advisable to use dental floss.
  3. Limit the consumption of sweets.
  4. Abandon the habit of gnawing teeth with nuts and seeds.

If there is a toothache under the crown, then it is better to immediately consult a dentist. Only a doctor will be able to identify the cause of the pain and take the necessary measures to eliminate it. In order to reduce pain you can use folk methods, drugs, etc., but all this will bring temporary relief. Therefore, when the appearance of pain is not worth the pain or self-medicating, it is better to immediately seek help from a specialist.


